• 思古怀旧本不合福楼拜天性,神庙旅中,更多注意的是

    Reverence wasn't Flaubert's line. On the whole, he preferred people to temples.


  • 随着其他网页浏览器日益流行它们开始引起hacker更多注意

    And as the popularity of other Web browsers grows, they begin to attract more attention from hackers.


  • 现在封装越来越受到成品器件的销售人员以及系统施工人员两方面更多注意

    Packaging is now receiving more attention by both packaged-device vendors and system builders.


  • 现在封装越来越受到成品器件的销售人员以及系统施工人员两方面更多注意

    Packaging is now receiving more attention by both packaged-device vendors and system builders .


  • 我们相信需要更多注意评选过程保密避免实际想象利益冲突

    We believe that yet more attention is needed to protect the confidentiality of the review process and to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest.


  • 为了湖人成功夺得他们需要细节加以更多注意比赛专注力加以最大注意

    In order for the Lakers to be successful in their goal of winning two consecutive championships, more attention must be paid to the minor details, and maximum concentration must be the focus.


  • 然而,如果是带有复杂从句或者墨迹斑斑的句子,就需要我们有意付出更多注意力,这样就刺激背侧神经。

    Meanwhile, unusual sentences with complex clauses and smudged ink tend to require more conscious effort, which leads to more activation in the dorsal pathway.


  • 更多注意力集中便宜可再生性能源有机燃料以及更少集中在近海风能太阳电池板政策就会使东西便宜些。

    Policies that concentrated more on cheaper renewables such as biomass, and less on offshore wind and solar panels, would make things less expensive.


  • 食物本身更友好注意更多舒适的食物,大厨顾客之间休战使容易享受到几乎可以在任何地方找到餐桌

    Food itself is friendlier: you notice more comfort food, a truce between chef and patron that is easier to enjoy now that you can get a table practically anywhere.


  • 根据课堂老师的说法,熬夜中小学生表现出更多学习问题注意问题。

    According to classroom teachers, elementary and middle school students who stay up late exhibit more learning and attention problems.


  • 然而综述研究人员之一玛丽·丝·斯皮兹纳格尔表示合理的”证据表明早餐确实能提高注意——只是需要更多研究

    However, one of the review's researchers, Mary Beth Spitznagel, says there is "reasonable" evidence that breakfast does improve concentrationthere just needs to be more research.


  • 综述研究人员之一玛丽·丝·斯皮兹纳格尔表示合理的”证据表明早餐确实能提高注意只不过需要更多研究

    One of the review's researchers, Mary Beth Spitznagel, says there is "reasonable" evidence that breakfast does improve concentrationthere just needs to be more research.


  • 了几英里之后,她注意更多的车也在靠边停车。

    After driving a few miles, she noticed that more cars were also pulling over.


  • 消息是,当我拿出我的玻璃容器时,我注意更多的同学用他们自己的容器把自制的午餐带到学校!

    Good news, when I took out my glass container, I noticed more of my classmates bring their home-made lunch in their own containers to school!


  • 能让你集中注意力,这样你就能更快地完成更多的事情。

    It keeps your mind focused and you'll be able to get more done quickly.


  • 所以我们初次遇到一个的时候,我们应该更多注意饮食习惯

    So maybe we should pay a bit more attention to people's eating habits when we first meet them.


  • 今年夏季旅行中我们可能平常更多注意地图留心我们各项跟踪装置,以便找得我们地方

    In this season of summer travels we may be more focused than usual on following maps and heeding our various tracking devices to get where we want to go.


  • 事实上对于预期妇女某些维生素矿物质建议允许量可以改变她们可以要求某些获得更多注意另一些摄入量

    In fact, for expecting women, the recommended allowances of certain vitamins and minerals can change, women can be asked to get more of some, or watch their intake of others.


  • 注意更多连接意味着更多内存还要注意打开/关闭连接将消耗CPU时间

    Please note that more connections means more memory and also note that opening/closing a connection consumes CPU time.


  • 这种方法要求更多注意细节但是处理多个变更或者复杂的变更时,可以提供更多灵活性

    This approach requires more attention to detail, but it can offer additional flexibility when dealing with multiple or more complex changes.


  • 伯杰:“人们对于传染性疾病关注更多没有注意源自心理健康疾病的各类功能障碍。”

    ELENA BERGER: "People are more focused on communicable diseases and not paying enough attention to the amount of disability there is from mental health conditions."


  • 2010年初更多注意投向英国,投向英国大选保守党——这个强烈的欧洲怀疑者赢得前景

    Early 2010 will see increasing attention paid to Britain, and the prospect that the election there will be won by a deeply Eurosceptic Conservative Party.


  • 就是数据绑定本质能够更多注意到数据而不是数据显示的格式。

    That's the essence of data binding: being able to worry about the data more than the format that presents the data.


  • Conficker工作组一些专家猜想可能作者面对Conficker感染情况时不想引起更多注意

    Some members of the Conficker Working Group believe that Conficker's author may be reluctant to attract more attention, given the worm's overwhelming success at infecting computers.


  • 如果这些念头搏斗试图强行遏制它们它们变得更强因为给了它们更多注意

    If you fight these thoughts and try to stop them forcefully, they will grow stronger, because you will be giving them more attention.


  • 注意更多角色被引入其中这个世界超越原本设定

    I will note only that more characters enter, and that the world extends beyond its original setting.


  • 我们付出注意广度没有报酬,收获的只是更多分散注意力的因素消耗的时间需求

    We are not paid for our attention span, but rewarded for it with yet more distractions and demands on our time.


  • 一个优先系统可以高优先级线程投入比低优先级线程更多注意

    One priority system could simply devote more attention to "high-priority" threads than to low-priority ones.


  • 注意更多关于提供可用性解决方案为了防止失效付出代价比较讨论可以在下面的收集需求找到

    Note that further discussion comparing the costs of providing availability solutions against the costs of the failures against which they protect can be found in Gathering Requirements below.


  • 注意更多关于提供可用性解决方案为了防止失效付出代价比较讨论可以在下面的收集需求找到

    Note that further discussion comparing the costs of providing availability solutions against the costs of the failures against which they protect can be found in Gathering Requirements below.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定