• 了解消除了时间年龄扫除导师教导者之间不同

    Understanding abolishes time and age, it sweeps away the difference between the teacher and the taught.


  • 我在扮演Buffy的时候我还是的,事实上因为不断工作不过只是那段时间年龄

    I think when I was doing Buffy I was a little bit thin, actually, because even though I was working out constantly, it was just the time and the age.


  • 也许父母们可以不再那么担心屏幕使用时间至少年龄较大男孩女孩来说是这样。

    Perhaps parents can stop worrying so much about screen time, at least for older boys and girls.


  • 参与者年龄性别教育背景抑郁症严重程度持续时间以及抗抑郁药物使用保持平衡

    Participants were balanced across the three groups for age, sex, educational back-ground, severity and duration of depression, and use of antidepressants.


  • 年龄性别教育背景抑郁症严重程度持续时间以及抗抑郁药物使用几点来说,这参与者保持了平衡

    Participants were balanced across the three groups for age, sex, educational background, severity and duration of depression, and use of antidepressants.


  • 们询问了年龄在13岁到18岁之间的学生,问他们需要花多长时间在手机电脑上获得乐趣。

    They asked students aged 13 to 18 how long it takes them to have fun on phones and computers.


  • 达尔文胥黎肯定约翰·乔利计算地球年龄准确性因为他们关于进化进行多长时间观点不谋而合。

    Darwin and Huxley supported the accuracy of John Joly's calculation of Earth's age because it agree with their view of how long evolution had been in progress.


  • 系统通常只意识到当前日期时间所以计算机从当前日期中提取出生日期获得年龄是一微不足道的事。

    The system is always aware of the current date and time, so it's a trivial thing for the computer to subtract a birth date from the current date to get an age value.


  • 为了达到成功之巅,抱负年轻人恰恰必须女性开始考虑结婚生子年龄阶段投入大量时间精力导致她们无法申请高级职位

    To get ahead, young hopefuls have to put in a huge amount of time and effort just when many women start to think about having a family, so they do not apply for senior posts.


  • 延长退休年龄对于他们来说意味着长的求职时间浪费时间精力

    Extending the retirement age for them just means a longer job search, a futile waste of time and effort.


  • 调查过程,这些职工被问到了使用电脑时间患有眼疾种类等问题他们平均年龄为43岁。

    They also completed a questionnaire about how much time they spent using a computer and any eye problems. The average age of the participants was 43.


  • 考虑具体流行病学观察包括时间地点紧密相关包括年龄跨度的轻型病症逐渐增多群组病例

    The specific epidemiological observations considered included milder disease across a broader age spectrum and a growing number of clusters of cases, closely related in time and place.


  • 幼儿死亡率死亡年龄母亲相继生育平均时间间隔婴儿出生登记时的平均年龄决定

    The age at death for early child mortality was determined by the mean interval between successive births and the mean age of neonates at registration.


  • 1819世纪大部分时间里,“夫人“小姐”只用表明年龄并不关乎婚姻状况

    For much of the 18th and 19th centuries, Mrs. And Miss were deployed to signal age, not marital status.


  • 显然他们以前一样同一年龄变得年老体衰只是苟延残喘更长时间还是老当益壮地度过延长的寿命。

    Clearly it depends on whether they become old and frail at the same age as before and just limp on for much longer, or if the extra years are hale and hearty ones.


  • 报告使用了统计学原理找出教育水平底下犯罪因果相连。 报告的作者们留意英国大学毕业生的犯罪率,由于离校年龄改变毕业生被迫延长留校时间

    The authors looked at the crime rates of a cohort of British school-leavers, some of whom were forced to stay in school for longer because of a legal change to the school-leaving age.


  • 非常遗憾的是这份报告没有包含18岁以下人群数据我们猜测这一年龄在手机上电脑上观看视频时间数据与其他年龄阶段的人完全不同

    Sadly, the report does not include data for users under 18. Our suspicion is that the numbers for online and mobile video viewing might be quite different for this demographic.


  • 维持工作退休时间比率决定退休医疗保障合适年龄一步

    Maintaining the ratio of working to retirement years is a reasonable first approximation to a guideline for determining the eligible age for retirement and health benefits.


  • 看来我们应该更多工作我们年轻的时候使我们精力充沛我们可以更多的时间享受我们生活当我们成为年龄

    In my opinion we should do more work when we are young be cause we are energetic and we can spend more time playing and enjoying our life when we become aged.


  • 比如说我们研究发现令人震惊,高达99%年龄2235岁之间的大学生职业人士——未来主流消费人群——日均上网时间平均为4小时

    For example, our research found that a stunning 99 percent of university students and professionals ages 22 to 35-the key consumers of the future-are online an average of four hours a day.


  • 根据HealthyPlace”网,一位网友很快的找到那些之相似兴趣爱好信仰年龄其他标准而不需要时间金钱咖啡馆约会

    According to Healthy Place, "a 'surfer' can immediately focus on people with similar interests, beliefs, age and other important criteria without having to spend time and money 'going for coffee.'"


  • 时尚可以随着时间的推移根据社会年龄社会阶层辈分职业地理发生明显变化

    Fashions may vary significantly within a society according to age, social class, generation, occupation and geography as well as over time.


  • 年龄相比选择灌注策略更多考虑再灌注的可行性、发病时间休克同病。

    The selection of reperfusion strategy is determined more by availability, time from presentation, shock, and comorbidity than by age.


  • 这个年龄孩子海绵宝宝》的时间教育电视时间一样

    Kids this age watch as much Sponge Bob as educational TV.


  • 这个年龄孩子海绵宝宝》的时间教育电视时间一样

    Kids this age watch as much Sponge Bob as educational TV.


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