• 他们仁义的标准里,坏人,好人有曾史

    According to their standards, Jie and Robber Zhi were evil persons, while Zen Can and Shi You were kind.


  • “她揭露学家心照不派有意性别歧视,开始纠正记录表明妇女半边天

    Exposing historians tacit and intentional sexism, herstorians set out to correct the record—to show that women had held up half the historical sky.


  • 然而提高收购主要原因平息贝尔股东雇员不满情绪;他们扬言要破坏桩交易

    The main reason for improving the offer, however, was to overcome disaffection among Bear's employees and shareholders, who had threatened to torpedo the deal.


  • 整个周末傻瓜”,摩根。柏路克导演了“”,这部纪录片就是对它的回应

    Over the weekend, I watched "Fathead", a documentary produced in reaction to Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size me".


  • 协助重构汽车行业蒂文·拉特纳,告诉我们如何能把企业管理行业协会共同搭桥,并网上实现新的大众汽车工厂的组建。

    Steven Rattner, who helped restructure the automobile industry, tells the story of getting a new General Motors plant online in Michigan by bringing management and unions together.


  • 永远硬汉西尔维斯特·泰龙受雇打扫员。

    Sylvester Stallone, always the tough guy, was once employed as a lion cage cleaner.


  • 通用之前,蔡澈的前任瑞普承诺,会推出塞德斯燃料电池汽车2004,款车从未离开实验室走向市场。

    Even earlier, Zetsche's predecessor, Jurgen Schrempp, had promised a Mercedes fuel cell car 2004, and it never left the laboratory.


  • 他们均最近接触参与照顾儿童

    All had a history of recent contact with diseased birds or had been involved in caring for the child.


  • 钟爱特写镜头,说:“象征性电影艺术”,上映的影片中一览无遗,影评们可能会为她赢得奥斯卡奖。

    Swinton's passion for close-ups--where she says "figurative cinema becomes art"--is evident in her new film, which critics say may earn her an Oscar.


  • 一家主要生产猪流感疫苗的制造商——葛兰素克公司GSK),今年10月声称,收到4.400亿辅助剂疫苗的订单

    GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), another major swine-flu vaccineproducer, announced in October that it had received orders for 440million doses of vaccine containing adjuvant.


  • 那里遇见了一个犹太人名叫阿桂拉,原藉本都,妻子普黎最近意大利因为喀劳狄所有犹太人离开罗马。保禄就投他们那里。

    There he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, following a decree of the Emperor Claudius which ordered all Jews to leave Rome.


  • 研究最后分析基于106例WHIMS随访研究阶段妇女形成-22名既往服用激素替代治疗84名在65运用激素替代治疗的妇女。

    The study's final analysis was based on 106 women who developed dementia during the WHIMS follow-up period - 22 of whom reported prior HRT use and 84 with no HRT history before age 65 years.


  • 年前提利昂读到逃脱贝勒魔掌《非自然》的残片但是怀疑巴斯著作是否有幸跨越得意留存。

    Ten years ago, Tyrion had read a fragment of Unnatural History that had eluded the Blessed Baelor, but he doubted that any of Barth's work had found its way across the narrow sea.


  • 其实昨天才发现蒂文出事那天晚上了一条短信给我,茉莉喝酒去,因为杰克生气了。

    In reality, I found a message from Steven in my mobile phone yesterday. He told me that he would accompany Molly to have a drink because she got angry with Jack.


  • 雨果小说创作强烈意识产生了深刻影响

    The strong consciousness of depicting histories of Hugo?s novel creation had affected Zengpu deeply.


  • 据说丹福莱佛士爵士选定此岛屿最佳转运港口而不是新加坡

    Stamford Raffles is believed to have considered Karimun island instead of Singapore island when looking for a settlement.


  • 密斯从事餐饮服务行业因为他年仅15很喜欢

    Stanton Smith had worked in the food service industry since he was 15 years old, and he loved it.


  • 泛美航空韦斯特的木结构建筑现在变成了凯莉加勒比烤肉啤酒的老板出演过《壮志凌云》女影星凯莉•麦吉利斯。酒吧的机翼造型象征着此地航空中的重要地位

    The Key West wood frame structure is now Kelly's Caribbean Bar Grill and Brewery, owned by Top Gun star Kelly McGillis, with its wing-shaped bar nodding to the spot's place in aviation history.


  • 介绍13~18世纪物理学科技名噪一时一类永动机设计方案的破灭。

    The downfall of the designs of the first perpetual motion engine is introduced, which is well known in the history of the physics and technology from 13th to 18th century.


  • 武侠文学社会风俗意义被提升到维系人伦、端正民俗高度

    The social custom history meaning of dramatic romances literature has had high value of holding humans relations together and correcting folk-custom.


  • 预防接种不详,前额右肘外伤清创缝合术

    No details about inoculation history. debridement and suturing operation ever received for right forehead and right elbow due to trauma.


  • 警告黑人妇女说,不要单单以一种传统”来替换她们排斥在外的那个传统。

    Spillers also cautions against merely substituting a "counter-tradition" for the one from which black women have been excluded.


  • 我们以前看过的迂回曲折的来哲林巨更为黑暗阴谋震惊打击读者看到天空中的飞车一样。

    The darker plot than we're used to twists and turns like a Slytherin snake, while shocks hit the reader like a muggle seeing a flying car in the sky.


  • 根据美国心脏协会的统计,超过1300万美国CAD并且有750万人遭受心脏病发作。

    According to the American heart Association, more than 13 million Americans have a history of CAD and 7.5 million have experienced an acute heart attack.


  • 帝夫我们朋友,」亚瑟抱怨,「而且认为一朝是朋友就永远是朋友。」

    "Steve said we were friends, " Yaser complained. "And I thought friends were friends forever.


  • 帝夫我们朋友,」亚瑟抱怨,「而且认为一朝是朋友就永远是朋友。」

    "Steve said we were friends, " Yaser complained. "And I thought friends were friends forever.


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