• 由于他们属于职业暴露人群所以无法提供他们

    But since they do not belong to occupational exposure to the crowd, so I can not available to them.


  • 方法收集病例资料检测暴露人群血清中的狂犬病毒抗体

    Methods: Collecting correlative ill cases and testing the serum rabies virus antibody of the crowd who were exposed to suspicious dogs.


  • 方法江阴市狂犬病门诊暴露人群监测报表进行统计分析。

    Method Collecting and analyzing the monitoring monthly reports of population exposed to rabies of rabies-clinics.


  • 单细胞凝胶电泳或彗星试验暴露人群评价遗传学损伤新式方法

    The single cell gel electrophoresis is a new technique to evaluate the genetic damage in exposed populations.


  • 旅行会提高麻疹病毒暴露风险如果未能及时接种,会进一步传播易感人群

    Travel increases the risk for exposure to measles virus and its further spread into susceptible populations if not vaccinated.


  • 然而毫无防护地暴露预防疾病之下则更加危险举例来说,超过90%的未接种人群接触麻疹后引发感染。

    The risk of unprotected exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases is far higher: for example, more than 90 percent of unvaccinated people exposed to measles will become infected.


  • 任何计算结果相同这些结果综合在一起后,它们组成合理图画,描绘人群烟雾下的暴露情况。

    No two iterations of the simulation might be identical, but collectively they build up a realistic picture of the population’s smog exposure.


  • 这些细节日常谈话材料人际关系引火柴可是害羞人群来说,暴露知悉这些私人信息会引致压力的。

    These details are the fabric of everyday conversations and the kindling for relationships. But for shy people, divulging or learning such intimate information is stress-inducing.


  • 建议将预防接种作为高危人群(经常暴露污染危险实验室人员)的预防措施。

    Vaccination is only recommended as a prophylactic measure for high-risk groups (e.g. laboratory personnel who are constantly exposed to the risk of contamination).


  • 研究发现烟雾最浓以及之后暴露于烟雾的人群心力衰竭症状接受急诊治疗的频次增加了37%。

    The study found a 37 percent increase in emergency room visits for people with symptoms of heart failure during a three day period of dense smoke exposure and the following five days.


  • 通过唾液传播亲吻传递暴露咳嗽打喷嚏人群中,或者分享东西例如杯子

    It is spread through saliva and can be passed by kissing, exposure to coughs and sneezes, or sharing things like cups.


  • 模拟人群阿斯巴暴露研究广泛调查结果表明没有证据显示阿斯巴甜消费出现诸如记忆学习问题神经学效应

    Results of extensive investigation in studies that mimic human exposure do not show any evidence of neurological effects, such as memory and learning problems, of aspartame consumption.


  • 专家们相信任何没有免疫力人群暴露新的流感病毒足够长的时间都经历相似的命运

    A similar fate awaits any population exposed long enough to a new flu strain to which it has no immunity, experts believe.


  • 如果非常暴露于这种风险中,那么面临的一个人群问题

    If very large numbers of people would be exposed to a small risk, then you've got a population problem.


  • 我国有相当一部分职业人群接触而且环境中镉暴露问题突出。

    In our country, many workers are exposed to cadmium, and the problem caused by the environmental exposure to cadmium is prominent.


  • 防晒霜已经成为户外暴露日光下人群每日必需品特别是炎热夏季

    Sunscreen has become a daily necessity for anyone spending time outdoors in the sun, especially during the hot summer months.


  • 目的通过人群调查探讨电磁场暴露痴呆关系

    AIM: To investigate the relationship between electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure and dementia based on the population survey.


  • 电磁场暴露痴呆基于人群病例对照研究

    Relationship between electromagnetic field exposure and dementia: a population-based case-control study.


  • 两种人群某种疾病其他负面影响发病率进行测量,来看暴露于有怀疑本体是否与较高的发病率相关

    The incidence of certain diseases or other negative effects is measured in each group to see whether exposure to the suspect substance is associated with an increase.


  • 结果一个结论反复暴露剂量艾滋病毒可能会产生一定程度的抵抗HIV人群

    Consequently one of the conclusions drawn is that repeated exposure to low levels of HIV may produce a level of resistance to HIV in this population.


  • 一些敏感性体质的人群暴露特定的引起过敏物质时几分钟小时之内发生过敏反应。

    In sensitive people, anaphylaxis can occur within minutes or up to several hours after exposure to a specific allergy-causing substance.


  • 前言: 目前,针对空气颗粒物人群死亡率暴露-反应关系特征研究已经成为空气污染流行病学研究的关键难点问题之一

    The character of exposure-response relationship between particulate matter and population mortality has been one of the critical and difficult problems in air pollution epidemiological study.


  • 方法根据花卉种植情况,选择某县花卉种植者进行调查,根据农药使用情况将调查人群分为农药暴露农药暴露组(即对照组)。

    Method: A survey was conducted in one village of Kunming Area, and then the population was divided into exposure group and control group according to the use of pesticides.


  • 结论西昌高山血吸虫流行不同人群暴露方式时间暴露强度不同。

    Conclusion Water exposure modes, times, and intensities of different populations were different in mountainous schistosomiasis endemic areas of Xichang.


  • 结论洪灾造成钉螺扩散增加人群暴露感染在血吸虫病传播动力学主要环节上起促进作用。

    Conclusions It can be inferred that flooding caused spread of snail, increases of human water contact and infection, and therefore, speeded up the endemic of Schistosomiasis.


  • 目的:大气中SO2污染人体健康带来潜在危害,因此必要了解广州市区SO 2污染与人群暴露水平。

    Objective: As there is a potential health impact of SO 2 pollution on human body, it is important to understand the characteristics of population exposure to SO 2 in the urban area of Guangzhou.


  • 目的分析农业人群恶性肿瘤发病率死亡率环境农药暴露之间是否关联

    Objective To confirm whether cancer morbidity or mortality associates with environmental pesticide exposure in agricultural area.


  • 目的分析农业人群恶性肿瘤发病率死亡率环境农药暴露之间是否关联

    Objective To confirm whether cancer morbidity or mortality associates with environmental pesticide exposure in agricultural area.


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