• 研究对象没有一人超重但是的路程长的医生的路程短的医生瘦。

    No one in the study was overweight; but the "long-distance" doctors were thinner than the "short-distance" doctors.


  • 感谢遗憾就是感谢生命馈赠;感谢遗憾,前方的才会平坦

    Thanking pity is thanking the gift of life. Thanking pity makes our way more smooth in front!


  • 一个甚至明显信号避免呼吸困难,楼梯而是电梯吗?

    An even more telltale sign: Do you take the elevator instead of the stairs to avoid this feeling?


  • 也许时间这儿来游客来说是一件好事,僻静古道增添了魅力

    Perhaps this just makes it all the more charming for the few visitors who have the time to walk sections of this lonely road.


  • 需要不断自己,我是不是一条简单一直这样下去

    I need to continuously ask myself, do I want to take the easy road and settle?


  • 据推测工资人们感受到时间压力不会那么大如果工资并不高,他们可能发现容易自己步伐从而避免给自己压力

    Presumably, lower pay would lead people to feel less time pressure: If they aren't being paid much, they may find it easier to go at their own pace and avoid getting stressed out.


  • 就在感觉好一点时候又一个弹冒了出来这个臭,他挥舞着胳膊试图将臭气扇

    He had just started to feel better, when another urge came on. This one sounded like a diesel engine revving, and smelled worse.


  • 那么呆在家的就会朋友一起电影——恐怖片么? 其实大家喜欢的喜剧路线的恐怖片,而不是咒怨那种吓死人偿命的。

    If people do not want to dress up and go to a party, it is also common to get together with friends and watch scary movies.


  • 我们来到法国阿登地区时,变得越来越,上坡的路变得了。

    The terrain became increasingly tough as we approached the Ardennes region in France, the climbs becoming longer and steeper.


  • 必须是从适合的别叫位置离开向前开心

    And I have to say I'm happier to have moved on from gigs where I didn't fit.


  • 那么还有严重的担忧,就是很多IT工作者承认以前的职业光芒不再,他们也不愿意自己子女他们的职业

    Worse yet, many IT professionals admit that they themselves don't feel comfortable ushering their own children down a career path so fraught with land mines.


  • 现在向大家一点:基因组学中一个中心法则深刻的法则,强壮棒打不

    So, I might as well suggest that genomics has a dogma that is more profound, I think, than the Central dogma, and more robust to boot.


  • 希望访客容易的跟着你的意愿就是设计运用心理学主要原因

    This is the main reason for taking psychology into account in your designs. You want to make it more likely your visitors will do what you want.


  • 顺着思路传达信息听者思路方向一致说服效果最好,能轻易被听者思维理解的想法容易接受。

    Go with the flow: persuasion is strongest when the message and audience are heading in the same direction. Thoughts which come into the audience's mind more readily are likely to be more persuasive.


  • 如果练习就去参加比赛,你会很快上气不接下气不得不停下来或者严重的你也许为受伤。

    If you do run a race without training, you might simply run out of breath and have to walk. You might even have to stop altogether, or worse yet, you might get injured.


  • 当然强迫人们些事看上去疯狂,哪个疯子超过自己父亲的路上那么远?

    Then again, maybe having it come off as forced would make me seem even crazier, because what kind of a maniac would go to such lengths to outdo his father?


  • 以色列其他选择要是我们必须使用其他选择,我们在不得不使用其他选择首先设法和平途径

    Israel has other options, and if we have to use those other options, it's better to say that we first of all tried a more peaceful path before we had to use the other ones, "said Regev."


  • 事实上,我们每天的事,而当自己创造路的条件时,你也是自己创造出锻炼心脏增加血液循环的条件。 也就是说,路的越多就能燃烧多的卡路里,就能让你的心健康

    Walking is something that we do everyday and by increasing the pace that you normally walk, you'll also increase your heart rate, which in turn burns calories and increases heart health.


  • 这次西班牙之旅,让相信自己内心的力量,跟着

    I learned to trust my heart even more during this time in Spain, and I learned to follow my intuition just a tad more.


  • 如果5分钟内400米路,年内死亡几率那些步伐迅速人要高出30%。

    If you can't walk a quarter-mile in 5 minutes, your chance of dying within three years is 30% greater than that of faster walkers. (See pictures of longevity around the world.)


  • 或者如果摩天大楼置的紧急楼梯容易了,沿楼梯从下往上气压计长度为单位标注摩天大楼有多少个气压计长度,然后再这些数值加起来

    Or if the skyscraper has an outside emergency staircase, it would be easier to walk up it and mark off the height of the skyscraper in barometer lengths, then add them up.


  • 可能程序困难事情正在开始开始篇开始程序困难教程的开始,正在自己的

    Likely the most difficult thing about programming is getting started. Well, by starting to read this tutorial, you are well on your way.


  • 建树的并非具备了一般优越的条件相反他们经过磨练艰辛

    The successful person, do not have more than the average person superior conditions, instead, they have to go through more exercise, take a more difficult road.


  • 摄影无所不能巫术,拍一个人和事物魂魄

    Photography is omnipotent... it is more like witchcraft capturing the soul of a person or objects.


  • 比起波士顿现在喜欢热火队了,我真的很反对交易帕金斯

    Tim: I like the Heat now better than Boston, and I really didn't like the trade of Perkins.


  • 比起波士顿现在喜欢热火队了,我真的很反对交易帕金斯

    Tim: I like the Heat now better than Boston, and I really didn't like the trade of Perkins.


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