• 以下好莱坞巨片里,希望自己能出演哪一部:“不可能任务3”、“文西密码或者X战警最后战役”?

    Which Hollywood blockbuster do you wish you were a part of: "Mission Impossible III", "The Da Vinci Code" or "X-Men: The Last Stand"?


  • 圣杯引发最后战役即将开始父亲为了保护大卫史黛拉英勇牺牲,而母亲也为自己的贪婪付出生命的代价。

    For the Holy Grail triggered by last battle is about to begin, in order to protect his father David and Stella and heroic sacrifice, and the mother to pay for their greed with their lives.


  • 而且不要忘记由于缩写知名美国公民不是畏首畏尾的,一个希拉里扑集体最后战役期间受到媒体关注

    And don't forget Citizens United Not Timid, best known by its acronym, a Hillary-bashing group that got media attention during the last campaign.


  • 虽然一些迹象暗示竞选战役最后星期媒体业亿万富翁几乎是并驾齐驱,但是大亨可笑的自满暗示的更加明显和强烈。

    Straws in the wind had suggested that he was closing on the media billionaire in the final week of campaigning, yet the media tycoon's jocular complacency was a better guide.


  • 令人不安的是,的黎波里攻克已经在其领导西边战役高山民兵组织最后日子里加入的平民出现分歧

    Most worryingly, Tripoli's conquest has already exposed divisions between the mountain militia who led the fighting in the west and the civilians who joined in the final days.


  • 星期二最后的的场比赛,有一道问题分类美国线索是:“他有最大飞机场并以二战的一个英雄命名:在那发生了二战第二战役。”

    On Tuesday evening during Final Jeopardy, the category was U. S. Cities and the clue was: “Its largest airport is named for a World War II hero; its second largest for a World War II battle.


  • 然后广告片突然切入幻想的场景,道奇战马呜呜地镜头前驶过,留下一行大写字体:男人最后战役

    Then the commercial abruptly cuts to the fantasy, a Dodge Charger vrooming toward the camera punctuated by bold all caps: MAN’S LAST STAND.


  • 之后参与了攻打密西西比州维克斯堡的重大战役,他也加入了东部最后一役,攻占北卡罗莱纳州本顿维尔市。

    Later, he led a corps in one of its climactic campaigns, against Vicksburg, Mississippi, and he commanded a federal army in the last battle of the war in the East, at Bentonville, North Carolina.


  • 派奇称为“最后一战老兵”,他曾1917年经历了帕斯尚尔(Passchendaele)战役,在那场战斗中,70000英国士兵战死沙场。

    Known as the last Tommy, Patch fought in the battle of Passchendaele in 1917 in which more than 70, 000 British troops died.


  • 希罗多德是位历史学家,穷尽毕生精力研究历史上真实马拉松战役最后得出了惊人的发现:英雄斐迪庇第斯的著名事迹不是发生在马拉松战役之后而是马拉松战役之前

    According to Herodotus, a historian writing within a lifetime of the actual battle this Phidippides guy did his running before the fight, not after it.


  • 索姆河战役最后一个英国退伍老兵于2005-年,享年108岁。

    The last British veteran of the Somme battle died in 2005, aged 108.


  • 战役年后足够多TIE高级战斗机生产出来最后进入公开市场

    Years after the Battle of Yavin, enough TIE Advanced fighters had been produced to end up on the open market.


  • 拿破仑最后一战滑铁卢战役近代史上的一个转折点

    WATERLOO, the last battle of the Napoleon's wars, was a turning point in modern history.


  • 1876年巨角战役中和美国原住民部落之间战斗战败被同时也是美国历史上的有名事件卡斯特最后据点”。

    He was defeated and killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876, against a coalition of Native American tribes, an event popularly known in American history as "Custer's Last Stand".


  • 九分战役中,赛尔弥可是那个杀出条血路最终砍掉最后黑火篡位者的人。

    During the War of the Ninepenny Kings, Selmy had cut a bloody path through their ranks to slay the last of the Blackfyre Pretenders.


  • 最后1805年在特拉法加战役消灭了法国海军残余势力。

    At last, in 1805, he destroyed the rest of the enemy navy in the Battle of Trafalgar.


  • 采取游戏我们泥泞,我们不得不战斗,战役得到控制最后一个拥有它球员感到骄傲,”主教练杰夫·鲍尔

    "I'm proud of the guys for taking a game that we were running in mud, that we had to fight and battle to get it under control to the last possession," coach Jeff Bower said.


  • 一场主要战役发生通往西面突尼斯的卡塞林,美军遭受重大损失最后隆美尔此次进攻失败了

    A major battle took place at Kasserine Pass in western Tunisia. American forces suffered heavy losses. But in the end Rommel's attack failed.


  • 傍晚法国攻击放缓了。他们还有除了英国其它敌人准备最后战役

    Towards evening, the attack of the French slackened in its fury. They had other foes besides the British to engage, or were preparing for a final onset.


  • 多次艰难战役中击跨托克·塔米的势力最后1391年击败了

    In many hard battles Timur broke the power of Toktamish, finally defeating him in 1391.


  • 最后美国战役主义概述讨论结束有关军事学术的章节。

    To round out the section on military art, U. S. operational doctrine is outlined and discussed.


  • 最后一战地球上,敌我双方斗争对方绝望气候战役远远高于这个星球

    In the final war on Earth, two sides struggled against each other in a desperate, climactic battle far above the planet.


  • 流浪者争取留下最后司法战役落败,也宣称无处

    The gypsies, who have lost the latest legal round in the fight to stay, say they have nowhere else to go.


  • 流浪者争取留下最后司法战役落败,也宣称无处

    The gypsies, who have lost the latest legal round in the fight to stay, say they have nowhere else to go.


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