• 围绕着这种最终转变出现方式科学家们依然在激烈争论着。

    The way in which that final transition occurred continues to inspire lively debate.


  • 经过数世纪扩建革新这个宫殿最终转变成帝国时代博物馆

    After centuries' of expansions and renovations, the palace was finally transformed into a museum of the imperial era.


  • 他们获得的教训帮助他们制作工具流程任何操作指南加快敏捷流程最终转变

    Their resulting lessons learned would aid them in working out any kinks in their tools and processes, and speed up the eventual shift to agile processes.


  • 整个二十世纪中,大明宫地段逐渐片非居住区域经由作为流民栖息之所最终转变固定居住之地

    During the 20th century, the Daming site has changed gradually from an uninhabited area, via a refugee settlement and into a permanent residential neighbourhood.


  • 收入支出之间创造差距,既需要转变思考方式,还需要牺牲投入通过自己财务设限妮可最终实现了经济独立

    Creating a gap between her income and spending required a paradigm shift and entailed sacrifice and commitment, but by going into financial lockdown, Nicole gained financial independence.


  • 孩子们最终照看父母时候,确实一个奇怪的角色转变

    When children end up taking care of their parents, it is a strange role reversal indeed.


  • 这种转变必将充满坎坷,以上所说的国家地区一样,最终这个国家变得更加强大。

    The transition would surely be bumpy, as it was in those places, but in the end the country would be stronger.


  • 做我们自己最终会使我们内在情绪的混乱感觉更光明自由快乐的自己转变

    Being yourself eventually shifts us away from the inner emotional turmoil and towards feeling lighter, liberated and happy.


  • 不久之后能够至少一部分工作转移社会工作爱好中去,并最终跨入领域作为一个职业生涯转变

    After a while, she was able to transform at least part of her job into following her passions for social work and, eventually, was able to leap into that area as a career change.


  • 这种模式转变游戏开发者玩家服务提供者提出许多挑战因为他们最终需要支持这个新的环境

    But moving to this new model presents a number of challenges to the games developers, the players, and the service providers who ultimately will need to support this new environment.


  • 赫敏格兰杰的扮演者爱玛·沃特森期待最终获得自由做回自己”。这位女演员最近剪了夸张的“精灵头”,预示着这内心的转变

    Emma Watson, who plays Hermione Granger, says she looks forward to "finally being free, being my own person" - a transformation signalled by the actress's dramatic new pixie cut.


  • 这种转变最终摆脱饮食失调后才发生

    This shift occurred was when I was finally able to let go of my eating disorder.


  • 我们向无肉倾斜后——将越来越多的肉食转变肉食———最终我们会在身体道德上感觉更好

    As we lean into meatless eating — switching out more and more meat meals for meatless meals — we end up feeling better, both physically and ethically.


  • 以前细胞转变制造胰岛素的细胞,科学家明白技术还是首次,他们也相信最终该技术将应用于人类的糖尿病治疗

    Liver cells have been coverted to insulin producers before but this is the first time scientists have understood the technique and believe eventually could lead to treatment for humans.


  • 最终这些囊泡球状变为丝状,囊泡膜转变十分迅速,等不及吸收液体保持

    They eventually transformed themselves from round balls into long filaments. Their membranes had grown so fast that they couldn’t absorb fluid quickly enough to stay plumped up.


  • 经济转变消灭就业岗位,创造出新的工作,最终还是会抑制经济的增长

    The shift to a lower-carbon economy will destroy jobs as well as create them, and hit growth.


  • 他们热衷于观察人员,他们各专长,经历多年历练最终观察转变可以验证事实

    They are keen observers of people, and they have discipline and expertise, honed over many years, to turn observation into verifiable fact.


  • 想象一下一个圆顶看着太阳内部转变为新星,仿佛就站在恒星内部看着等离子旋转,缩小扩大最终爆发

    Imagine standing in a dome and watching the Sun go nova - from the inside, as if you were in the center of the star watching the plasma currents swirl, contract, expand, and ultimately explode.


  • 随着研究水平不断提高基因治疗最终将会默默无闻的转变成为声名大振临床实践。

    Given the pace of progress on these and other fronts, gene therapy is at last ready to mature from a soundbite into sound clinical practice.


  • 转变容易做到,把我所有收到的邮件都转发Fastmail里,最终将要删除Gmail账号但是现在我将要离开Fastmail。

    The transition so far: it was easy to set up, and I forwarded all incoming Gmail emails to Fastmail. Eventually I'll delete my Gmail, but for now I'll leave it.


  • 智能设备宽带网络连接越来越普遍的情况下,也许Apple一向云端推动,能够最终帮助整个音乐产业利用数字化转变之中的内在机遇

    With smart devices and broadband connections proliferating, perhaps Apple's push into the cloud will help the industry capitalize, finally, on the opportunities inherent in the shift to digital.


  • 这些标签,诸如web3.0、业务驱动架构最终用户授权用户中心(user Centricity),就是这个方向上一个极为隐蔽的转变又或yahoo贴上you

    Labels like Web 3.0, business driven architecture, and user centricity where empowerment of the end-user is a great subtle shift in this direction - or as Yahoo puts it - it's about y! Ou.


  • 看起来,是全球化导致了“更替生育率”(replacementfertility)——使人口最终稳定下来生育率——方向转变

    Globalisation, it seems, leads to a shift in the direction of "replacement fertility" : the rate at which the size of a population eventually stabilises.


  • 最终,“律师职业向商业转变,对此一些律师强烈谴责,也有人表示欢迎,很少有人不承认一趋势。

    Ultimately, lawyering is becoming more of a business than a profession. Some lawyers decry this.


  • 本书报道了曾经是巴勒斯坦第二大城市转变。 该城之前因每年出口运输约三亿枚橘子闻名如今却逐渐瓦解,沦为半废弃状态,最终成为特拉维夫边缘荒芜的市郊

    An account of the transformation of Palestine’s second city into a crumbling, semi-derelict and neglected suburb of Tel Aviv, known best for the 300m oranges it exports each year.


  • 这种转变最终摆脱饮食失调后才发生我们常常自己套难以企及的高标准最终又以糟糕情绪结束

    This shift occurred was when I was finally able to let go of my eating disorder. We often hold ourselves to impossible standards and end up feeling bad.


  • 研究者们认为驯化一个很大的转变,野生最终安睡我们床畔要求开始我们看成它们的社交伙伴

    That's a change, researchers say, that required wolves to begin thinking of humans as their social pals if they were ever to end up asleep at the end of our beds.


  • 研究者们认为驯化一个很大的转变,野生最终安睡我们床畔要求开始我们看成它们的社交伙伴

    That's a change, researchers say, that required wolves to begin thinking of humans as their social pals if they were ever to end up asleep at the end of our beds.


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