• 年轻的经验的新手

    A youthful or inexperienced person; a novice.


  • 措词中表现出年轻经验迹象

    There are signs of youth and inexperience in his wordage.


  • 此外可能希望全部命令寄托给临时经验用户

    Further, you simply may not want to entrust the entirety of the command line to an occasional or inexperienced user.


  • 现在国际金融界不乏具有冒险精神聪明经验年轻信贷员

    The world of international banking is now full of aggressive , bright, but hopelessly inexperienced young lenders.


  • 一个经验承包商操作了提供力量参观航空器变压器并且台变压器烧坏了。

    An inexperienced contractor operated transformers that supply power to visiting aircraft and six transformers had burnt out.


  • 作为经验新手学生生物化学研究室中,时间花玻璃器皿试管标签上。

    As the newest and least experienced student in a biochemistry research lab, your first few weeks are spent washing glassware and labeling test tubes.


  • 因为经验的工人2 ~3小时进行屠宰,在早晚屠宰避免肉尸长时间暴露高温下。

    Since an inexperienced person will take 2 to 3 hours to complete the slaughter operation, care should be taken to preclude long exposure to high temperatures.


  • 对于已处理异常需要错误消息中权衡经验用户有帮助,但不要道德的黑客透露过多信息

    For handled exceptions, you need to strike a balance in your error messages between being helpful to the naive user and giving away too much information to the unscrupulous hacker.


  • 从本质上说,这本书一部优秀的科学著作汉森平实的风格使这一学科不了解经验的起来饶有兴致。

    Mr Hanson's unpretentious style makes what is essentially an excellent scientific work into an enjoyable read for the ignorant and uninitiated.


  • 由于里奥·费迪南德背部受伤,维迪奇担任防守组织。他巧妙调动经验拉斐尔强尼埃文斯使其发挥更佳。

    With Rio Ferdinand suffering from back spasms, Vidic has stepped up as the defensive organiser, coaxing the best out of the inexperienced Rafael and Jonny Evans.


  • 尽管一些情况下这种管理必要的(比如团队完全是初级经验工程师组成的),仍是一个效率很低的模型

    Although in some instances this type of control is necessary (e.g., if the team is composed of extremely junior, inexperienced engineers), it is a very inefficient model.


  • 有规律上网者大脑已经显示出这些区域活动研究人员惊奇注意到,经验用户几天时间就能赶上来。

    The brains of the regular Internet users already showed activity in these regions, and researchers were startled to note that it only took a few days for inexperienced users to catch up.


  • 注意PredefinedDataView窗口包含一个简短描述帮助经验的DB2用户理解视图的用途。

    Notice that the Predefined Data View window includes a brief description to help novice DB2 users understand how this will help them.


  • Oakeshott经验的联营企业拟定经营计划,为资金作担保,1979年创办代表联营企业讲话的“员工所有制协会”,因此他自己成为了一个能给人激励的

    Mr Oakeshott became an inspiration himself, drawing up business plans for fledgling co-ops, securing capital and founding the Employee Ownership Association in 1979 to speak for them.


  • Oakeshott经验的联营企业拟定经营计划,为资金担保1979年创办了代表联营企业讲话的“员工所有制协会”,因此他自己成为了一个能给人激励的

    Mr Oakeshott became an inspiration himself, drawing up business plans for fledgling coops, securing capital and founding the Employee Ownership Association in 1979 to speak for them.


  • 最后,就雇佣了经验工价便宜焊工,焊工意外地掉了焊枪,引发大火

    In the end, a welder, hired precisely because he was inexperienced and therefore cheap, accidentally dropped his torch, which set off the fire.


  • 他们年轻无经验或者有限能力管理带来挑战--也是教给他们重要工作生活技能机会

    Their youth, inexperience or limited abilities can present you with significant management challenges - as well as a great opportunity to teach them important job and life skills.


  • 现在商业界建议,先做前景不引人注目报酬工作低收入的工作,作为一种获取今后宝贵经验方法

    For now, advice from the business community is to embrace the unappealing prospect of unpaid or low-paid work, as a means of gaining experience that will be valuable later.


  • 组合特定元素创造一幅独一二的图像以让大多数经验丰富慧眼信以为真,这要求一整套具创造力技艺

    Combining certain elements to create a unique image, that can convince even the most experienced set of eyes, requires a very creative set of skills.


  • 脊椎动物这一群体社会经验雌性择偶影响可说是闻所未闻

    The influence social experience has on the female Wolf spider's mating choice is almost unheard of among invertebrates.


  • 大学毕业后几乎没有工作经验没有市场所需技能,我明白在我找到我梦寐以求出版工作之前,我做上一系列报酬实习工作。

    I had little work experience and few marketable skills when I graduated, and I knew I would have to take a series of unpaid internships before I could find the publishing job I've always wanted.


  • 尽管年纪,没经验,这位小演员同一起工作明星们却能地相处。

    Though young and lacking in experience, the young actor is at ease with the film stars with whom he is working.


  • 目前成功经验多元自由社会——称之为消费主义信仰者的非神圣同盟

    Presently the success stories are the plural, liberal societies - what I call the unholy alliance of consumerist unbelievers.


  • 实习看上去倒是一个互惠互利双赢选择缺乏经验年轻人可以学习所选方向东西雇主们也可以脏活累活扔给实习生。

    Unpaid internships seem to be an example of mutual utility: inexperienced youngsters learn something about a chosen field while employers get to farm out some menial work.


  • 经验考虑在内。

    His inexperience should be allowed for.


  • 演示文稿中用太多程序里花里胡哨功能经验PPT使用者一个标志

    Another indicator of an inexperienced Powerpoint user is when too many of the fancy functions from the program are used in the presentation.


  • 运用突破性研究成果,并揉杂以日常经验Ariely我们阐述期望情绪社会规范以及其他一些不可见的看似逻辑力量是如何使我们l扭曲我们推理能力的。

    Blending everyday experience with groundbreaking research, Ariely explains how expectations, emotions, social norms, and other invisible, seemingly illogical forces skew our reasoning abilities.


  • 因为手头拮据,同时也有用的事,于是便提出了申请,但提出申请同时我也很担心自己学位,二教学经验得到这份工作的可能性微乎其微的。

    Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were slim.


  • 因为手头拮据,同时也有用的事,于是便提出了申请,但提出申请同时我也很担心自己学位,二教学经验得到这份工作的可能性微乎其微的。

    Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were slim.


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