• 现在依赖这个习惯无聊中寻求舒适、幸福自由一个压力释放者

    You now depend on this habit for comfort, happiness, freedom from boredom, and as a stress reliever.


  • 我们万物互联世界无聊也许很难定义状态也是一种丰富的状态。

    In our always-connected world, boredom may be a hard-to-define state, but it is a fertile one.


  • 这场一边倒无聊比赛冠军稳操胜券,大获全胜。

    The champs were on cruise control as they eased to victory in this one-sided bore.


  • 我们需要偶尔地逃避生活无聊平淡

    We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives.


  • 五月伦敦举办无聊大会庆祝了无聊时光欢愉时刻

    In early May, London's Boring Conference celebrated seven years of delighting in dullness.


  • 这些研究令人印象深刻,现实无聊好处可能时间清理大脑安静待着做白日梦有关

    These studies are impressive, but in reality, the benefits of boredom may be related to having time to clear your mind, be quiet, or daydream.


  • 这些事情切实缓解无聊这个过程有效率

    These are the things that will genuinely relieve boredom and make you more effective in the process.


  • 我们日常生活机器人经常危险无聊困难脏的工作

    In our daily life, robots are often found to do work that is too dangerous, boring, difficult, or dirty.


  • 尽管有时候无聊,但是练习学习起着重要作用。

    Exercises feature prominently in high school students' study, even though sometimes they are boring.


  • 因为他们没有任何的想象力不许他们自己无害幻想逃离个一小时更多。真不明白他们为什么要把无聊的的生活强加给我们? !

    Just because they have no imagination and don't allow themselves to 'escape' for an hour or so into harmless fantasy I don't see why they should impose their dull lives onto us!


  • 使我们不至于记住生活的那些无聊时刻,同时还帮助我们一个抽象的方式考虑问题。

    It saves us from remembering all of life's crushingly dull moments as well as setting us free to think in abstract terms.


  • 然而大多数并不能感受到工作这种简单快乐大多数工作不是无聊透顶就是令人憎恶,要么就是两者兼而有之

    Yet this sort of simple pleasure in the job is not open to most people: the majority of jobs are either boring or beastly or both.


  • 无聊透顶工作以及少得可怜报酬让大家抱怨不断。 此时需要的,就是鼓励自己尽量简单的工作挖掘意义。

    When things get boring and the pay is less, students explain, you really need to motivate yourself just to get something out of a simple task.


  • 我们慢慢长大,我们生活令人兴奋事情和我们敢于冒险都越来越少,我们自己也越来越无聊

    The older we get the less excitement we have in our lives, the fewer adventures we dare to try, the more boring we are.


  • 高三圣诞节星期休假感到无聊一定程度上是因为没有什么真正问题可供我解答。

    During Christmas break in my senior year, I was bored during the two weeks off from school... partly because I had no serious problems to deal with.


  • 人们利用上班时间其它事情原因各不相同6月7月电子邮件受访者18%的人称这样做的主要原因无聊和没事可做。

    The reasons why people wasted time were varied with nearly 18 percent of respondents questioned by e-mail in June and July said boredom and not having enough to do was the main reason.


  • 史默伍德博士说:“人们认为心不在焉是件坏事,但是如果我们在做无聊工作的时候不能出神一下 那生活将会太可怕了。” 明尼苏达大学心理学家、领域先驱者之一埃里克 科林格认为:“想象一下 如果精神不能交通阻塞解脱出来,你会这受困汽车大军苦思冥想,智力锻炼没有幻想海滩来得那么愉快,也没有思考驶离公路后干什么来得有用

    You’d be stuck contemplating the mass of idling cars, a mental exercise that is much less pleasant than dreaming about a beach and much less useful than mulling what to do once you get off the road.


  • 生活目的无聊生活消失,这多少时间无关

    But live with a purpose that inspires you, and boredom will disappear from your life, regardless of how much time you have.


  • 公告提到编写这个应用程序是因为你在飞机上无聊的缘故。

    In your announcement, you said you wrote this application because you were bored on a plane.


  • 向路人询问那些无聊七拐八拐驾驶路线日子已经去不复返了;只需这些网站输入起点终点地址在线引擎就会完成剩下的工作。

    Gone are the days of asking fellow humans for tedious turn-by-turn driving directions; you just plug the start and end addresses into one of these sites, and the online engine does the rest.


  • 因此,立刻停下每日无聊地重复的生活重新制定生活达到目标

    So quit living your life day-to-day and start creating some goals that you want to accomplish in life!


  • 除了他们自己无聊占卜步骤他们可以列出的管理层的门外汉,进行内部换人,并且其他人一样遵守法律

    Instead of fiddling about with their own arcane procedures, they should enlist lay authorities to help them clean up and obey the law, just like everybody else.


  • 一切发生明亮动人世界证明老少咸宜的游戏并不意味着极其沉闷无聊

    It all happens in bright, inviting worlds that prove that family-friendly doesn't have to mean deadly dull.


  • 这样游戏是不是批评家最近军人家属指责的那样,只是侮辱那些战争真正军人无聊消遣呢?

    Are video games like this mere frivolities that dishonor the real soldiers who have fought in the wars depicted - as critics, including military families, have recently charged?


  • 如何轻松得体那些“人”的社交场合脱身?如何逃离聚会无聊谈话

    How to gracefully and painlessly remove yourself from sticky social situations? How to escape a dull conversation at a party?


  • 许多简单家庭电影无聊之作——一样表现的猫咪或者幼儿着碧昂丝舞蹈

    Many of these are simply home-movie inanities — cats acting like people or toddlers dancing to Beyoncé.


  • 在百无聊随手抓过本书来,科学也好,文学也好,横竖什么一样下去,看下去,忽而自己觉得,已经了十多,但是毫不记得书上所说的事。

    Out of sheer boredom I would pick up a book-science or literature, it was all the Same to me--and read on and on till it suddenly dawned on me that I had turned a dozen pages without taking in a word.


  • 在百无聊随手抓过本书来,科学也好,文学也好,横竖什么一样下去,看下去,忽而自己觉得,已经了十多,但是毫不记得书上所说的事。

    Out of sheer boredom I would pick up a book-science or literature, it was all the Same to me--and read on and on till it suddenly dawned on me that I had turned a dozen pages without taking in a word.


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