• 别的公司很难他们竞争无可争辩事实

    It was an indisputable fact that the other builders found it very difficult to compete with them.


  • 反对吸烟并且坚持认为吸烟有害健康无可争辩

    He argued against smoking, and insisted that it was beyond argument that smoking was harmful to health.


  • 反对吸烟而且坚持认为吸烟有害健康无可争辩的事实。

    He argued smoking, and insisted that it was argument that smoking was harmful to health.


  • 这些案例中,大部分人为禁固情况仅有无可争辩孩子

    In these cases, most are man-made confinement of the situation, only three cases is indisputable Wild Child.


  • 孩子父母或者保姆之间,无可争辩的因为这类的情况不可避免的。

    As between child and parent or nurse it is not argued about because it is inevitable.


  • 一方面寄宿学校正在发挥越来越重要作用尤其最近纪念,无可争辩的

    On the on hand, it's indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing important effect, especially in last few years.


  • 那些既顾影自怜而又自命不凡字眼后面,事情本身非曲直是无可争辩的

    Behind the words, at once self - pitying and vainglorious, the merits of the case were overwhelming.


  • 一方面寄宿学校发挥越来越重要作用尤其最近几年无可争辩

    On the one hand, it is indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing important effect, especially in last few years.


  • 一方面寄宿学校正在发挥越来越重要作用尤其最近几年来,无可争辩

    On the other hand, it is indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing important effect, especially in last few years.


  • 不管怎么说中国人他们的确知道如何实现大规模变化有时候这些变化无可争辩好事

    Say what you will about the Chinese, but they know how to make wholesale changes, and sometimes those changes are inarguably for the good.


  • 梦想这个站立起来真正实现信条真谛我们认为这些真理无可争辩人生而平等。

    I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed: we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.


  • 家庭妻子统治看来是无可争辩;自然,一切家务妻子老人子女关照;丈夫打猎饮酒游手好闲

    In the home, the woman seems to have held undisputed sway, though, together with the old people and the children, she also had to do all the work, while the man hunted, drank, or idled about.


  • 无可争辩的,鸟类携带着这种疾病

    It is indisputable that birds are harbouring this illness.


  • 教育专家这种普遍共识无可争辩证明了一个不可改变学习原则主动性正确方法学术上成功基础

    This universal consistency among education experts indisputably demonstrates an immutable principle of learning: initiative and correct methods are fundamental to academic success.


  • 它们国际跳棋奥塞罗无可争辩冠军

    They are the undisputed champions in draughts and Othello.


  • 认为无可争辩人们正不再青睐大多数专业人士,因为面对面视频会议模式可以通过看见相貌人们种心理上亲近的感觉。

    I would argue it does not, and that most professionals are substituing the idea of intimacy- because both face-to-face and videoconferencing show you a person's face- with actual therapeutic rapport.


  • 中国南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩主权,中国立场一贯明确的。

    A: China enjoys indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their adjacent waters. China's position on this is consistent and clear.


  • 啦,这些为什么英国现在而且一直魁首的8无可争辩的理由

    So there we have it, eight good and sound reasons why Britain is and has always been top dog.


  • 无可争辩英国鸟类携带这种疾病的病菌。

    It is indisputable that birds in the UK are harbouring this illness.


  • 看来MJ流行音乐界无可争辩王者,除了别人。

    In my opinion, MJ is the undisputed king of pops, thats right, its either him or nobody.


  • 中国南海及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。中方自己主权范围内进行正常活动无可厚非的。

    China has indisputable sovereignty over islands in the South China Sea and the adjacent waters. There is nothing wrong about carrying out normal activities within one's sovereignty.


  • 通常司法认知的证据简单明了事实一种无可争辩问题或者一些常识

    Generally, judicially noticed evidence is a straightforward fact, an indisputable issue, or a bit of common knowledge.


  • 美国巴西生产乙醇在一起世界乙醇产量的大约75%。不过,巴西世界上最大乙醇出口国生物燃料技术方面处于无可争辩的领先地位。

    Together, the United States and Brazil produce about 75 percent of the world's ethanol. But Brazil is the largest exporter, and the undisputed leader in biofuel technology.


  • 徐州熙熙攘攘的市场背后无可争辩事实一方面空缺增加一边他们发现没有空间可以购买尴尬

    Xuzhou in the bustling market behind an indisputable fact: one side is "vacant" increased, while the other side they will find no room can be bought embarrassment.


  • 高等学校根本任务培养人才无可置疑无可争辩的共识,培养人才的主要途径教学环节教学过程。

    It is undoubted and unarguable that the basic task for colleges is to train personnel, and the main approaches of this training are teaching link and teaching course.


  • 无可争辩的颗牙第一鳄鱼目动物拿恐龙点心证据

    Nevertheless, this tooth is the first unarguable proof that crocodilians did indeed snack on dinosaurs.


  • 无可争辩有人伤害你。可能上帝遇见对的之前先遇上个心仪所以我们终于遇见心仪的人,我们知道如何感谢

    Incontestable, someone could hurt you. but may be God wants you to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to grateful.


  • 同样无可争辩的,2007年,格尼塔从中获利丰厚主要基金增值26%(2008年出现亏损)。

    It is also indisputable that Magnetar profited from it in 2007 (although it lost money in 2008), with its main fund growing by 26 per cent.


  • 同样无可争辩的,2007年,格尼塔从中获利丰厚主要基金增值26%(2008年出现亏损)。

    It is also indisputable that Magnetar profited from it in 2007 (although it lost money in 2008), with its main fund growing by 26 per cent.


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