• 吉尔时,数学运算能力显得突出

    When Gill is doing the monthly accounts, her mathematical ability comes to the fore.


  • 显得突出美国其他富裕国家之间生育率鸿沟

    What is striking, though, is the gulf between the fertility rate in the United States and other rich countries.


  • 我们暗示最后周金星显得突出之后逃出杯子

    We have implied that Venus will loom large during the last weeks, and then escape the cup.


  • 电视娱乐性节目愈来愈多,其中存在问题也越来越显得突出

    More and more TV entertainment programs are on show, and obviously, a lot of problems follow.


  • 边界经验影响如此之大,也是如此严厉老师就使一些新的品质显得突出

    The frontier experience, in its impact, so harsh a teacher, brought new traits to the fore.


  • 边界经验影响如此之大,也是如此严厉老师就使一些新的品质显得突出

    The frontier experience, so strong in its impact, so harsh a teacher, brought new traits to the fore.


  • 总之邻近地区其它酒店相比,这个酒店主要因为崭新带来的干净时尚显得突出

    Overall, as compared to the other hotels around the vicinity, this hotel stands out mainly because the hotel is new and therefore very clean and modern.


  • 显得突出我们不应该A引起B直线思考方法,我们应该考虑事物如何共同运作的。

    What loomed large for me was that we shouldn’t be thinking in a linear way that A causes B. We should be thinking about how things work together.


  • 领导个性相对于普通人而言要显得突出拥有的特殊地位又充分展现个性提供了更多机会

    Leaders' individuality appears protrudent in comparison with layfolk; furthermore, leaders' distinguishing statuses make more opportunity to show their character.


  • 服务失败酒店服务中不可避免的,因而激烈市场竞争中服务修复对于酒店业更显得突出重要

    Service failure occurs inevitably in hotels. Therefore, it is important to make up for the service failure the competitive market.


  • 某些刚架拱桥设计理论成熟施工经验不足及车辆超载导致结构损伤严重病害情况尤其显得突出

    The disease of some existing rigid-frame arch bridge are especially severe because of immaturity design theory and deficiency of construction experience.


  • 城堡遗迹黑暗轮廓暗淡光线下显得格外突出

    The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.


  • 头发朝脸后拢,使高高的颧骨显得更为突出

    She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones.


  • 伊伯天体人工照明之所以显得特别突出是因为不管转向或者太阳,其所反射太阳光不会变化很大

    Artificial illumination on a Kuiper Belt Object would stand out because it would vary less than reflected sunlight does when the world moved toward or away from the sun.


  • 最近接连发生热点事件,年轻人老人的不敬重,使一些传统儒家价值偏离显得更加突出

    A couple of recent high-profile incidents in which young people showed disrespect for elders highlight what some see as a shift away from traditional Confucian values.


  • 鉴于当下美国国债收益率介乎3% - 4%,再考虑利率上升后面临损失风险这些费用显得突出

    In a world of 3% to 4% Treasury yields, with the risk of losses if interest rates rise, those fees loom large.


  • 并且选举国会议员本地问题国家经济经常显得更为突出

    And local issues often loom larger than the national economy when it comes to electing a Congressman.


  • 紧随其后是隆鼻整形即抬高鼻梁使显得更加突出西方典型鼻部整形术恰恰相反

    The second most popular operation raises the bridge of the nose to make it more prominent — the opposite of the typical nose job in the West.


  • 如果试图查找个人的消息的内容,这种方式就会显得十分笨拙特别是几个几乎同时在线,并且每个人都抢时间编写消息的时候,这个问题就更为突出

    It gets to be cumbersome to try to scroll back to find out what a person said, especially when several people are on online almost at the same time, each one competing for time to write a message.


  • 近期称为“缓和不同寻常经济稳定阶段沦为这种综合症受害者的风险显得尤为突出

    The risk of falling victim to this syndrome was particularly acute in the recent period of unusual economic stability known as the “great moderation”.


  • 利用照片表示内容往往图像冲击力显得较为突出所以设计过程中注意其他的设计元素支撑不是争夺用户注意力

    Photographic content tends to come to the fore due to its strong graphical impact, so other elements should be designed to support that effect and not to compete with it for the viewer's attention.


  • 其中彩色编码颜色组合由于具有数百万种可能变化而显得非常突出

    From among this wealth of possibilities, colour codes and colour combinations stand out thanks to the millions of possible variations.


  • 河水颜色黑色过渡深蓝绿色,而且由于周围冬天景观大片)的白色对比显得更加突出

    The water ranges from black to a rich blue-green tone, its color intensified by the contrast between it and the winter white landscape around it.


  • 别人有说有笑却沉默不语显得突出

    She was remarkably silent when the others all talked and laughed.


  • 上市公司出现我国原有会计体系形成很大冲击会计信息质量方面显得尤为突出

    The advent of public company has a huge impact on our domestic accounting system, particularly in terms of accounting information quality.


  • 另外时间而增长系统复杂性紧张开发进度不好的设计决策短缺的系统文档,这些使问题显得更加突出

    In addition, increases in system complexity over time, tight development schedules that force poor design decisions, and lack of system documentation can compound the problem.


  • 外部环境恶化使得削弱投资者信心国内问题显得更加突出

    The deterioration in the external environment has brought into sharper focus domestic problems which reduce investor confidence.


  • 外部环境恶化使得削弱投资者信心国内问题显得更加突出

    The deterioration in the external environment has brought into sharper focus domestic problems which reduce investor confidence.


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