• 事实证明说唱音乐不是昙花一现

    Rap music proved to be more than just a passing fad.


  • 那些昙花一现的植物应该避开干旱

    The ephemeral plants should evade drought.


  • 新兴市场容易陷入昙花一现轮回

    But emerging markets are prone to boom-and-bust cycles.


  • 即便是个正式的知识分子,也会认为亚苏不过昙花一现

    You did not have to be a card-carrying intellectual to think that Azusa Street was a flash in the pan.


  • 这种设计双人扶手变体以及少量的填充物,法国昙花一现

    This design, a variant on the double armchair style and just as lightly padded, was short-lived in France.


  • 我们看到一行为究竟真的能发挥作用呢,只是又一个昙花一现罢了。

    We'll have to see if this effort really does take off or whether it's just another flash in the pan.


  • 毕竟电视手机激光磁盘当时视为未来潮流,然而它们却只是昙花一现。

    After all, TV phones and laserdiscs were hailed as the wave of the future and yet, despite influencing today's technology, they've gone by the wayside.


  • 不是昙花一现过去几年里英国美国通货膨胀率始终低于预测水平

    This is no flash in the pan; over the past couple of years, inflation has been consistently lower than expected in Britain and America.


  • 正是现在必须大家证明的一点——如果绿党不想让自己的胜利只是昙花一现

    That is what he must now prove if the Greens are to be more than a one-term wonder.


  • 真正考验在于,如何避免其他流行趋势一样昙花一现,最终落得过时的下场。

    Its true test will be avoiding becoming just another fashion trend that, eventually, went out of style.


  • PDA也是昙花一现现在每部手机只PD A,一部相机,一台点唱机

    That was short-lived: Now every cell phone is a PDA. It's also a camera and a jukebox.


  • 这位作家第一本书一鸣惊人只是昙花一现因为后来写本书很差

    The new author's first book got a lot of praise from critics, but he turned out to be a flash in the pan because his other books were terrible.


  • 他们试图弄明白无线笔记本市场描绘了一个成本电脑引领时代还是只是昙花一现

    They're trying to determine whether netbooks represent a new category of low-cost computers ideally suited for these times -or a flash-in-the-pan.


  • 他们试图弄明白无线笔记本市场描绘了一个低成本电脑引领时代还是只是昙花一现

    They're trying to determine whether netbooks represent a new category of low-cost computers ideally suited for these times - or a flash-in-the-pan.


  • 因此,人们不清楚,章节游戏到底前景广阔新型商业模式还是魅力有限昙花一现

    So it is unclear whether episodic gaming is a promising new business model or a fad with only limited appeal.


  • 最新增长数据可能仅是昙花一现即使日本过去20年间出现几个表现强劲的季度

    The latest growth figures may be just a blip: even Japan has had some strong quarters in the past 20 years.


  • 或许可以创造昙花一现奇迹,一夜成名的风光,但是永远不会留下取得成功踏实记录

    You may make it as a flash-in-the-pan, an overnight sensation, but you will never have the track record of accomplishments of which success is made.


  • 也许花粉看似昙花一现尘埃微风中轻扬微不足道这些颗粒环境惊人生命力

    Pollen may seem like ephemeral dust when it's aloft on the breeze, but those grains can have surprising staying power in the environment.


  • 竞争对手们都希望大家的党的成功只是昙花一现认为倾向于商界最终导致其走向民众对立面

    Its rivals hope it will be a one-hit wonder, and think its business leanings will, in time, alienate the public.


  • 如果他们看好公司,很可能忽略它进步将其季度性的增长看作昙花一现不是一种改变趋势

    If they view a company unfavourably, they may dismiss an improvement in quarterly profits as a blip, rather than a change in trend.


  • 但是如果没有实际收获众多对手特别是哈马斯闭嘴的话,阿巴斯支持率飙升可能昙花一现

    But without a tangible gain to silence his many internal opponents, chief amongst them Hamas, the spike in Mr Abbas's ratings could be brief.


  • 不过这种隐忍态度开始退却取而代之的是一种中国崛起绝非昙花一现,国家目标需要进一步明确的认识。

    Yet this tradition of modesty has begun to fade, replaced by a growing confidence that China's rise is not fleeting and that the country needs to do more to define its objectives.


  • 因此韦斯基这种昙花一现内容让我们着迷Gawker之类网站一天的内容就是这样而来的。

    As a result, Wasik says, we've become obsessed with the kind of one-hit wonders that make up a single day's grist for a site like Gawker.


  • 经济体中的确有相当数量闲置生产力,这正是英格兰银行之所以坚称通货膨胀的增长只是昙花一现原因。

    The economy clearly retains quite a bit of spare capacity-the main reason why the Bank of England has insisted that the flare-up in inflation will be temporary.


  • 已经为此苦苦思索一周试图得出结论,究竟Groupon将会长足发展呢,还是仅仅是昙花一现

    I've been mulling this for a week, trying to determine whether I think that this has long-term revolutionary potential, or whether it will end up being a flash in the pan.


  • 高傲到迷失昙花一现,其他明星一样,被迫变成舞会上乞讨罪犯匈牙利同胞同情而施舍的几个子儿。

    Prideful and lost, he became a passing phenomenon, like so many stars, reduced to cadging charitable fees at parties thrown by mobsters and by sympathetic fellow Hungarians.


  • 高傲到迷失昙花一现,其他明星一样,被迫变成舞会上乞讨罪犯匈牙利同胞同情而施舍的几个子儿。

    Prideful and lost, he became a passing phenomenon, like so many stars, reduced to cadging charitable fees at parties thrown by mobsters and by sympathetic fellow Hungarians.


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