• 德国电子工程巨头西门子最近发布了套超声波扫描仪可以让孕妇看到待产胎儿3维影像

    And Siemens, a German electronics and engineering giant, recently launched an ultrasound scanner which allows expectant mothers to see their unborn child in 3-d.


  • 最近的一个迁移工程中,我们跳过确定作用域阶段,开发人员直接进入代码迁移阶段

    On a recent migration project, the scoping session was skipped and our developers went right into the code migration phase.


  • 不幸的是,软件工程中,在分析设计过程结构包含支持直到最近才出现,5仍旧没有普遍使用

    Unfortunately, in software engineering, explicit support for structural containment during analysis and design has not been generally available until recently, 5 and it is still not in general use.


  • 软件工程方面两个最近重大变化测试驱动开发持续集成使用日益增加

    Two recent, big changes in software engineering have been the growing use of test-driven development and continuous integration.


  • 西孟加拉省官员希望挽救这项工程,同时也希望挽救该省创造友好经商环境的努力。官员们最近开始抗议者对话

    Authorities in West Bengal state, who want to rescue the project and the state's image as a business-friendly destination, have started talks with the protesters.


  • 最近工程我们测试遇到了有意思场景

    On a recent project, we had an interesting scenario for our testing. The service worked like this.


  • 每个用户一个最近打开工程列表

    Each user also has a catalog of recently opened projects. A project may be opened after it is retrieved from the catalog.


  • 刚刚描述最近OOAD课上的一个例子,是软件工程系列中的第二部分。

    I've just described an example from my current OOAD course, which is the second in our software engineering series.


  • 总是有很多工程最近截止的事情去做,要应对很多让窒息的,我的压力无以复加

    I had deadlines and projects and people breathing down my neck, and my stress levels went through the roof.


  • 航太工程生物力学工程很早就发现了这种记忆合金直到最近国内工程师们才注意这种材料

    Aerospace and biomechanical engineers have long been aware of shape-memory alloys, but these materials have come to the attention of civil engineers only recently.


  • 最近迁移工程客户机一个大量违背EJB规范庞大代码,而一个应用服务器应用服务器允许这些规范的违背。

    On a recent migration project, the client had a huge code base that took advantage of a number of violations of the EJB specification that the other application server happened to permit.


  • 然而皇家鸟类保护协会(RSPB)最近进行一项工程证明集装箱建筑不必感觉周围环境不相一致

    Yet, as is demonstrated by a project recently undertaken by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), container architecture need not necessarily feel at odds with its setting.


  • 最近几年里,企业之间集成互操作性已经成为软件工程和企业的一个挑战性任务

    Integration and interoperability between enterprises has been a challenging task for both software engineers and enterprises in last few years.


  • 直到最近伊朗人禁止电气电子工程学会期刊发表文章,学会是这一学科领域重要国际性专业学会

    Until recently, Iranians were banned from publishing in the journals of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the industry's key international professional association.


  • 有时因为一些大型工程拖延导致一段时间内供应紧张还有时候最近一样出现生产力过剩的情况。

    Large projects will be delayed sometimes, leading to periods of tight supply; there may also be overcapacity at times, as there has been recently.


  • 最近成都公布统一户口制度试点工程细节,该工程将会有效地消除城乡户口存在巨大差距

    Chengdu recently unveiled the details of a pilot program that will unify the household registration (hukou) system, effectively abolishing the differences between urban and rural hukou.


  • 夏季结束了,对该镇著名码头百万美元的修复工程仍然没有完成最近发生的一系列不幸事情折磨着这个受欢迎但是看上去被诅咒了的英国旅游胜地。

    As summer ends, a multimillion-dollar renovation of the town's famed Grand Pier remains unfinished, the latest in a series of unfortunate events to plague a popular but seemingly cursed u.


  • 最近,在墨西哥湾的深海钻井平台爆炸之后敏感罗盘指引着工程进行了钻凿减压的工作。

    Recently, highly sensitive compasses guided engineers as they drilled relief Wells in the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon blowout.


  • 费萨尔·侯赛因,是田纳西州技术大学库克·维尔的工程,他最近主持了633座水坝附近大约100个测量降雨量分析。

    Faisal Hossain, an engineer at Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, has led several recent studies on 633 DAMS and about 100 rainfall nearby stations.


  • 最近建起一个永久工作站并从符合人体工程的角度去考虑了下。

    I recently set up a permanent workstation, taking into account some best ergonomic practices.


  • 据《福布斯最近报道美国70%的工程博士是外国人。

    As recently reported in Forbes, 70% of engineers with PhD's from U.S. universities are foreign-born.


  • 使用RSSfeed浏览最近文档,以便经理系统工程、系统架构潜在客户进行分组讨论

    You can use RSS feeds to browse through the most recent documents for group discussions between managers, systems engineers, systems architects, and potential customers.


  • 最近EverwareCBDI论坛发表作为他们SOA参考框架一部分CBDI服务架构工程SAE模型的第二版。

    The Everware CBDI Forum published recently the second release of the CBDI Service Architecture and Engineering (SAE) metamodel as part of their SOA reference framework.


  • 可用专家《可用性工程》的作者JakobNielsen最近提出了这样担心敏捷方法使用传统方式设计可用性会造成威胁

    Jakob Nielsen, usability guru and author of usability Engineering, raises the concern that Agile methods are a threat to traditional approaches to designing usability.


  • 费希尔是《消费者报告》高级汽车工程最近测试了辆行驶21万英里的2001年的普锐斯。

    Fisher, the senior automotive engineer for Consumer Reports, recently tested a 2001 Prius that had 210,000 miles on it.


  • 知道管理委员会最近网络删掉很多但是你们可能当地图书馆得到,可能是在核能工程图书馆,旧版的FSARs的副本。

    I know the NRC in recent times has pulled a lot of those off the Internet but you might have in your local library, perhaps in a nuclear engineering library, copies of old FSARs.


  • 的建筑师事务所——世界上著名工程包括大英博物馆展厅”(GreatCourt重建德国国会大厦(Reichstag)——最近加入一个欧洲联合会开辟遥远边境

    His firm, whose most famous projects include the British Museum's Great Court and the rebuilt Reichstag in Germany, is joining a European consortium pitching for the farthest frontier.


  • 最近硅谷GOOGLE软件工程拉里·出任我们产品技术总监我们十分感激带来功能努力

    Recently, Larry Sun, a software engineer at Google in Silicon Valley, has stepped on as our Product and Technology Director, and we are so grateful for his input on prioritizing new features.


  • 最近硅谷GOOGLE软件工程拉里·出任我们产品技术总监我们十分感激带来功能努力

    Recently, Larry Sun, a software engineer at Google in Silicon Valley, has stepped on as our Product and Technology Director, and we are so grateful for his input on prioritizing new features.


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