• 丰田已经宣布日本工厂生产量降到50%。

    Toyota had already announced that it dropped production in its manufacturing facilities in Japan to 50%.


  • 日本工厂总是购买下脚料来进行生产

    This Japanese factory always buy's leftover bits, and pieces to produce its products.


  • 日本工厂关闭越长,汽车工业危机加重

    As Japan shutdowns drag on, auto crisis worsens.


  • 工厂几乎全部设在西欧,因而承受着日本工厂东欧低成本工厂压力

    Because nearly all its factories are in western Europe, it is under pressure from the Japanese and new low-cost factories in eastern Europe.


  • 丰田汽车公司宣称六月份日本工厂产量可能快于预期恢复正常水平

    Toyota Motors has said its production in Japan is likely to return back to normal levels faster-than-expected.


  • 最近几个月丰田更换了掌门人中断了其得意的项目暂时日本工厂产量削减几乎一半

    In RECENT months Toyota has replaced its bosses, halted pet projects and temporarily cut production in Japan almost in half.


  • 丰田汽车公司三月份日本工厂生产量去年同期降低63%,且产量将会继续下降。

    Toyota Motors has said that its Japanese production fell by 63% in March compared with the same month last year, as its production cuts continued.


  • 罗西适应上的苦难点在与这个小工厂为之工作多年的日本工厂在工作方式上有很大不同

    What may be difficult for Rossi to get used to is a much smaller factory with very different working practices from a Japanese factory with whom he has been working for.


  • 分析师们表示假设有10日本工厂继续关闭明年该国天然气消费量就可能增长七分之一左右。

    Analysts say that, assuming 10 Japanese plants remain shut, the country's gas consumption could rise by about a seventh next year.


  • 分析师们表示假设有10日本工厂继续观闭明年该国天然气消费量就可能增长七分之一左右。

    Analysts say that assuming 10 Japanese plants remain shut the country's gas consumption could rise by about a seventh next year.


  • 伯南克表示由于燃料价格回落以及日本工厂地震海啸过后恢复,美国经济增长有望今年下半年实现。

    Bernanke said growth is likely to pick up in the second half of the year as fuel prices recede and factories in Japan recover from the earthquake and tsunami.


  • 鉴于日本工厂汽车产量不足今年本田美国市场份额可能减少一个百分点,丰田则可能会减少三个百分点。

    Because of shortages of vehicles made in its Japanese plants, Honda is on track to lose more than a percentage point of U. S. market share this year, and Toyota nearly three points of share.


  • 日本生产方法引进一些英国工厂

    Japanese production methods have been transplanted into some British factories.


  • 只有特定时间条件下他们才会在设在日本港口附近工厂进行加工。

    This is only at certain times and on condition that they are processed at factories based near Japanese ports.


  • 日本媒体报道其中一家工厂,传出了爆炸声音

    Japanese media reported the sound of an explosion at one of the plants.


  • 施乐公司展开一项逆向工程他们日本机器拆开调查日本工厂清楚他们怎么生产出了如此了不起的产品。

    Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.


  • 受到威胁的出口商越来越多工厂日本转移海外规避关税日元的升值。

    Exporters have threatened to shift more factories from Japan to overseas locations to get around both tariffs and the strong yen.


  • 很多公司日本保留工厂改善生产工艺保留生产技能

    Companies still keep "mother factories" in Japan to refine their production processes and retain skills.


  • 供货苹果传感器因为地震损毁索尼位于日本15工厂延期

    He said sensors for Apple will be delayed because of damage to 15 of Sony's plants in Japan.


  • 温茨举出日本德国公司宣布美国工厂的实例。

    Mr Winzeler points to announcements of Japanese and German companies opening plants in America.


  • 厂家透露日本北部几处工厂运作已经停止了而且由于电力资源紧张的问题没有继续开工

    The firm revealed that operations in several of its plants in north Japan were ceased, and haven't restarted because of ongoing electrical supply problems.


  • 所有一切刺痛了巨人们,使其纷纷采取了行动全部都宣布裁员关闭工厂-这日本标准衡量是异常的。

    All this seems to have prodded the giants into action: all have announced job cuts and factory closures of extraordinary brutality by Japanese standards.


  • 之后又推脱给了创伤美国汽车装配工厂零件供给日本地震海啸以及泄漏事故。

    Then it was Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster which crimped the supply of parts to car assembly plants in America.


  • 中国取代东南亚以前角色,成为世界工厂韩国和日本一道出资组建地区财政援助基金

    It has supplanted Southeast Asia's old role as the world's factory floor, and, together with South Korea and Japan, contributes to a regional financial support fund.


  • 德州仪器公司两个日本芯片工厂已经遭到了破坏;其中位于米罗芯片工厂产量占整个公司的10%。

    Texas Instruments said that two of its Japanese chip-making plants had been damaged; one of them, in Milo, was responsible for about 10% of the company's output.


  • 哈里斯说:无人机应用自然灾害中,包括日本地震工厂

    Harris says drones have also been used in natural disaster situations, including at the Fukushima plant after the earthquake in Japan.


  • 哈里斯说:无人机应用自然灾害中,包括日本地震工厂

    Harris says drones have also been used in natural disaster situations, including at the Fukushima plant after the earthquake in Japan.


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