• 举办晚餐聚会决定需不需要帮手应考虑哪些因素

    Q. What are the considerations in deciding whether or not to have help when giving a dinner party?


  • 晚餐聚会,一位腼腆年青人一直冥思苦想女主人一些好听的话。

    At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess.


  • 殷勤晚餐聚会上,一位腼腆年青人一直冥思苦想女主人一些好听的话。

    Gallant EffortAt a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess.


  • 仍然会用各种安排周五晚上双休日塞满。 我会预定午餐或者晚餐聚会,确定购物日期以及其他的各种事情

    I also booked lunches, dinners, shopping dates and events to cram up my Friday evenings and weekends.


  • 半辈子职业生涯几乎都在成功边缘徘徊,”戈登上周晚餐聚会上回忆,“机会是有的,但我都可惜地错过了。”

    I’ve spent my whole professional life swirling the eddies of the margins, ” Ms. Gordon said over dinner last week, and added, “I had opportunities, and I blew them.”


  • 发现自己一个房子里在哪里人们围着一张桌子吃着午餐或是晚餐正如我所被告知风俗一样,聚会上的都是贵族上流社会人士

    I found myself in a large room, where people were sitting at lunch or supper around small tables, as is the custom, I am told, at parties in the houses of our nobility and gentry.


  • 直到大学,学校青年招待所委员会俱乐部组织了一个聚会晚餐我们应邀了那个俱乐部的舞厅

    Until my University hostel committee organized a party at a club where we were all invited to the dance floor after the dinner.


  • 打扫卫生:人们来来去去,又是晚餐又是聚会知道在想“我时间在大家之前打扫房子。”

    Cleaning. With all the coming and going, dinners and parties I hear you thinking “I’ll never have time to clean the house before everyone gets here”.


  • 开始宴会晚餐社交聚会喝酒后来我开始在家中和工作场合喝酒。

    I first began drinking at parties, dinners and other social gatherings . Then I began drinking on my own at home and work.


  • 这个计划可以你们未来共同筹划,可以是一起花几个月时间沿着公路徒步旅行,也可以是共进晚餐参加周末聚会

    By the same team I mean we're working together or planning for something in the future. It could be a camping trip a few months down the road, dinner next week or an activity for the weekend.


  • 这么朋友支持,我有这么多的朋友上海他们了我很多帮助。我非常愿意他们聚会共进午餐或者晚餐

    And how blessed I have so many good friends to support me, and I have so many good friends here in Shanghai, really help me a lot, and just enjoy meeting with them for lunch and for dinner.


  • 更好办法聚会晚餐其他场合当面交给他们

    A better idea is to hand deliver CARDS to those you'll see at parties, dinners or other get togethers.


  • 上海饮食行业协会认为同时提供家庭聚会烛光晚餐餐馆赢得市场

    The Shanghai restaurants Association said restaurants which cover both family love and lovers' affection will win the market.


  • 有人把就业称做晚餐谈话组(Whineand Dine)、职业生涯转折互助教会New Canaan CATS),会员都餐馆、教堂、图书馆饭店、福利院为聚会活动的中心

    The clubs, which have names like Whine and Dine and the New Canaan CATS (for Career Transition Support), meet in diners, churches, libraries, hotels, even in an assisted-living center.


  • 我们经常在收工以后一块儿出去晚餐并且纯粹女孩子们的聚会

    We did spend a lot of time off-set together by going out to dinner and just being girls and hanging out.


  • 台湾公司常有交际聚会不论是间办公室同仁的小聚或是公司的派对通常晚餐开始欢唱结束

    In Taiwan, companies often have social get-togethers. And whether it's a simple office gathering or a company-wide party, the evening usually begins with dinner and ends with singing.


  • 如果适用于所有情况的话,那么晚餐或者聚会灯光调暗可以更好的使人放松。

    If that is true generally, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could increase relaxation.


  • 这样供应:她整个周末时间特会里,享受聚会圣徒共进午餐晚餐孙子孙女儿童聚会里。

    So, the Lord provided: she spent the whole weekend in the conference, enjoying the meetings, having lunch and dinner with the saints, with her grandkids in the children meeting.


  • 终于马文镇( GreatMalvern)参与了玫瑰园艺家的聚会,共度一个欢乐夜晚晚餐讨论除了玫瑰,还是玫瑰!

    I eventually met up with the rosarian party in Great Malvern where we spent a convivial evening after dinner discussing nothing else but roses!


  • 这个周末父母舅舅因为舅舅会举行一个聚会希望亲戚可以一起晚餐

    This weekend my parents took me to my uncle's home, because uncle Yun had party and he hoped his close relatives could have dinner together.


  • 桑登伦纳?桑登?戴特里克殡仪馆火葬中心楼上接待处组织过晚餐毕业派对聚会初次圣礼派对。

    At the Brunner Sanden Deitrick Funeral Home and Cremation Center, Sanden has organized dinners, graduation parties, reunions and first communion parties at its upstairs reception area.


  • 特定日期到了聚会使用肚皮晚餐优势在哪里?

    Taking advantage of your particular date out partying using belly dancing plus dinner?


  • 尽管遇见同事陈述我们大多数都会感到紧张,但有的害羞以至于他们不敢出席聚会接受约会共进晚餐

    While most of us feel nervous before meeting co-workers at a new job or making a presentation, some people are so shy they can't attend parties or go on a dinner date.


  • 聚会可以只是几个朋友聚餐小型晚餐派对可以庆祝生日结婚纪念日等特殊场合的大型庆祝会。

    A gathering can be just a small dinner party for friends. Or it may be a big celebration of a special occasion like a birthday or a wedding anniversary.


  • 聚会可以只是几个朋友聚餐小型晚餐派对可以庆祝生日结婚纪念日等特殊场合的大型庆祝会。

    A gathering can be just a small dinner party for friends. Or it may be a big celebration of a special occasion like a birthday or a wedding anniversary.


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