• 工作在调相状态下旋转变压器可以其相位模拟恒星与赤经、关系

    Phase modulated resolvers can be used to model the relation between the sidereal time right ascension and the hour angle.


  • 本文讨论了当固定条形镜面聚光器沿东西向放置太阳变化引起线位置的移动。

    This paper deals with a displace of focusing line position which is caused by change of solar hour angle when a long axis of FMSC is placed in east-west direction.


  • 可以想象一下,当只两之间了一棵樱桃高贵的雄鹿出现在的眼前,我多么的惊讶。

    You can imagine how astonished I was to see this noble stag with a cherry tree growing between its antlers.


  • 最后这些东西拿回家艾伦内六扳手开始工作,你会再度陷于绝望。

    Finally, you have despair all over again when you get the stuff home and set to work with the Allen key.


  • 后来锅盖不小心弄破了不过没有新的锅盖,只是身上块布盖住锅子,所以每当他坐下,都会靠近锅子而坐。

    And it so happened that the lid of the pot broke. But the monk didn't buy a new one; he just used one corner of his cloth to cover the pot.


  • 发生这种情况测量法允许系统精确定位闪光

    When that happens, triangulation allows the system to locate the original bolt with precision.


  • 他们开始探索雌性动物竞争是否产生这些惊人武器繁殖力两者之间是否需要相关?

    They set out to discover whether female competition accounted for these impressive armaments, and whether there was a trade-off between horns and fecundity.


  • 有些瑜伽袜子设计把脚趾暴露出来,这样,练习者可以增加脚趾触觉感受

    Some pairs are cut to expose the tips of the toes, to give increased tactile sensation during, say, the tree pose and the triangle.


  • 当然大楼已经花费了十年力图保护直升机

    The Pentagon has spent decades trying to protect its helicopters, of course.


  • 环绕清单1实现的整个立方体首先个逆针方向环绕的三形(0,1,2)开始。

    When I wrapped one triangle strip around the whole cube in Listing 1, I started with a triangle that is wound counter-clockwise (0, 1, 2).


  • 郑和杨孩子有所安慰他们得知飞机撞上大楼的候,他们的父母生命结束手拉着手。

    For Zheng and Yang's children what provides a measure of comfort is knowing that their parents' lives ended hand in hand when that plane hit the Pentagon.


  • 1714年,飓风来袭,他们正在佛罗里达追踪被称为“普雷特”满载财宝舰队

    In 1714 the buccaneers were chasing a treasure fleet called The Plate Fleet off of the tip of Florida when a hurricane hit.


  • 此杯具男发现这个三四片面包深色物体已经了好几面包了。 负责环境健康相关的人员到了他家取证。

    Mr Forse said he had already used some of the bread when he noticed "a dark-coloured object embedded in the corner of three or four slices".


  • 式,同样会打开关节之“锁”,前也向骶骨周围横向韧带增加潜在压力

    Both Baddha Konasana and Upavistha Konasana unlock the sacroiliac joint and potentially strain the transverse ligaments of the sacrum, particularly if you bend forward.


  • 物种演化生存似乎无关的特征,如:鲜艳的颜色超大通常只有雄性动物才能炫耀这些特点

    WHEN a species evolves traits that seem to have little to do with individual survival-bright colours, say, or oversize horns, it is typically the male alone who sports these excesses.


  • 选区激活笔刷在选区涂抹,达到这样酷炫效果

    When it's active, use a brush to paint outside the selected area to get this cool effect.


  • 尽管鲀游动似乎看上去一个气垫船,但是可不碰碰车那么有趣----虽然它外表看起来像。

    Although the Longhorn Cowfish tends to look like a hovercraft when it's moving along, it's not quite as fun as the Bumper Car-esque exterior it tends to exude.


  • 纳塔尔博士手持去捕捞池塘中的蝌蚪,发现蝌蚪发出尖叫。

    That changed when Dr Natale caught a horned frog tadpole in a pond using a hand-held net.


  • 两个同伴1990年创立自己公司技术我们吹嘘过我们已经完成很多项目并且成功。

    When my two partners and I started our company, Triangle Technologies, in 1990, we stretched the truth about how many projects we had actually completed, and how successful they were.


  • 报道,苹果公司弗吉尼亚州泰森成立一家零售店,曾经备受质疑

    The first Apple retail store in Tyson's Corner, VA was reportedly met with much skepticism.


  • 主演过《网络毒品》等片,现年39岁的泽塔·琼斯清楚地知道自己女性魅力让导演分心,从而在大银幕忽略演技

    The Traffic star, 39, was adamant her feminine charms would distract movie bosses from her acting potential when she was trying to land big-screen roles.


  • 没有拐弯抹地说一堆空话;车子转入大路仔细考虑答案

    He doesn't try to bluster around it; he considers his answer as the car turns onto the main road.


  • 饥饿敌人靠近蜥蜴不同寻常方法自保

    When the horned lizard is approached by a hungry foe, it USES an equally unusual method of self-preservation.


  • 浮到海冰之间缝隙处换气数据会自动卫星

    The data were automatically sent to a satellite when the narwhals surfaced for air between cracks in the sea ice.


  • 电影情节沿着一条漫长而拐弯抹路线展开,正如很多海员你讲的那样,“明星”航行中最必不可少的。

    When a plot takes a long, tortuous route, then-as any mariner will tell you-stars are essential for navigation.


  • 赫特提克里特附近大楼记者举行视频记者会的这番话。

    Hertling was speaking near Tikrit in a teleconference with reporters at the Pentagon.


  • 使五大楼批评美军士兵多次派出执行任务没有足够工作。

    It had been set up by the Pentagon following criticism that the US military had not done enough to treat soldiers who had undergone repeated Tours of duty.


  • 使五大楼批评美军士兵多次派出执行任务没有足够工作。

    It had been set up by the Pentagon following criticism that the US military had not done enough to treat soldiers who had undergone repeated Tours of duty.


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