• 吃素这一条,就让相处女子不少更别提生活了。

    Just being a vegan cuts down the number of women I'm compatible with, never mind being moneyless.


  • 可以份保险使避免家庭贫困而下葬情况

    You can buy insurance, which will help you avoid situations where you have no money for burial after death because of family poverty.


  • 如果购买我国商品美国公司雇员受到不利影响。

    If it couldn't buy our products, American companies and employees would be hurt.


  • 当地媒体报导称,这位61老妇告诉警方母亲是高龄自然死亡保存母亲的尸体是支付殡葬

    Local media reported that the 61-year-old woman told police her mother died of old age and she kept the remains because she couldn't afford burial expenses.


  • 真的否决将使其面临作战危险境地。

    But if he does, it could leave him perilously short of money to carry on fighting.


  • 如果财富用来裹腹提供食物,向衣蔽体的提供衣服,向家可归的人提供房屋,向无钱治病的人提供治疗。只要利用的财富关怀爱护人,财富可以变得神圣

    If the wealth will be used to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless, heal the sick; to care for and love people, then money can make you holy.


  • 好几次,赎回自己掉的东西

    And sometimes he didn't have the money to get back what he had pawned.


  • 更愿意成为有名电影名星呢,还是成为一个能救死扶伤医生呢?

    Would you rather be a rich and famous movie star or a great doctor who saves a lot of people but is not wealthy or well known?


  • 我靠我工资简直难以糊口,根本享受

    I can hardly exist on the wage I'm getting; there is no money for luxuries.


  • 他们中的一些面前的纸上写着他们孩子生病了或者是残疾医治,或者他们自己偷了没有回家的车费

    Some of them hold a notice claiming that their children are ill, handicapped, or they just even been stolen, and have no money for treatment and for bus fares.


  • 农夫本来打算小马贩子几百赛到他的手中,便同意

    The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt, but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars, he consented.


  • 康德的观点,甚至不对因为如果人人那么了。

    Even to borrow money is wrong, according to Kant, because if everyone did borrow money, there would be no money left to borrow.


  • 父母资助开始自己挣

    My parents didn't have money to support me and I had to start earning.


  • 现在部分企业存在着“报表盈利无钱”的现象,给企业生存带来危机,严重的甚至出现盈利破产”现象。

    Now some of the enterprises there is a "the report form profit, in the account does not have the money". In severe cases, they will be "earnings but bankruptcy" phenomenon.


  • 论如何,希刺克厉夫先生根据妻子权利以及权利它拿过来了;我是合法的;毕竟,凯瑟琳是不能干预他的产权的。

    However, Mr Heathcliff has claimed and kept them in his wife's right and his also: I suppose legally: at any rate, Catherine, destitute of cash and friends, cannot disturb his possession.


  • 为了付款或者晚付款,买方经常使用个伎俩宣称自己失去了一位主要客户因此无钱可付

    Another frequently used technique to avoid or postpone payment is where the buyer claims that they lost a major customer and thus cannot afford to pay.


  • 农民失去土地后,生活质量明显下降甚至沦为“种地田、上班岗、低保份、创业社会困难群体

    For instance, the quality of life of land loss farmers has been noticeably reduced, and they even become special difficult group of people who have no land, no job, no insurance and no money.


  • 是我走访过家庭,每年不断上涨的保险费白花钱的支出要么他们走向崩溃,要么让他们体检或者无钱需要处方药

    I'm talking about the families I've met whose spiraling premiums and out-of-pocket expenses are pushing them into bankruptcy or forcing them to go without the check-ups or prescriptions they need.


  • 是我走访过家庭,每年不断上涨的保险费白花钱的支出要么他们走向崩溃,要么让他们体检或者无钱需要处方药

    I'm talking about the families I've met whose spiraling premiums and out-of-pocket expenses are pushing them into bankruptcy or forcing them to go without the check-ups or prescriptions they need.


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