• 暑期应聘明智大学作画结识了著名学者康有为王国维人。

    In the summer vacations, he was employed by Mingzhi University to make paintings when he got to know Kang Youwei, Wang Guowei and other well-known scholars.


  • 第一次申请大学时,两个学生选择专业方面不够明智

    The two students were not wise enough to choose their majors when they first applied to go to college.


  • 鉴于目前账面超过1.3万亿美元的学生贷款明显许多大学根本明智

    Given that there is at present more than $1.3 trillion in student loans on the books, it's pretty clear that many college students are far from sensible.


  • 也许这么大学学生提供的服务太少原因他们知道即使什么不到顶尖大学学习仍然是一项明智投资

    Perhaps the reason why so many universities offer their students so little is they know studying at a top university remains a brilliant investment even if you don't learn anything.


  • 纽约大学营养学家马里昂·奈瑟尔写得好社会需要净化食物环境这样才能让那些父母其他每个人都容易地作出明智的食物选择。”

    As nutritionist Marion Nestle of New York University has written, society needs tocreate a food environment that makes it easier for parents and everyone else to make better food choices.”


  • 我们或多或少知道好的睡眠质量有助于好的记忆力形成--就是大学里成为一个夜猫子不是明智之举。

    Well, sort of. We've known for a long time that quality sleep helps with good memory formationthat's one of the reasons that pulling all-nighters in college is NOT a successful strategy.


  • 过去一直尝试说服大学才是明智选择

    I spent the last 5 years trying to convince him that college was the smarter way to go.


  • 父母们应该明智相信这些箴言不只是因为如果大学强烈地想其他地方,那么,勉强留在学校就是白白浪费数万美元学费

    Parents would be wise to adopt that mantra, too, and not just because tens of thousands of tuition dollars may go to waste if a college student has a burning desire to be elsewhere.


  • 他们利兹大学或是诺丁汉大学的话明智

    It makes more sense to them to go to Leeds or Nottingham.


  • 对于那些本国顶尖大学拒绝印度富家子弟来说,在国外选择更好大学在家门口上一所普通大学明智的多。

    For wealthy Indian students denied a place at one of the country's best institutions, a good university abroad is a better bet than a mediocre one at home.


  • 首席经济顾问芝加哥大学名受人尊敬年轻学者,奥斯登•古尔斯比。此人明智务实

    His chief economic adviser, a respected young academic called Austan Goolsbee of the University of Chicago, is sensible and pragmatic.


  • 恭喜你们做出了明智的选择。大家福星高照,前程似锦感谢你们,韦伯斯特大学你们感到骄傲

    So we congratulate you on your choice. We wish you good luck in your future. And we thank you for making Webster University proud.


  • 申请大学重要的是明智选择学校应该确保申请的学校具备愿望名校匹配名校保底名校的混合

    When applying to colleges, it's important to choose your schools wisely. You should make sure you apply to a mix of reach schools, match schools and safety schools.


  • 大学毕业休假时间旅游结果证明一个明智决定

    After graduating from college, I took some time off to go travelling, which turned out to be a wise decision.


  • 大学可以追求时尚但是他们应该过度追求。他们需要衡量自己情形做出明智选择

    College students can pursue fashion, but they should not be crazy about it. They need to measure their situation and make the wise choice.


  • 事实上非常明智大学保持距离因为体育锻炼体育锻炼不会对人体有害他们

    Indeed, it is very unwise for college students to keep distance from physical exercise because physical exercise is not harmful but good to them.


  • 英国大学校园各种社团非常地活跃,但对留学生来说,自己英国所有的时间都花在校园里可不是什么明智之举。

    While each UK university has its own lively student community, make sure your time studying in the UK is not spent entirely within the confines of your campus!


  • 例?由于这些理由以为台湾给与大学教育明智

    For these refor the reason thatons: I think that receiving college educine in Taiwthis is wise.


  • 依照这个情况来看农民工都比大学明智一些。

    In these circumstances, skipping college to work as a migrant laborer looks like a smart career move.


  • 综观众多的教学法大学英语究竟应该遵循教学实践证明只有综合之道才是明智的。

    In those teaching approaches, it is difficult to determine which one should be the best to follow. But the teaching practice has proved that the comprehensive teaching model should be better.


  • 综观众多的教学法大学英语究竟应该遵循教学实践证明只有综合之道才是明智的。

    In those teaching approaches, it is difficult to determine which one should be the best to follow. But the teaching practice has proved that the comprehensive teaching model should be better.


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