• 他们昨天早晨旧金山出发,这样对话消磨着时光

    With this sort of chatter they had beguiled the time since leaving San Francisco the morning of the day before.


  • 昨天早晨正在锻炼身体,一个朋友拜访

    I was doing exercises when a friend called on me yesterday.


  • 的确昨天早晨五点左右就开始下雪不是吗?

    It certainly was! It started snowing about five o 'clock yesterday morning, Didn't it?


  • 手边这么工作昨天早晨不该比赛的。

    With so much work on hand, you shouldn't have gone to see the game last night.


  • 昨天早晨38000参加苹果全球开发者大会的发布会

    Almost 38, 000 folks turned out for Technologizer's live coverage of Apple's WWDC keynote yesterday morning.


  • 昨天早晨我们骑手备鞍马、牵匹马。

    Our riders each saddled a horse yesterday morning and each had one or two horses to lead.


  • 图表表明自从昨天早晨,这棵树每天要忍受疼痛。

    The graphs indicate that it's been happening several times a day since yesterday morning.


  • 昨天早晨的特因为等不及要这次的香山一日游

    We got up early yesterday morning because I couldn't wait any longer for the one-day trip to Xiangshan.


  • 昨天早晨尤文图斯拉齐奥就塞尔未来双方进行了对话

    Juventus held talks with Lazio yesterday morning over the future of Cesar.


  • 费城东北部警察昨天早晨在应付抢劫案的过程中遭到歹徒的来福枪的射击

    The officer was fatally shot with an assault rifle yesterday morning while responding to the robbery in northeast Philadelphia.


  • 昨天早晨营地出发带着穆拉斯那里一小黏菌,在名士兵护送返程

    Yesterday morning, his departure from the camp, with demand coming from the Muras where a small can have slime, escorted by two soldiers in return.


  • 昨天早晨救援人员发现少数居民仍掩埋这次6.3地震废墟中,所幸是他们坚持到了救援人员的到来。

    A handful of survivors from the 6.3-magnitude quake in the early hours of yesterday morning were found alive in the wreckage today.


  • 昨天早晨醒来看着初升太阳,心情愉快,因为邀请我位朋友一同前往松江访问他工作室

    Yesterday morning, when I woke up, I was so happy to see the sun, because I was invited with a few friends to go to Song Jiang to visit the studio of Zhang Huan.


  • 昨天早晨早会时候,部长就所有号码尾数为38的百可以到重百或者新世纪什么的以100300。

    We was informed by our department director at the morning meeting that all the 100-yuan notes with 38 as the last two numbers can be exchanged triplicately at CDS or NCS.


  • 报道称,画家昨天早晨老公“小三”捉奸在床,气愤此事发在自己的微博上,持续“直播”她与老公以及“小三”之间的交锋。

    The woman, a painter, became so furious, she revealed the affair with a Twitter post and live-tweeted the fight between her, her husband and his mistress.


  • 昨天早晨10:30分之前不久土耳其航空公司波音737- 800客机骤然跌落地面Yurdanurkaya亲吻着女儿告诉自己快要死去

    Shortly before 10.30 yesterday morning, as their Turkish Airlines Boeing 737-800 plummeted towards the ground, Yurdanur Kaya kissed her daughter and told herself she was going to die.


  • 事故原因部分非常的技术,但是通俗来说就是这么回事:Foursquare的数据均匀的分配到不同的数据库“shards”(当成数据库的个分部吧),不知道怎么的,昨天早晨事情开始不均匀起来,其中一个分部被分配了其他分部的数据,他们平衡它们,但是没起作用所以他们打算新建立个分部,然后杯具了。

    At some point yesterday morning, things got uneven, with one shard getting way more data than the others. They tried to balance it out, but that didn’t work, so they tried putting a new shard in play.


  • 潜水员们今天早晨发现昨天渡轮失事中淹死又一美国水手尸体

    Divers this morning found the body of another American sailor drowned during yesterday's ferry disaster.


  • 在1月一个下雪的早晨接到电话,得知它获得1990年纽伯瑞儿童文学奖的消息,一切就像发生在昨天

    It seems like yesterday that I answered the phone on a snowy January morning and received the news that it had won the 1990 Newbery Medal.


  • 昨天晚上就要可是太晚了,我在她今天早晨精神头儿足的时候去看望更好些的。

    I was going to go seeher last night but it got late and I thought it would be better to go this morning when she was more rested.


  • 想象一下早晨很晚起床水漕里堆叠着碟子咖啡残留着昨天的变质物。

    Imagine waking up in the morning, late, there are no clean dishes and the coffee pot is full of yesterday’s cold stale coffee.


  • 今天早晨还看到了另外报道,煞有介事说我是因为背部伤势发作疼痛难忍,从而缺席了昨天的训练课。

    I saw this morning there were reports that I was out of practice yesterday because of a sore back.


  • 昨天一整天感觉很糟糕所以今天早晨决定不能那样面对另一了。

    I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn't face another day like that.


  • 每天早晨沮丧地认识昨天晚上荒唐。

    Each morning he gloomily recognized his idiocies of the evening before.


  • 昨天全省仍然是晴好天气早晨大部分地区都有苏州南部出现了能见度小于1000的大雾

    Yesterday, complete province remains fine fine day to enrage, major area has the morning light mist, the south of Suzhou still appeared visibility is less than 1000 meters big mist.


  • 昨天全省仍然是晴好天气早晨大部分地区都有苏州南部出现了能见度小于1000的大雾

    Yesterday, complete province remains fine fine day to enrage, major area has the morning light mist, the south of Suzhou still appeared visibility is less than 1000 meters big mist.


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