• 准备全面反驳共和党严重指控

    He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans' most serious charges.


  • 治疗一些最严重的疾病时,适当的药物是很重要的。

    In the treatment of some of the most serious illnesses, having proper medicine is important.


  • 一些研究人员甚至认为,“让某人沉默严重排斥形式之一

    Some researchers even argue that "silencing someone" is one of the most serious forms of exclusion.


  • 由于中西部发表演讲,他决定说明美国历史上严重地震不是发生在加利福尼亚阿拉斯加而是1811年在密苏里州马德里

    Since he was speaking in the Midwest, he decided to begin by noting that the most severe earthquake in American history took place not in California or Alaska but at New Madrid, Missouri in 1811.


  • 影响严重地区杰斐逊教区

    The worst-affected areas were in Jefferson Parish.


  • 1999年公司亏损达到了最严重的程度。

    Company losses reached their nadir in 1999.


  • 还有数万这场世界严重工业灾难受了重伤。

    Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world's worst industrial disaster.


  • 维尔纽斯杀戮事件快速引发了迄今为止严重危机

    The killings in Vilnius have precipitated the worst crisis yet.


  • 6个月美国100多年来严重市民骚乱洛杉矶市爆发了。

    Six months ago America's worst civil disorder in more than 100 years erupted in the city of Los Angeles.


  • 受影响严重那些受伤乘客糟糕是其中那些失去亲人的。

    The people most closely affected are the passengers who were injured and, worst of all, those who lost relatives.


  • 还有新式方向盘,其边缘具有减震功能严重冲击缓冲保护司机头部

    There is also a new steering wheel with an energy-absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.


  • 近,美国德克萨斯州西部也遭遇了70多年来最严重的旱灾,中国东部和南部则遭遇了洪水。

    Recently West Texas in America has also gone through its worst drought in more than 70 years, while floods have hit Eastern and Southern China.


  • 贫穷的国家正面临着气温上升所带来的最严重的影响,而他们对气温上升的责任却小。

    The poorest countries are facing the worst influence of rising temperatures—for which they are least responsible.


  • 于气候变化,威尼斯经历了过去50年中最严重的洪灾,许多商店、餐馆和酒店被淹。

    Due to climate change, Venice experienced the worst flooding (洪水) it has seen in the last 50 years. Many stores, restaurants and hotels were flooded.


  • 大利亚正经历着自20世纪30年代以来最严重的干旱,丛林大火已经持续了很长时间,造成许多生物死亡。

    Australia is undergoing its worst drought (干旱) since the 1930s, leaving bushfires burning so long and causing many deaths.


  • 这些经受严重缺水

    These trees had suffered the greatest water shortage.


  • 岛国社区受海洋威胁严重地区之一

    Island communities have been among the hardest hit by the threats facing the ocean.


  • 美国历史上严重灾难演习之“”。

    It's the mother of all disaster drills for what could be the worst disaster in American history.


  • 毫无疑问,贫穷饥饿过度拥挤两个严重后果

    It is irrefutable that poverty and hunger are two of the most critical consequences of overcrowding.


  • 网络威胁这个国家正面临的“严重国家安全威胁之一”。

    Cyber-threats "pose one of the gravest national-security dangers" the country is facing.


  • 毕竟全世界员工已经遭受了18世纪以来严重工资削减

    After all worlds, workers have already suffered the worst deduction in wages since the early 18 hundreds.


  • 从事接触性运动知道受伤严重运动员往往站着不的人。

    Those who play contact sports know that the player who usually gets hurt the most is the one who is standing still.


  • 森林大火对美国西部威胁越来越大,其中南加州受灾严重地区

    Wildfires are becoming an increasing menace in the western United States, with Southern California being the hardest-hit area.


  • 一首大萧条最严重时候诗,也是弗罗斯特有名的时候。

    This is a poem written in the depth of the Depression and also at the height of Frost's fame.


  • 目前已知100这场称为本世纪美国东部严重风暴中丧生。

    About 100 people are now known to have died in what has been described as the worst storm ever to hit the eastern US this century.


  • 互联网泡沫最严重时期,实体零售互联网很快就要毁灭的行业之一。

    In the heyday of the dot.com bubble, brick and mortar retail was one of those industries the internet was going to kill-and quickly.


  • 然而过去12个月中这些通勤者经历了近年来严重铁路罢工

    However, over the past 12 months, those commuters have also experienced some of the worst rail strikes in years.


  • 先生汽车行业并不了解,行业年内遭受了汽车史上严重危机

    Mr. Varin is new to the car industry, which is itself nearly a year into one of the most brutal crises in its history.


  • 吉尔吉斯坦组成临时政府2005年郁金香革命以来最严重政治骚乱

    Opposition leaders formed an interim government in Kyrgyzstan, following the worst political chaos there since the Tulip revolution of 2005.


  • 一些英国医生指出硬币投入使用不久,就发生了英国严重流感浪潮之一

    Some British doctors have pointed out that one of Britain's worst waves of influenza happened soon after the new coins came into use.


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