• 我们去掉显示装配螺丝菲利普斯底部两个

    We're removing screws from the display assembly. Four Phillips on the bottom, two on each side.


  • 装配编辑突出显示事务传播的地方

    The assembly editor provides highlighting to show where a transaction is propagated.


  • CALT英国范堡罗航空展览会上,展示长征- 5号火箭用计算机所制作视频:它显示令人印象深刻装配发射火箭的基础设施

    At the UK's Farnborough airshow, CALT demonstrated computer-generation videos, showcasing impressive new assembly and launch infrastructure of the Long March-5 rocket.


  • Fuze能识别管理上传文件包括零件装配图纸关系可以运用独创的视觉产品结构工具生动地显示这些关系。

    Fuze understands and manages the files you post, including part, assembly, and drawing relationships, and can show these relationships graphically with its unique visual product structure tool.


  • 1显示可以一个用来描述OrderClientOrderService装配图。

    The diagram shown in Figure 1 might be the one used to describe the assembly of the OrderClient and the OrderService.


  • 为了展示汽车状态,将使用一个GUI应用程序显示汽车当前所在的以及汽车沿着装配线的移动是否有效

    To show the automobile's status, a GUI application is used to display the automobile's current zone and whether the automobile's movement along the assembly line is valid.


  • 清单7显示一个装配玩具火箭应用程序(人为设计)。

    Listing 7 shows a (contrived) application to assemble toy rockets.


  • 人工任务编辑器打开并显示ManagerApproval时关闭保存装配

    When the human task editor for ManagerApproval opens, close it and save the assembly diagram.


  • 清单2显示一个装配描述符示例。

    An example assembly descriptor is shown in Listing 2. The supported values for the trans-attribute are.


  • 提出虚拟装配中的产品属性行为信息分为产品特征层、几何拓扑以及显示层。

    The product attribute and behavior information in virtual assembly is stored in a hierarchy of product, feature, geometry & topology and display levels.


  • 因此没有证据显示这些液体机油来自曲轴箱通风停留各种装配管道…

    So there is no evidence to show the liquid oil come from crank case ventilation and remain in the manifold assembly .


  • 系统虚拟装配、模化教学显示试车实验四大部分组成系统利用虚拟现实技术使得发动机教学效果达到了形象实时、逼真。

    Its include virtual assembly, model teaching, flow field display, test-run experiment. The system make use of the technology of virtual let the teaching effect visualize, real time, reality.


  • 如果项目已经有上装配依赖可能主张使用公认答案显示方式

    If my project already had a dependency on that assembly, I would probably advocate using the approach shown in the accepted answer.


  • 并对整个装配过程关键帧动画进行动态显示最后给出了一个车架模型装配动画工程实例

    Finally we dynamic displays the assembly process by keyframe animation, and gives an assembly animation example of automobile-framework.


  • 这种芯片装配读写装置上可以把能量信息转移电话照相机或者掌上电脑显示上,或者通过打印机打印出来

    Positioning the read-write device close to the chip transfers power and information to the display of the phone, camera or PDA, or can be printed out by the printer.


  • 离散面片模型大大提高装配规划干涉检查碰撞检测显示方面效率。

    The proposed assembly model largely improves the efficiencies of intervention inspection and collision detection and displaying parts in the virtual assembly planning.


  • 辐射敏感树脂组合物形成图案绝缘形成方法装配膜的有源矩阵平板显示设备,和生产平板显示设备的方法。

    Radiation sensitive resin composite, method for forming insulating film having pattern, active matrix plate and panel display equipped with the film and method for producing panel display device.


  • 设置正确引用:引用集定义装配结构零件的显示方式。

    Set the right Reference Sets: Reference sets define what will be displayed on a upper level in the assembly structure;


  • 解决协同装配设计敏感信息保护问题,提出面向协同装配设计的基于角色显示技术

    To resolve sensitive information protection in collaborative assembly design, a role-based viewing technique oriented to collaborative assembly design was proposed.


  • 改造结果显示装配线工作站作业负荷趋于均衡整体生产效率得以提高,改造效果明显

    According to the results of improvement, workload of the stations becomes more balanced and productivity gets improved, the effect of the improvement is evident.


  • LCD显示投影机中的偏振片重要光学元件所以偏振片及波片的理论与应用投影机光学引擎设计人员、加工装配人员、维修人员都是十分重要的。

    In the LCD MD projector the Polarizer and Wave Plate are very important optical components. So to the optical engine designer, to the assembly master, to the repairer who must well know its theories.


  • 碳化硅保护管热电偶用于各种金属液的温,工业装配式热电偶作为测量温度的传感器,通常显示仪表记录仪表、调节器、PLCDCS系统配套使用。

    As a sensor for measuring temperature, industrial assembly thermocouple are usually compatible with display instrument, recording instrument, actuator, PLC and DCS system.


  • 原始的电脑,价值666.66美金,没有键盘甚至显示顾客还必须自己装配

    The primitive computer, priced at $666.66, had no keyboard or display, and customers had to assemble it themselves.


  • 工业装配热电偶作为测量温度传感器通常显示仪表记录仪表、调节器、PLCDCS系统配套使用。

    As a sensor for measuring temperature, industrial assembly thermocouple are usually compatible with display instrument, recording instrument, actuator, PLC and DCS system.


  • 上面扣眼装配显示地点确切位置是不是至关重要的。

    In the seat sling assembly drawing above, the locations for the grommets holes are shown. the exact placement is not crucial.


  • 看到车间安放大量电脑甚至经常可以看到显示零件装配模型。

    I see a significant use of computers on the shop floor, in manufacturing and assembly. It's even becoming common to see 3d representations of parts and assemblies on the monitors.


  • 看到车间安放大量电脑甚至经常可以看到显示零件装配模型。

    I see a significant use of computers on the shop floor, in manufacturing and assembly. It's even becoming common to see 3d representations of parts and assemblies on the monitors.


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