• 通常人们称为日本酒或者Seishu(法律上的)。

    Sake, as it is commonly known, is also sometimes referred to as Nihonshu, or even Seishu (legally).


  • 克莱夫·哈里斯詹妮日本先生的办公室打个电话吗?

    CLIVE HARRIS: Jenny, could you ring up Mr. Sakai 's office in Japan?


  • 本文作者利用张量计算证明南开大学诱导法曲率公式日本酒井公式统一的,一致的。

    In this paper the author using tensor calculus shows that the equation for induced normal curvature of Nankai University and that of Sakai (Japanese) are of unity.


  • 用餐接近尾声到收到账单之前拿到一杯绿茶或者(或者如果日本相比,你偏好喝茶的话,“上茶”也可以贯穿整个用餐过程)。

    You’ll receive green or brown roasted tea at the end of your meal (and throughout, if you prefer it to sake or beer), before you receive the check.


  • 电影节包括电影展映戏剧表演舞蹈表演展览以及日本受欢迎法国美食葡萄推广活动。

    The festival includes films, theatrical performances, dance and exhibitions as well as promotions for French food and wine, both of which are very popular in Japan.


  • 价格范围一端一代日本富豪奢华餐厅里品位着进口法国葡萄

    At the other end of the price range, a new generation of wealthy Japanese savored imported French wines at lavish restaurants.


  • 井敦表示,“我们希望年内日本能够达到这个目标。”

    We want to be able to reach this goal in about two years in Japan, ” Niimi said.


  • 日本步入老龄化而且人口在减少,缩减了国内市场同时客户口味也葡萄其他饮料转变

    The domestic business is shrinking as Japan's population ages and declines, and consumer tastes shift from beer to wine and other drinks.


  • 基于日本制造小型机器人FANUC可以调出完美的鸡尾之后还可清理杯子。

    Roboshaker, based on a small robot made by Japan's FANUC, can mix a fair cocktail and clear up afterwards.


  • 日本首相福田康夫日前坦称,时常会缓解工作压力不过一般不喝伏特加

    Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda admits his job is tough and says a glass of wine can relieve the stress. But he draws the line at vodka.


  • 日本,当地习惯互相而不是自己往自己的

    When drinking alcoholic beverages, it is a Japanese custom to serve each other, rather than pouring the beverage into one's own glass.


  • 日本饮料蒸馏生产商三得利胸有成竹准备竞购欧洲饮料生产商OranginaSchweppes,而后者隶属吉百利旗下

    Suntory, a Japanese drinks and distilling company, was poised to make a bid for Orangina Schweppes, a European beverage-maker which used to be owned by Cadbury.


  • 这款葡萄是用日本甲州(Koshu)葡萄酿造。甲州葡萄是日本当地品种,在日本以外地区并不知名

    Japan's Grace Wine won a silver for its Koshu Kayagatake, made of Koshu (sometimes spelled Kyushu) grapes, a local variety little-known outside Japan.


  • 目前日本大约1600家酿商专门生产这种几乎透明,口味也甜味清新味之分。

    There are more than 1, 600 brewers of this almost transparent alcohol, with varieties ranging from sweet to crisp and fragrantly fruity.


  • 目前利口主要法国意大利德国丹麦以及美国日本

    At present the main producing countries liqueur for France, Italy, Germany, Denmark and the United States and Japan.


  • 日本精白原料,采用微生物现代生物技术工程酿制而成,历史悠久,闻名遐迩,享有日本“国”美誉。

    Sake, produced by modern bioengineering and microbial technologies with polished rice as its essentials, has long history and is regarded as National Wine in Japan.


  • 日本重要点心品种纽约主要用于果汁葡萄

    It is an important dessert variety in Japan, yet in New York is used primarily for juice and white wine.


  • 露茜来到这里是因为听说这个金光闪闪地区只要给人,再陪日本商人短暂地交谈大笔钱

    Lucie had come because she had heard there was a fortune to be made in this glittering district simply by pouring drinks and making small talk with Japanese businessmen.


  • 米尔·布兰特绝非无能之辈,年产40,000葡萄打入日本丹麦市场。

    Milbrandt, who produces 40, 000 cases a year and already sells into Japan and Denmark, is no slouch.


  • 简要介绍日本生产方法包括知识精米米、制曲、酵母分析勾兑等。

    The production methods of Japanese sake including basic knowledge of sake, grain steaming, koji-making, yeast, analysis and blending are briefly introduced in this lecture.


  • 摘要尽管日本以出产威士忌闻名全球,但其实日本存在值得探寻品质精品葡萄庄。

    ABSTRACT: Although globally better known for its sake and whisky, Japan is also a niche producer of boutique, high quality wines worth seeking out.


  • 二楼一种不同感应。在这个里你可以感受到日本老板优雅别致风格

    Go up to the second floor for a different vibe. There you can experience the Japanese owner's elegant and chic style that was brought to this lounge bar.


  • 籼米营养发酵工艺克服中国传统工艺上、风味上不足,兼有日本中国香味感。

    The new technology of nutritive fermented wine overcame the deficiencies of yellow wine on the technology and flavor, which had the special flavor of Japanese sake and Chinese rice wine.


  • 摘要勃艮第葡萄艾提安·蒙蒂先生计划日本北海道南部,以酿造黑皮诺霞多丽葡萄

    ABSTRACT: Burgundian vintner Etienne DE Montille is planning to build a winery in southern Hokkaido in Japan to produce cool-climate Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.


  • 米林糯米酿造的,用于日本烹饪透明

    Mirin is a transparent, sweet cooking wine made from glutinous rice, frequently used in Japanese cooking.


  • 米林糯米酿造的,用于日本烹饪透明

    Mirin is a transparent, sweet cooking wine made from glutinous rice, frequently used in Japanese cooking.


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