• 反对欧洲央行成为最后贷款人,也就是说,不允许欧洲央行钱。

    She is against allowing the ECB to become the lender of last resort, aka printer of money.


  • 为了防止出现全面信贷崩溃阿姆斯特丹市只能作为最后贷款人暂时介入

    To prevent a general credit collapse, the city of Amsterdam stepped in temporarily as a lender of last resort.


  • 危机时刻正是职能出现时候特别是19世纪央行作为“最后贷款人”的职能

    But times of crisis are when new functions emerge, notably the practices associated with the lender-of-last-resort function of central Banks, in the 19th century.


  • 国际货币基金组织充当最后贷款人,用外汇储备每个遇到困难的成员国提供短期帮助。

    The IMF ACTS as a lender of last resort, disbursing its foreign exchange reserves for short periods to any member in difficulties.


  • 作为最后贷款人必须做得更多:扩大抵押品范围银行提供更为长期无限量流动性

    As the lender of last resort, it must do more to save the Banks by offering unlimited liquidity for longer duration against a broader range of collateral.


  • 银行来说这种情况最终通过类似澳大利亚储备银行这样最后贷款人提供流动资金来调节。

    And the way in which this is reconciled for a bank is ultimately, say the Reserve bank of Australia can provide liquidity, has a lender of the last resort role.


  • 第三建立健全相关配套机制危机预警制度存款保险制度、最后贷款人制度债权收回保障制度。

    Third, establish and enhance the relative accessorial mechanism, namely crisis alert system, deposit insurance system, last loan person system and creditor's right back insurance system.


  • 如今的世界的确十分依赖中国。 中国其他大型新兴市场经济体一道,成为全球越来越重要的消费者最后贷款人

    THE world is indeed highly dependent on China which, along with other large emerging market economies, is increasingly playing the role of the world’s consumer as well as lender of last resort.


  • 迄今为止无论是中央银行立法还是在中央银行具体操作上各国对于最后贷款人制度尚未形成统一的做法

    There has not been a consensus with respect to lender of last resort (LOLR) across countries, whether in central banking legislation or in central banks practices.


  • 国家可以作为最后贷款人债主重重地收税,或者,不合意地,银行盈利征收重税交易过程中课以“托”。

    The state could charge heftily for acting as lender of last resort—or, less desirable, impose a windfall tax on bank profits or a “Tobin taxon transactions.


  • 最后贷款人中央银行化解个别问题银行流动性困难重要措施也是各国银行安全网主要组成部分。

    Therefore, it is necessary to improve our country's lender of last resort system, so it can face the challenge .


  • 最后贷款人中央银行化解个别问题银行流动性困难一个重要措施,也是各国银行安全网主要组成部分

    As one of the important components to solve the liquidity problem of commercial bank, the role of central bank's lender of last resort is the main part of the bank's safety-net.


  • 他们为了应对这挑战,欧盟相关机构不得不提供更多支持可能的办法是将欧洲央行转变最后贷款人

    For that, they said, European Union institutions will have to extend more support, possibly by converting the European Central Bank into a lender of last resort.


  • 影子银行系统收缩会发生什么关于这个问题存在一个程序化模型,商业银行其中充当仅次于最后贷款人角色。

    There is a stylised model of what is meant to happen when the shadow banking system contracts, in which Banks act as "lenders of second-to-last resort".


  • 如果德国继续反对欧洲央行履行一重要职能国际货币基金组织应该加强欧洲央行作为最后贷款人重要性强调。

    If the Germans continue to oppose this vital ECB function, the IMF should weigh in on the importance of the ECB's function as lender-of-last resort.


  • 周末德国联邦银行总裁Jens Weidmann警告这样购买债券违反欧洲央行的规定否定了央行最后贷款人制度。

    Over the weekend, the head of the Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann warned that such bond purchases were against the ECB's rules, and he ruled out a lender-of-last-resort role for the central bank.


  • 如今的世界的确十分依赖中国。 中国其他大型新兴市场经济体一道,成为全球越来越重要消费者最后贷款人

    THE world is indeed highly dependent on China which, along with other large emerging market economies, is increasingly playing the role of the world's consumer as well as lender of last resort.


  • 尽管很多政客精于浮夸花言巧语,但现实中没有人提议国际监管机构转让主权,更不要建立一个真正全球最后贷款人

    For all the grand rhetoric, no politician is proposing to cede sovereignty to a global regulator, let alone create a true global lender of last resort.


  • 作为(当没人能够提供信用时愿意提供信用)最后贷款人”,央行收拾系统危机中的遗留账单所以他们理应承担防止系统危机的责任。

    As lenders of last resort central Banks pick up the bill in systemic crises, so they deserve a role in preventing them.


  • 确保金融安全存款保险制度和金融监管当局审慎监管、中央银行最后贷款人功能一起构成一国金融安全网三大基本要素

    In order to guarantee the safety of the finance, deposit insurance system, prudential supervision and lender-of-last-resort form the three fundamental elements of one nation's financial safety net.


  • 而且在周一,德国央行Bundesbank行长延斯•魏德曼告诉金融时报》(Financial Times),欧洲央行无论如何都不会戴上“直升机伯南克”的螺旋桨帽子充当最后贷款人”。

    And just yesterday, Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann told the Financial Times that under no circumstances would the ECB don its Helicopter Ben propeller hat and act as "lender of last resort."


  • 担保人日益成为受到信贷紧缩、工资大幅上涨其他生产成本激增挤压制造商最后能够求助贷款人

    Guarantors have become the lenders of last resort to small manufacturers who increasingly are getting squeezed by tight credit as well as soaring wages and other production costs.


  • 此次签署协议确定国际货币基金组织国际最后手段贷款人经济危机中发挥主要作用主要协议之一。

    The document is one of the strongest endorsements yet for a leading role in the crisis for the Washington-based IMF, long known as the international lender of last resort.


  • 联储在以整体金融市场稳定性方面管理者监控以及最后贷款人角色加强宏观经济和金融市场的稳定性。

    The Federal Reserve also fosters macroeconomic and financial stability in its role as a financial regulator, a monitor of overall financial stability, and a liquidity provider of last resort.


  • 欧洲央行行长特里谢今天发表讲话,呼吁银行业增强资产负债表,央行将不会扮演最后贷款人角色

    ECB President Trichet was on the wires and called on Banks to reinforce their balance sheets as the ECB won't act as the lender of last resort.


  • 欧洲央行行长特里谢今天发表讲话,呼吁银行业增强资产负债表,央行将不会扮演最后贷款人角色

    ECB President Trichet was on the wires and called on Banks to reinforce their balance sheets as the ECB won't act as the lender of last resort.


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