• 电网时间同步系统电力工业非常重要,制定电网时间同步技术标准也很重要。

    It is very important that the time synchronism system of an electric power network to power industry and working out the technical standard for time synchronism of electric power network.


  • 给出了一现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)器件为核心高精度时间同步系统

    The precise time synchronizing system in which the core processor is FPGA, is analyzed in this paper.


  • 如果没有工作平台时钟所有系统时钟进行同步,那么报告中的资源计数器将显示准确(时间而论)。

    If you do not synchronize the clocks on the workbench and on all of the systems under test, resource counters are displayed inaccurately (with respect to time) in the reports.


  • 处理环境中线程处理时间可用系统资源以及其他线程同步有关

    In a multiprocessing environment, the processing time for a thread is related to the availability of system resources and synchronization with other threads.


  • 最后系统测试展示了定时问题尤其是协调多个单元更改开始时间时,以便这些单元看起来查看器是同步的。

    Finally, system testing showed timing problems, especially in coordinating the start times of changes to multiple cells such that they appeared simultaneous to the viewer.


  • 如果明显看出系统时间同步那么建议研究一下用于同步它们各种可用途径(请参阅参考资料获得链接)。

    If it becomes clear that your systems' times are not in synch, then I suggest you look into the various means available to you for synchronizing them (see Resources for a link).


  • 性能改进中最近人注目的莫过于代码索引时间下降50%,同时借助于本地的Linux文件系统监视器实现了Linux更快项目同步

    Performance improvements most notably include a 50% reduction in code indexing time, as well as faster project sync on Linux with a native Linux file system watcher.


  • 粗略测量,处理器Linux系统上的Sun 1.3JDK进行 ThreadLocal.get()操作,所耗费的时间大约争用同步倍。

    My rough benchmarks running the Sun 1.3 JDK on a two-processor Linux system show that a ThreadLocal.get() operation takes about twice as long as an uncontended synchronization.


  • 苹果可能花了时间iOSMac设备开发内容同步系统iCloud做到极简。

    It may have taken Apple quite some time to come out with a content syncing system for the iOS and Mac devices but, by golly, iCloud is where it's been done the simplest. It had to be.


  • 这些任务包括轮转日志文件避免装满文件系统备份数据连接时间服务器执行系统时间同步

    These include rotating log files so filesystems do not become full, backing up data, and connecting to a time server to keep your system time synchronized.


  • 给定系统运行线程越多那些有限系统资源需要更多,等待同步释放时间长。

    The more threads running on a given system, the more demand for those limited system resources and the more time spent waiting on synchronization locks to release.


  • 如果客户机系统时钟不是完全服务器系统时钟同步的话就会得到与两个时钟的时间大小正比特殊结果

    If your client's system clock is not almost exactly synchronized with your server's system clock, you will experience peculiar results in direct proportion to the size of the discrepancy between them.


  • 由于新的基于SOA系统围绕类似于实时事务设计的,因此现在导致同步时间问题

    Because the new SOA-based systems are designed around near-real-time transactions, data synchronisation timing issues now result.


  • 顺利移植DSP上用于网络时间同步需要系统

    Can smoothly migrate to DSP, the need for network time synchronization system.


  • 同步调用可以通过编程来实现带有超时设置,如果调用一定时间返回调用WebServices可能取消锁定,从而系统退出。

    Synchronous calls can be programmed, but with timeouts so that if the call can't come back in a certain time, the calling Web service can be unlocked to exit from the system.


  • 通常媒体故障由于数据文件完全丢失系统更改编号(System Change Number,SCN时间数据库其余部分同步造成

    Usually media failure is caused by either the complete loss of a data file or a system change number (SCN) time stamp being out of sync with the rest of the database.


  • 使系统时间与Net workTimeProtocol (ntp)服务器同步然后硬件时钟系统时间同步就是个这样的例子

    An example is synchronizing the system time to a Network time Protocol (NTP) server and then synchronizing the hardware clock to the system time.


  • 视窗XP用户可利用附设作业系统时间同步设施校对电脑时钟

    Windows XP users can synchronize their PC clocks by using the built-in time synchronization utility in the operating system.


  • 本发明描述了接收机扩频信号进行时间同步方法系统

    Methods and systems for time synchronizing a receiver to a spread spectrum signal are described.


  • 很多计算系统的都网络时间协议(ntp),保证他们世界原子时钟同步的。

    Many computing systems use the Network Time Protocol, or NTP, to keep themselves in sync with the world's atomic clocks.


  • 时间同步装置实现电力系统精确可靠状态实时监测提供了重要依据,还适用于各种高精度同步采样系统等工业应用场合。

    It maintains the high accuracy output pulses when GPS is out of work and provides the powerful foundation for the accurate and reliable real - time state monitoring in power system and all.


  • 时间同步技术现代网络应用分布式系统中的核心技术

    The Time Synchronization Technology is the core technique of modern network applications and distributed systems.


  • 实体迁移技术有利于改善大规模分布式仿真系统性能,其中迁移期间时间同步关键难点

    Migrating entities are beneficial to improve performance of large-scale distributed simulation systems, while time synchronization during migration is the key and difficult issue.


  • 分析了同步系统捕获性能给出了平均捕获时间计算公式

    Synchronization system's acquisition performance was analysed and computing formula of mean acquisition time was given.


  • 基于平台嵌入式数控系统无限升级扩展功能软硬件同步抗干扰设计确保系统时间可靠运行

    E. platform based embedded CNC system, unlimited upgrade expansion function. The anti interference design of hardware and software synchronization to ensure the reliable operation of the system time.


  • 概述卫星导航系统时间同步问题和卫星导航的设备零值及其标校问题。

    This paper describes the issues in terms of time synchronization in satellite navigation systems, satellite navigation device zero point, and device zero point calibration.


  • 然后对于含有时变系统参数,非线性时间项的情况进行了研究,给出了与其同步系统设计方法。

    Then for the vibration system with time-varied parameters and without time-varied elements in restoring force, a principal to design a derived synchronization system is given and proved.


  • 传统地面标记系统采用串口通信方式进行时间同步数据传输,操作繁琐,工作量大。

    Because of adopting serial communication to synchronize time and transfer data, the old AGM system is perplexing and ineffective.


  • 本文设计了一种实现连续时间混沌系统同步自适应连续控制器

    This paper designs an adaptive continuous controller for synchronizing continuous time chaotic systems.


  • 电信网管中的时钟服务对时钟的精度要求不是很高但是考虑既本地操作系统时间无关,要考虑同步时钟服务器同步不同类型的设备二种情况。

    It is unstrict with precise in LAN for TMN, but it should have no connection with local OS time, and can synchronize to time server and different devices.


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