• 彗形星体拥有更多物质可燃烧更长时间进而产生更粗线条

    Comet stars have much more material and burn for a longer duration of time, creating broad strokes.


  • 制造更多物质资料更多工厂造成更多全球变暖两个循环在这里碰头

    More factories making more stuff make more global warming, and that is where the two loops meet.


  • 想来相当讽刺,我们地活当下,反而越多地犯错,所以对未来就会更多物质需求。

    It's ironic because the less we live in the current moment, the more mistakes we'll make in it and the more material we'll have to stress about in the next moment.


  • 类似称之为对称破裂现象认为爆炸马上发生破坏物质物质之间平衡、为宇宙遗留下更多物质的现象。

    A similar phenomenon, called symmetry breaking, is thought to have occurred shortly after the Big Bang and upset the balance between matter and antimatter, leaving the universe with more matter.


  • 使这种循环转起来,并不需要银行家疏于监管给出更多物质刺激:金融系统在存款保险拯救银行以及分红出现之前就知道好年景,以及发疯年代了。

    You do not need bankers to be poorly monitored or over-incentivised for such cycles to work: finance knew booms and manias long before deposit insurance, bank rescues or bonuses.


  • 罗马帝国相比西罗马帝国有很多劣势包括外敌更多物质资源人力资源更

    Compared to the Eastern Empire, the Western Empire had many disadvantages, including more foreign enemies and fewer material and human resources.


  • 更多物质颗粒使得我们生活宇宙得以形成

    There were slightly more particles of matter which allowed the universe we all live in to form.


  • 因为更多物质碰撞很快耗尽了所有物质,只留下足够的物质创造恒星行星我们人类。

    Because there was slightly more matter, the collisions quickly depleted all the anti-matter and left just enough matter to create stars, planets and eventually us.


  • 最近一项研究似乎指出一个事实物质物质最初创造出来的时候,更多物质粒子使得我们生活宇宙得以形成

    A recent study seems to point to the fact that when matter and anti-matter were first created, there were slightly more particles of matter, which allowed the universe we all live in to form.


  • 公司吹嘘说,他们的蟋蟀牛肉鸡肉猪肉含有更多蛋白质以及和钙物质

    The company boasts that its dried crickets contain more protein than beef, chicken, and pork, as well as minerals like iron and calcium.


  • 梅普尔·希尔签署了一份合同,并承诺保证的基本价格购买农民牛奶外加质量更高、含量更多蛋白质乳脂其他固体物质

    Maple Hill signs a contract pledging to buy the farmer's milk at a guaranteed base price, plus quality premiums and incentives for higher protein, butterfat and other solids.


  • 要么伦斯顿学生接触更多化学物质要么他们年前的学生这些物质敏感

    Either Renston's schoolchildren have been exposed to greater quantities of the chemicals, or they are more sensitive to them than schoolchildren were ten years ago.


  • 考虑后代可能我们拥有更多物质财富,我们这些活在当下如何评估他们的安宁与幸福呢?

    How should we-all of us living today-evaluate the well-being of future generations, given that they are likely to have more material goods than we do?


  • 能量激增可能会使太阳更多物质太空送入色彩斑斓的、正在膨胀气体外围之中。天文学家们将这种膨胀的气团称为行星星云

    That surge could cause the sun to blow even more material into space, adding to its colorful, expanding shell of gas, which astronomers call a planetary nebula.


  • 它减少填埋垃圾中的有毒物质又让更多进了消费者腰包

    Less toxic materials go in the landfill, more money goes into consumers' wallets.


  • 越来越开始发现西方文明更多物质丰富相反,人变得越来越不快乐。

    A growing number of people are coming to the conclusion that the civilization in the West is more materially rich but, paradoxically, less and less happy.


  • 效果就是太阳能板中的活性物质吸收更多阳光从而使更多阳光转化成了电能。

    The result: the active materials in the panels absorb more light, and convert more of it into electricity.


  • 通过理解岩石中的化学物质我们旨在更多了解环境压力我们早期祖先影响

    By understanding the chemical signals in the rocks we aim to learn more about the environmental stresses that would have affected our early ancestors.


  • 杨俊可能是因为孩子女性困难的时日里能得到更多情感物质支持

    Yang said it was possible that women with a large brood of children benefit from greater emotional or material support when times are tough.


  • 想要拥有更多物质没有什么而且通过勤劳节俭生活从而追求更优质的生活也没有什么错。

    There's nothing wrong with wanting more, and there's nothing wrong with reaching for nicer things in life if you've diligently planned and saved.


  • 关于一点有更进一步证据一些弹坑壁上更加黑暗物质看起来已经弹坑深处,同时也暴露出了弹坑深处更多浅色物质

    Further evidence for this can be seen on some crater walls where the darker material appears to have slid downwards, exposing more light-colored material.


  • 近几年就意味着拥有更多工作岗位选择更多物质享受,更重要的是居者有其屋

    In recent years, that has meant more job options, more material comforts, and increasingly, home ownership.


  • 因为有机食品含有更多生物活性物质偏爱有机食品,这种做法很值得怀疑,而且也无法得到科学证据支持

    "Giving preference to organic products because they contain more bioactive components is doubtful and not supported by scientific evidence," Knuthsen said.


  • 土壤破坏性常规耕种法小认为有助于土壤保持更多有机物质更大湿度

    It is less destructive to soil than conventional tillage and is believed to help soil retain more organic matter and moisture.


  • 游戏他们大脑中甚至产生更多这种物质,同样的效果常见于病态的赌徒身上,人们认为正是这种物质使得赌徒连输的情况下仍然无法停下来

    They produced even more when they were losing, an effect seen in pathological gamblers which is thought to be what prevents them from stopping when they are on a losing streak.


  • 实验早期发表论文显示证据说明,相同条件下,含有植物试验田最终的确含较少物种的试验田生产更多物质

    In the early years it led to a paper presenting evidence that yes, under the same conditions, plots with more species of plants eventually tend to yield more biomass than plots with fewer species.


  • 交通污染物质往往含有更多金属物质可能肺部产生有害自由基

    Traffic pollution tends to contain more metals, which react to produce damaging free radicals in the lungs.


  • 交通污染物质往往含有更多金属物质可能肺部产生有害自由基

    Traffic pollution tends to contain more metals, which react to produce damaging free radicals in the lungs.


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