• 因此现在重建石头期待时尚了。

    So it was now rebuilt with stone and looked more stylish now.


  • 自行车他们乘坐欧洲更时尚有趣旅程

    The bikes they had rode in Europe were lighter, sleeker, and were much more fun to ride.


  • 通过配饰鞋子手提包的搭配来增添色彩的冲击,让你看起来更时尚

    Add punchy color and trendiness with accessories, shoes and handbags.


  • 可比传统舒适提供生物力学优点轻质并且更时尚

    The shoe may be more comfortable, provide biomechanical advantages, be lighter, and be more stylish than traditional shoes.


  • 医生做过隆鼻手术现在想把鼻子高点这样时尚好看

    Doctor, I had become grand nose operation, think a nose to make high point again now, such more fashionable and some more good-looking.


  • 如果谈论一个时尚高档地方,你都会不同酒吧设计完全

    If you are talking about a more stylish, upscale kind of place, you will have different bar designs altogether.


  • 如果发型做的漂亮,整个人看上去头发杂乱参差不齐时尚前卫

    When your hair looks fabulous, you look more stylish and fashion-forward than when your cut is shaggy or growing out.


  • 但是一些新的在线时装精品店零售商设计师努力服装变得时尚

    But a new crop of online boutiques, retailers and designers is trying to make plus-size styles more fashion forward.


  • 新版为读者奉献了时尚内容丰富语法训练听说实践机会

    Each unit includes up-to-date content, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills.


  • 然后有个时尚理发沙龙到了这个镇这个理发店的街对面

    Then, a big modern hair salon moved to his town right across the street from his little shop.


  • 要不被体重困扰奢求自己有经济能力购买时尚衣服真的很难;

    It's hard not to obsess over our weight and to wish we could afford more stylish clothes.


  • 这样不仅省下置装费,避免频繁进出灯光昏暗的衣室,而且轻松让你看起来时尚

    Not only does this save cash and time spent in badly lit changing rooms, it is the fast track to looking more stylish.


  • 比如卷起袖子使运动夹克穿起来时尚,把大衣或者衬衫领子立起来看起来年轻

    Again for instance, curling up the sleeves will make sport jacket wear more vogue, sign the neckband of the coat or the shirt to look younger.


  • 细心自己五彩斑斓服装搭上一副小小的橙色手套游戏中彻底时尚

    Carefully for himself in the colorful apparel to catch a small orange gloves and let her color in the hit play the game more thoroughly and more fashionable.


  • 公司也回顾参照自己时尚六七十年代的风格——大规模旅行旅行箱变成黑色尼龙海洋之前。

    It has also referred back to its own, more fashionable 1960s and 1970s styles – before mass travel turned luggage into a sea of black nylon.


  • 美国工人不再需要穿得很古板公文包可以改变一个时尚风格职场浪潮开始冲击传统保守教练

    USA workers no longer required to wear so rather prim, briefcase can change into a more fashionable style, the new wave of workplace began impact to the traditional conservative COACH.


  • 还有6%的受访者认为眼镜看上去时尚,9%的受访者认为眼镜具魅力。该项调查验光师学院开展

    Another six per cent would put on glasses to feel fashionable, and nine per cent think spectacles make the wearer look more attractive, the study by the College of Optometrists found.


  • 头发金黄,打扮更时尚一口流利的英语所有这些都6年来作为一个国际公司公众形象代表的结果

    She is blonder and sleeker and now speaks excellent English, all a result of six years as the public face of an international company.


  • 勒布朗·詹姆斯的变焦士兵VI经历全部转让今年侧影扩展范围光明时尚形态功能范畴

    The LeBron Zoom Soldier VI has undergone a full make over in it's silhouette this year and extends it's ranges into the light and more fashionable 'form and function' category.


  • 此外,在这项验光学院开展调查中,还有6%的受访者认为眼镜会让人感觉时尚,9%的人认为眼镜使佩戴具魅力。

    Another six per cent would put on glasses to feel fashionable, and nine per cent think spectacles make the wearer look more attractive, the study by the College of Optometrists found.


  • 看看会发生什么时,故事符合最新技术美国有线电视新闻网应用塞班智能手机-一个聪明更时尚方式体验世界新闻见解

    See what happens when storytelling meets the newest technology with the CNN app for Symbian smartphones - a smarter, sleeker way to experience a world of news and insights.


  • 今天Twitter新了网站使之能够快速时尚原先被埋没特色链接挖掘了出来以此增加用户使用增强带入感。

    Twitter today updated its web site to make it faster and more modern, bringing previously buried features and connections out in the open, in a bid to increase user consumption and engagement.


  • Release 3.0目标LotusNotes取得的成就的基础上,建立漂亮时尚用户界面使进一步成为一种跨平台产品

    The goal of Release 3.0 was to build further on what Lotus Notes already was, to make the user interface cooler and more up-to-date, and to evolve it further as a cross-platform product.


  • 万维网诞生20年后正在日薄西山,简单、时尚服务——例如应用程序apps——正在越来越少关注于搜索越来越关注所得的时候。

    Two decades after its birth, the World Wide Web is in decline, as simpler, sleeker services - think apps - are less about the searching and more about the getting.


  • 谷歌宣称,这个名为Chrome免费浏览器,可以作为微软Web浏览器之外一个时尚可靠浏览器选择方案现在75%的网民使用微软浏览器。

    The free browser, called "Chrome," is being promoted as a sleeker, faster, safer and reliable alternative to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which is used by about 75 percent of Web surfers now.


  • 谷歌宣称,这个名为Chrome免费浏览器,可以作为微软Web浏览器之外一个时尚可靠浏览器选择方案现在75%的网民使用微软浏览器。

    The free browser, called "Chrome," is being promoted as a sleeker, faster, safer and reliable alternative to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which is used by about 75 percent of Web surfers now.


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