• 牛仔裤不整洁装扮流行似乎顶级时装公司日益昂贵时尚一种反应

    The popularity of jeans and the "untidy" look seems to be a reaction against the increasingly expensive fashions of the top fashion houses.


  • 成为成功时装模特,一个不仅长相出众还必需自信优雅时尚感。

    To be a successful fashion model, a guy needs to be more than just a looker. He has to have confidence, poise and a sense of style.


  • 于伊丽莎白·克莱恩时尚”三年控诉,《过度着装》一书描述狂热世界而言,这种自上而下时装概念已经太过时格格不入

    This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn't be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline's three-year indictment of "fast fashion".


  • 他们工作时装设计师设计制作服装其它时尚配饰一起零售连锁店里公众出售

    What they do: fashion designers design and create new clothes and other fashion accessories to be sold to the public in retail stores.


  • 克的时尚细胞如此少,以至于他启发了一个搞笑时装生产线马克·扎克伯格标志。谢天谢地,那条生产线衣服

    Zuck's style is so poor, it even inspired a mock fashion line, Mark By Mark Zuckerberg, which thankfully doesn't sell any actual clothing.


  • 诸多中国知名女性时尚品牌走过秀,同时她也是中国国际时装常客

    She has taken to the catwalk for most of the important women's fashion brands in China, and is a regularat China International Fashion Weeks.


  • 诸多中国知名女性时尚品牌走过秀,同时也是中国国际时装常客

    She has taken to the catwalk for most of the important women's fashion brands in China, and is a regular at China International Fashion Weeks.


  • 还是不断变化时尚正是时装迫使我们花费更多钱的花招?

    Or maybe constantly changing what is fashionable is the industry’s way of forcing us to spend more.


  • 证明了,时尚不再是曲高和寡精英产业,知名人士也正在竭尽所能的创造廉价高雅比如高级时装

    It has proved that fashion does not have to be elitist and that big names are as capable of creating cheap chic as haute couture.


  • 高兴出席伦敦时装时尚深圳”活动

    It is my great pleasure to attend the Fashion Shenzhen event as part of the London Fashion Week.


  • 但是作为一个杰出艺术摄影师成功抵消了更为商业时尚杂志领域兴趣10多年的时间没有其他时装摄影

    But his success as a fine art photographer outweighed his interest in the more commercial realm of fashion magazines, and he didn't make another fashion photograph for more than a decade.


  • 意大利时尚记者AnnaPiaggi(图)参加Moschino CheapandChic时装秀。

    Photo 10: Italian fashion journalist Anna Piaggi, at right, attends the Moschino Cheap and Chic show.


  • 计划360fashion,一个整合了Web 2.0移动技术的职业时尚网络,是Trepte2005年巴黎时装秀时建立的。

    Her backup plan is a project called 360fashion, a network of fashion professionals who collaborate using Web 2.0 and mobile technologies that Trepte launched at the 2005 Paris fashion Show.


  • 豹纹时尚界热度不减,纽约时装出现了新的流行趋势——

    While leopard print has been everincreasing in popularity, New York Fashion Week has suddenly provided afresh alternative: tiger print.


  • 目前,距离米兰时装还有不到的时间,这座意大利时尚之都的时尚人士们正在担心的模特可能禁止登台

    MILAN (Reuters) - Italy's fashion capital is in a tizzy over a ban on overly thin models at Madrid's fashion week, fearing it could be next with its own catwalk extravaganza less than two weeks away.


  • 时尚封面大牌时装做到了。

    She has done it all, from Vogue covers to big-name fashion shows.


  • 任天堂电子游戏时尚摇身变成一个流行时装精品店经理

    Nintendo's new Style Savvy video game puts you in the role of the manager of a chic clothing boutique.


  • 注意到,男装时尚正在刮起这股驼色风潮,看样子驼色势必横扫两性时装舞台。

    I have really noticed a progression within men's fashion this year and it seems to have got to the point whereby trends are transcending across both genders.


  • 还有,本季伦敦时装序曲即将周五上午开始奏响,恰逢又是时装25周年庆典魅力驱使,正是时尚前沿的先锋们摩拳擦掌的好时机。

    What's more, when London Fashion Week kicks off on Friday morning, the ante will be upped by this being the 25th-anniversary year.


  • 随着二零一一年纽约春夏时装临近,英国时尚界的标杆性人物——维多利亚-贝克汉姆的一举一动又能为了时尚圈内人与媒体关注的焦点所在

    As New York Fashion Week approaches, it’s British style maven Victoria Beckham that seems to be at the forefront of many fashionistasminds.


  • 今时今日,传统时尚杂志正在努力改变自己适应21世纪他们增加自己网络上的可见度,希望自己的网络写手能在时装周上得到最好的那些位子。

    Now, as magazines struggle to reinvent themselves for the 21st century, they are increasing their online presence and expect prime placement for their dot-com writers.


  • :“减少时尚环境影响时装必须开始传统观念做法发起挑战。”

    She added: “In order to reduce fashion's impact on the environment, the fashion industry must begin to challenge conventional attitudes and practices。”


  • 觉得杰森超级天才”,时尚杂志《Harper’s Bazaar》时装主任克里斯蒂娜-奥尼尔说道,“真令人兴奋希望年轻设计师挑战

    I think Jason is supertalented, ” said Kristina O’Neill, the fashion features director of Harper’s Bazaar, “and it’s so exciting that she wants to champion young designers.”


  • 超市巨头参观Estethica展览——伦敦时装的绿色时尚展——上的FromSomewhere公司时装展览之后产生了这个主意

    The idea came from the supermarket giant after a visit to from Somewhere's collection at Estethica, the London fashion week ethical fashion showcase.


  • 超市巨头参观Estethica展览——伦敦时装的绿色时尚展——上的FromSomewhere公司时装展览之后产生了这个主意

    The idea came from the supermarket giant after a visit to from Somewhere's collection at Estethica, the London fashion week ethical fashion showcase.


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