• 发现几乎每个人都更喜欢原创作品无论梵高的静物画还是米罗的抽象画

    He found that almost everyone preferred the original, whether it was a Van Gogh still life or an abstract by Miro.


  • 无论如何,奥威尔未能活着看到作品社会长期影响

    In any case, Orwell didn't live to see the long-range social impact of his work.


  • 得以保证无论何种音乐风格爱好者都能依靠我们所爱艺术家的最新作品相随——我们他们推介新的声音

    This ensures that fans of any style of music can depend on us to keep them up-to-date with their favorite artists as well as introduce them to new sounds.


  • 尤里·布依达的作品经常被描述为根据幻想出的记忆写成的小说,一个存在地方,真实的记忆无论如何已经抹杀掉了。

    Yuri's work is often described as fiction from invented memories. But in No Such Place the past had been wiped in any case.


  • 他们一点可爱这些由始至终贯穿于作品里:,短篇的,长篇的,中篇的,无论哪种

    They are quite unlikable, and this is consistent pretty much across o 'connor's fiction: short, long, medium, whatever.


  • 从未停止我们分享有趣的项目无论他们的“瀑布动物园”还是最近作品一个玻利维亚矿山里的恶魔Tio建造小礼拜堂

    never fails to share interesting projects with us, whether it be their zoo/waterfallor their latest – a chapel for Tio, an evil devil that owns a mountainin Bolivia.


  • 夏洛克行动》(无论对它评价如何,作品这是最为欣赏的一部部分神秘,部分在控诉

    "Operation Shylock" (my favourite of his works, for whatever that's worth) is part mystery and part diatribe.


  • 黄瓜真的是一件相当惊人作品无论厨房还是浴室可以执行多种美容任务

    The cucumber is really a pretty amazing piece of work, both in the kitchen and in the bathroom where it can perform a multitude of beauty tasks.


  • 无论如何这本出自最有成就艺术家之手的传记,是本级为感性,也极具影响力的作品

    Nevertheless, this biography, from one of the most accomplished practitioners of the art, is a work of supreme sensitivity and control.


  • 无论作品网站网上商店还是网络应用面对用户来说可以容易快乐使用一个关键

    Whether you're working on a portfolio website, online store or web app, making your pages easy and enjoyable for your visitors to use is key.


  • 所以挑选几张的相片,你喜欢的东西无论纪念品无论是鲜花,无论是艺术品,(只要)是喜欢的作品

    So have pictures of people you love, have pleasant object, whether it's memorabilia, whether it's flowers, whether it's art, your favorite art.


  • 不过很肯定是,无论照片或麦田的使用,还是最近怪圈作品进一步修饰,总是有人到钱的。

    But it's more than likely that someone will make money from the photographs, the field, or the design of these latest additions to the oeuvre.


  • 几个以前写下了我所最为满意的作品之一——实际上愚见,我的巨著——《感受恐惧无论如何改变世界》。

    A few months ago, I wrote what I believe to be one of my best posts – indeed in my humble opinion my “opus magnum” article – Feel the Fear and Change the World Anyway.


  • 无论如何,这里都会发现卡夫卡作品何种思想传统中具有了一席之地

    In any case, you see here in what tradition of thought Kafka's work takes its place.


  • 各位在参观展览相信都会同感无论公开组专业组作品水准洋溢创意令人惊喜。

    I believe that you would agree, after viewing the exhibits, that the entries for both the open and professional groups are truly creative and of a very high standard.


  • 阿斯泰尔几乎所有令人难忘作品中,舞伴自始至终琴吉•罗杰斯—她是处于次要地位艺术家,但无论性情适应能力上都能与前者相配合并发挥衬托的作用。

    In almost all of his most memorable works Astaire was partnered by Ginger Rogers, a lesser artist who by temperament and adaptive talent somehow managed to be both match and foil.


  • 外国读者眼里,大多数巴勒斯坦作家作品中,充斥着满是关于同胞不幸的描写无论那些1967年被以色列占领领土居民还是那些散落各地难民

    MOST writing by Palestinians for the foreign reader depicts them either as hapless residents of the territories that Israel occupied in 1967 or as scattered refugees.


  • 作品增加了这样一种意义无论美国还是在或其他任何地方,身份特征只是我们穿身上的服装

    This adds to the sense that identity - in America and everywhere - is a costume we put on.


  • 作品中对于它维度应该这样描述,即所有角度,我们视觉成像都是0.5无论、中、哪个角度。

    The dimensionality of these works should be explained in this way - from any perspective, the visual image is 0.5 degrees, whether the perspective is left, center or right.


  • 做了个鬼脸然后说道:“这些东西无论如何也不会认为参观者认为他们房子里真的莫奈作品……他们吗?”

    He pulled a face, then said: "the people who buy them can't possibly think visitors will think they have real Monets in their house... can they?"


  • 无论何时t witter(一种社交网服务)创始人希望作品产生多少收益他们总是顾左右而言他。

    WHENEVER the founders of Twitter, a social-networking service, have been asked about how much revenue they expect to generate from their creation, they have politely deflected the question.


  • 注意:所有作品评判取决于想法独创性以及作品质量无论作品完整画面还是注重角色的塑造。

    Remember, whether you choose to do a full scene or just focus on a character(s) the work will be judged on the idea, originality, and quality.


  • 那些为人惊叹设计,无论薄纱,天鹅绒,羽毛还是有限的材质他都驾轻就熟,美丽耀目模特穿着他的作品T台上昂首阔步,个个神采奕奕。

    Dazzling girls strutted down the catwalk, wearing startling creations of gauze, or velvet, or feathers, or not much at all.


  • 文艺作品无论描写“对象人”,还是表现“主体”,都应该遵守人的本质二重性原则,从而确保人物的真实性、丰富性。

    The work of literature and art should abide by The duality of humanity to assure people's reality and be plenty in description of the objective and subjective people.


  • 测试不同版本专文看看最佳作品无论威胁角度感兴趣。

    Test different ad text and see which version works best, both from an ROI and CTR perspective.


  • 测试不同版本专文看看最佳作品无论威胁角度感兴趣。

    Test different ad text and see which version works best, both from an ROI and CTR perspective.


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