• 经历很多悲伤难过曾经觉得难以跨越的。

    Have experienced a lot of bad and sad things, and once I thought these are barriers that I could never break through.


  • 是否曾经觉得失望无助挫败愤怒被污辱

    Have you been disappointed, slighted, frustrated, angered or insulted?


  • 装货是从根本上刺激增压一样,没有曾经觉得面前

    The loading stimulus is radically supercharged, like nothing you've ever felt before.


  • 还有可能,曾经觉得段友谊“很贴心”,变得越来越无所谓

    Or, a friendship that you once considered "near and dear", has changed into something much more casual.


  • 事实上如果曾经觉得自己无法实现本文介绍这么多功能,对了

    In fact, if it felt like you didn't do all that much in this article, that's the point!


  • 曾经觉得上级或者团队领导人没有项目提供足够的支持吗?

    Have you ever felt your supervisor or team leader was not providing enough support on a project?


  • 人们曾经觉得陈旧的教区房子漏风而且不实用(就是为什么英国教会贱卖了它们)。

    Old rectories used to be seen as draughty and impractical (which is why the Church of England sold them off cheaply).


  • 曾经觉得上级或者团队领导人没有项目提供足够的支持吗?你如何应对这种情况

    Have you ever felt your supervisor or team leader was not providing enough support on a project? How did you handle this situation?


  • 那些曾经觉得带备份伞飞行飞行员认识不带备份伞飞行可怜的傻瓜干的事情。

    This way, new pilots learn to regard these items of safety equipment as indispensable, and those who fly without, instead of being seen as 'cool', should come to be regarded as poor fools.


  • 当时只有七岁不得不独自照顾,她曾经让杰里失望,也曾经觉得自己负担过重,她一直很爱他。

    Jerry was seven then and she had had to manage him alone, had sometimes failed him, had sometimes been burdened too greatly, but she had always loved him.


  • 玛利亚·本德福的半自传式喜剧不是人人都爱,对于那些曾经觉得自己是一个怪人的人们,可能电视史最佳剧集了。

    Maria a Bamford's semiautobiographical comedy isn't for everyone. But for anyone who's ever felt like a freak, it's probably the best thing on TV.


  • 远处传来脚步声正是年级开始懵懂无知幼童变成亭亭玉立女生曾经觉得失望泪水如今变成美好的回忆

    Distant footsteps coming, it was the beginning of sixth grade, from an ignorance of young children into a slim girl, who feel disappointed tears, and now turned into a beautiful memory.


  • 如果曾经醒来觉得有点肿胀这种爽肤水最好的选择它可以镇静收紧你的皮肤

    If you ever wake up feeling like your face is a little puffy, this toner is your best bet for calming and tightening your skin.


  • 伊丽莎白完全不明了这些情形,觉得达西是个到处讨人喜欢男人何况曾经认为不够漂亮不配跳舞

    Of this she was perfectly unaware; -- to her he was only the man who made himself agreeable no where, and who had not thought her handsome enough to dance with.


  • 这些命令用户指南中有详细说明,但是可能曾经看过命令的语法觉得如果一些例子说明理解这些命令容易一些。

    The commands are documented in the manuals, but you may have looked at the syntax and thought that it would be better if there were some examples to make it a little more clear and easy to understand.


  • 根据米特曾经说过或者的一切,可能觉得,把自己公司微软任何比照都是彻头彻尾侮辱

    Based on everything Schmidt has ever said or done, he would likely find any comparisons of his own company to Microsoft downright insulting.


  • 先是演讲恭维了几句,然后就知道曾经在富布赖特参议员手下干过,觉得他自己应该富布赖特争夺参议员的席位。

    After complimenting me on the speech, he said he knew I had worked for Senator Fulbright and thought he shouldn't be trying to unseat him.


  • 默克尔曾经说过觉得自己萨科齐遇见无聊。”

    Ms Merkel has said she thinks she isthe most boring person Mr Sarkozy has ever met”.


  • 作为纯粹技术人员觉得这些曾经使用过的有效最令人惊异的产品

    Purely as a technical person, I feel that these are the most effective and amazing products I’ve ever used.


  • 这时离婚念头脑海变得越来越清晰虽然曾经觉得不会离婚

    At the moment, the idea of divorce became clearer in my mind although it used to be something impossible to me.


  • 可是一个人安静下来时会觉得曾经厌烦的那些嘈杂回想起来很温情怀念

    Nevertheless, the time when one quietens down and thinks back, one would miss the cozy racket that used to be so annoying.


  • 可是,一个安静下来时会觉得曾经厌烦那些嘈杂回想起来很温情怀念

    But at times when you are alone and quiet, you find yourself missing the warmth of the disappeared cacophony.


  • 可是觉得这些这些东西不如那个曾经16元钱的蚊帐有价值,或者说,对我们爱情,有价值。

    Nevertheless, I always feel that all these money, and all my belongings are far less important than the 16-yuan mosquito net, which was invaluable to her, to our love.


  • 梅尔文·布拉格说:“电影最后几分钟里,和周围许多人一样深深地感动了。”我觉得我们或者因为失去曾经拥有而悲痛或者希冀有所保留

    Here's Melvyn Bragg: "it seemed to me in the final minutes of that film, when like many around me I was deeply moved, that we either mourn the loss of what we had or wish to retain a version of it."


  • 曾经参加第一峰会的一些觉得尽管谈判充满分歧,但是一些新的事情发生

    To some who were there at the original summit, there was a feeling that something momentus was taking place despite the negotiations being fraught with disagreements.


  • 觉得看起来美丽,打磨精致,有点磨损,古色古香,觉得曾经反复使用过的舂杵。

    I just thought it was beautiful to look at and had a well-honed, worn look, and a patina that made me feel that it was used - and used again and again.


  • 虽然作为一个英国家长欣赏英国仅为6星期暑假对于曾经是个美国男孩仍然觉得有些荒唐。

    As a parent in Britain I applaud the six-week summer break, but the American boy in me still finds it ridiculously brief. It doesn't give you enough time to get bored, much less dangerously inventive.


  • 虽然作为一个英国家长欣赏英国仅为6星期暑假对于曾经是个美国男孩仍然觉得有些荒唐。

    As a parent in Britain I applaud the six-week summer break, but the American boy in me still finds it ridiculously brief. It doesn't give you enough time to get bored, much less dangerously inventive.


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