
  • 翻译需要处理片假名译还原问题

    Japanese-English translation must deal with the problem of Katakana reduced to English.


  • 1902年130,由林董外交大臣兰斯敦签署的《同盟协约》生效

    January 30, 1902, the Resident Minister to Great Britain Hayashi Tadasu and British Foreign Secretary Lansdowne signed the"The Anglo-Japanese alliance treaty", with immediate effect.


  • 前,2004年戛纳电影节上被全世界所熟知的演员柳乐优弥宣布即将与与日英混血的模特结婚

    Actor Yagira Yuya, who gained worldwide fame at the Cannes Film Festival in 2004, is engaged to marry a Japanese-British model.


  • 除了代理大量国内企业、民商事诉讼以外,代理、处理过多起美、间企业诉讼案件非诉案件。

    Provide legal service on civil law, commercial law and corporate law. Not only for clients in Japan, but also corporations from UK and US.


  • 7000歌曲选择,让您尽情歌唱

    Over 7000 choices of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English songs are all for your singing pleasure.


  • 这场争论始于21当时格汉姆新西兰基因改造皇家委员会面前作证决定如何管理转基因生物

    The controversy began on 1 February, when Ingham testified before New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, which will determine how to regulate GM organisms.


  • 1976年7月10意大利北部一个化工厂发生爆炸,释放出又二恶并迅速笼罩了塞韦索米兰北部

    On July 10, 1976, an explosion at a northern Italian chemical plant released a thick, white cloud of dioxin that quickly settled on the town of Seveso, north of Milan.


  • 据了解,"海宝"机器人可以采用6语言,进行热情问候自我介绍。

    The robots are capable of greeting and self-introducing in 6 languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English, French and German.


  • 一次诺曼底登陆纪念官方火车旅行归途亨利迈出了引诱帕特丽夏一步,这也伶俐地暗喻了法关系

    In a nifty metaphor of Franco-British relations, Henri makes his first move to seduce Patricia on an official train journey back from a commemoration of the D-day landings.


  • 会见了德、领导人会见印度巴西等国领导人,会见了77国集团、非以及小岛国的代表

    I met with leaders of India and Brazil. I also held meetings with representatives of the Group of 77 and African Union and leaders of some small island countries.


  • 所有美版部分有“3-5工作”送达的标语。

    All US models and some UK versions are now shown as available in “3-5 business days”.


  • 妮内特·瓦卢瓦艺名,她的真名是爱德莉·斯坦奴,1898年6月6生于爱尔兰维克罗郡的裔爱尔兰军人家庭

    Ninette DE Valois was the stage name of Edris Stannus, born into an Anglo-Irish military family in County Wicklow, Ireland, June 6, 1898.


  • 刘晓明大使于2010年2月28履新。

    Ambassador Liu Xiaoming arrived in the UK on February 28, 2010 to take his office.


  • “高分子材料板局部吸收光从而自我折叠”论文十一月十在杂志《物质》上发表,克,NC州立大学生化工程人造丝教授•干渃;NC州立大学博士以及州立大学在校大学生朱丽叶•博伊尔斯合著

    Soft Matter, and was co-authored by Dickey; NC State Celanese Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Jan Genzer; NC State Ph.D. student Ying Liu; and NC State undergraduate Julie Boyles.


  • 这话时候,不禁伊丽莎白觉得自己明白一笑的深意:他一定以为想起了吉斐花园吧,于是了脸回答道

    As he spoke there was a sort of smile, which Elizabeth fancied she understood; he must be supposing her to be thinking of Jane and Netherfield, and she blushed as she answered.


  • 韩国媒体报道已故女星崔真实弟弟,同样身为演员崔真()于29家中自杀身亡。

    South Korean actor Choi Jin Young (see photo), the younger brother of the late actress Choi Jin Shil, committed suicide at home Monday, local media reported.


  • 欧股周四开盘小幅上扬,摆脱前一交易跌势,保诚保险、Q - Cells百威博等企业纷纷公布财报鼓励投资者重返欧洲股市

    LONDON (MarketWatch) — Earnings from Prudential, Q-Cells and AB Inbev encouraged investors shaken by the previous session's rout to dip a toe back into the European stock market on Thursday.


  • 5月9公司网站上声明法人代表一个和肇事司机母亲同名同姓的陆红

    On May 9, the company website declared that their legal representative is a different person also named Lu Hongying.


  • 12月22,中、美、六国举行电话会议当前伊朗问题形势交换了看法

    On December 22, China, the U.S., Russia, Britain, France and Germany held a telephone conference during which they exchanged views on the current situation of the Iranian nuclear issue.


  • 佛山市气象学会专家表示,13零时至天亮前,我国大部分地区可观测仙座流星雨

    The Perseid meteor shower is expected to put on a good show during the early hours of Thursday morning in most parts of China, experts of Foshan Meteorological Institute said.


  • (华盛顿特区)OnMay20, 2010, 2010年5月40劳拉格拉汉姆收到一个来路不明包裹,这个包裹可以改变美国历史影响巴拉克巴马后的声誉。

    On May 20, 2010, Laura Ingraham received a package from an anonymous source that will change the history of the United States and the legacy of President Barack Obama.


  • 询问调取该院录像证实,三人分别129111213王秀实施殴打,或是脚踢或是拖把推搡。

    The three were interrogated and it was confirmed that they assaulted the deceased on December 9, 11, 12 and 13 by punching, kicking or hitting her with a broomstick.


  • 萨利是应越南外长阮孟琴邀请,于28抵达河内进行为期4天的访问

    Insanally arrived in Hanoi on the 28th for a 4-day visit on the invitation of Mengqin Run, foreign minister of Vietnam.


  • 224,阿尔捧回了座全音乐奖奖杯包括令人梦寐以求年度最佳专辑奖杯。

    She scooped up four Brit Awards on Feb 24, including the coveted Album of the Year trophy.


  • 1918年11月11延续4年之久第一次世界大战胜利等国的失败而告结束。

    November 11, 1918, continuation of 4-year-old World War I in Britain, the United States, France and other countries win and Germany, Austria and other countries come to an end failure.


  • 大多数所访谈历史学家包括学者都一致同意二战转折点在东线的苏联战役。

    The majority of the historians I talked to—including American, British, German, and Japanese academicsagreed that the turning point of the war was to be found within the conflict in the Soviet Union.


  • 大多数所访谈历史学家包括学者都一致同意二战转折点在东线的苏联战役。

    The majority of the historians I talked to—including American, British, German, and Japanese academicsagreed that the turning point of the war was to be found within the conflict in the Soviet Union.


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