• 任何人只要花上几百美元进行他们基因组扫描就可以决定是否看看他们的载脂蛋白e基因型有没有增加他们痴呆的风险

    Anyone who has forked out a few hundred dollars to have their genome scanned can decide whether to find out if their APOE gene puts them at increased risk of Alzheimer's.


  • 由于目前治疗痴呆病上还没有什么好办法,因此,研究人员注意力集中试图使这种侵蚀大脑速度放慢推迟开始发作的时间。

    With no cure for Alzheimer's disease in sight, researchers have concentrated on trying to slow the rate at which it corrodes the brain and to postpone its onset.


  • 关于芝加哥总部繁忙研究所研究员研究发现2004年,低烟酸水平有可能早老性痴呆病。

    A new study of seniors from researchers at the Chicago-based Rush Institute found in 2004 that seniors with low levels of niacin were more likely to suffer from Alzheimer's.


  • 栓走到家店面经收拾干净,一一排的茶桌,滑溜溜发光

    When Hua reached his shop, it had been completely cleaned. Rows of tables and chairs were mirroring light.


  • 秀丽隐杆线虫特性使其成为了研究大量疾病生物学过程有效工具,可以研究的内容可包括帕金森病,早老痴呆,以及过程

    The properties of Caenorhabditis elegans make it useful for studying a wide variety of diseases and biological processes, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and ageing.


  • 选择了不要知道他是否携带e4,此基因型大大提高早老痴呆发病几率

    He opted not to know whether he was carrying the epsilon 4 version, which can vastly increase the odds of developing Alzheimer's disease.


  • 不过4早老性痴呆症基因发现,使事情了峰回路转。4种基因导致这种常见疾病

    But there may be hope in the discovery of four new genes that contribute to the most common form of the disease.


  • 老的已知行星地球形成80亿,宇宙爆炸20亿年后形成的太古级的127亿的行星。

    The oldest known planet is a primeval world 12.7 billion years old that formed more than 8billion years before Earth and only 2 billion years after the Big Bang.


  • 晨五点之前起床意味着世界上大多数(并且包括我自己如果坚持时间表的话),并且促使更加快速工作并且走在前面

    Waking up early at 5am means I'm ahead of most people in the world (and myself too, if I were to stick to my old schedule), and that motivates me to work fast and stay ahead.


  • 早老痴呆带有完整威权讨论帮助理解这种复杂疾病全部方面

    Alzheimer's disease, with its complete and authoritative discussions, will help you understand all facets of this complex disease.


  • 研究人员周一声称在鱼油发现一种可能显著降低早老痴呆其他痴呆相关物质

    A substance found in fish oil may be associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's and other dementias, researchers reported Monday.


  • 早老痴呆病人研究显示银杏促进了脑部流量改善了记忆

    Studies of people with Alzheimer's disease show that ginkgo enhances blood flow to the brain and improves memory recall.


  • 最近发现几种导致早老痴呆症的有缺陷基因制药业提供了重要信息找出针对这些细胞的有效药物

    The recent discovery of several genes whose malfunctioning leads to Alzheimer 's provides the pharmaceutical industry with important molecular targets for drug development.


  • 第二天一园丁发现花儿了。气愤园丁决定查个水落石出。 罊。

    Thee next morning, the old gardener discovered some of his flowers missing again. The angry old gardener decided to find out how that happened.


  • 故本区盆世晚期腕足动物地理世界中国北方区。

    Thus, this area shOuld belong to North China Region(otprovince )of the Old World Realm in respoct to reginalism of brachiopod zoogeography during lateEaly Devonian time.


  • 探索早老突变导致AD机制疾病的预防治疗提供依据。

    To explore the mechanism of presenilin mutation causing Alzheimer's disease and to provide the evidence for the prevention and treatment of AD.


  • 阿尔茨海默氏疾病早老性痴呆症进步疾病痛苦目睹病患认识才能失败的那样。

    Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, painful to witness as the patient's cognitive abilities fail.


  • 开始害怕有一,自己无法回忆起丈夫不是因为早老性痴呆症,仅仅是因为记忆可能会渐渐消退

    I became afraid that one day I, too, would be unable to recall my husband, not because of Alzheimer's, but simply because my memory of him might fade.


  • 详细研究表明了元古界桐柏山不能成为花岗岩

    Early Proterozoic Tongbaishan group cannot be the source rock of the granite by study in detail.


  • 目的探讨早老1基因突变家族性阿尔茨海默FAD)发病中的作用

    Objective To explore the effect of mutation of presenilin 1 (PS 1) gene on the pathogenesis of familial Alzheimer disease (FAD).


  • 早老痴呆症帕金森氏症神经退化疾病一些特殊部位细胞出现损坏及退化现象。

    Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are neurodegenerative diseases in which cell damage and degeneration is seen in certain specific areas of the brain.


  • 如果已经找到有效的治疗方法,我们不会担心到导致痴呆症的有缺陷基因了。

    We would not worry about testing for a predisposing gene for Alzheimer's disease if we already had the cure.


  • 它们症状早老症,意味着它们一般小白鼠更快

    They had a condition called progeria, meaning that they aged much more rapidly than normal mice.


  • 这项研究称智商孩子长大后容易血管痴呆。而痴呆和血管痴呆是痴呆症两种主要的形式

    The study finds lower childhood IQ increases the risk of vascular dementia, the second most common form of dementia, after Alzheimer's disease.


  • 最近发现几种导致痴呆症的有缺陷基因制药业提供重要信息找出针对这些细胞的有效药物

    The recent discovery of several genes whose malfunctioning leads to Alzheimer's provides the pharmaceutical industry with important molecular targets for drug development.


  • 同龄但是毕业一年,我小学上一年还好没有什么年龄问题一起呗。

    I am the same age with my husband, but he graduated earlier than I, I was late for starting my primary school life, well, it's no business of age matter, we must get to old together.


  • 同龄但是毕业一年,我小学上一年还好没有什么年龄问题一起呗。

    I am the same age with my husband, but he graduated earlier than I, I was late for starting my primary school life, well, it's no business of age matter, we must get to old together.


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