• 常规新陈代谢转换为几乎水的新陈代谢会消耗大量的能量

    There's a high energy cost in switching from a regular metabolism to an almost-no-water metabolism.


  • 硫酸铜固体白色变成蓝色。

    H2O can turn anhydrous copper sulphate solid from white to blue.


  • 你们变成落叶橡树花园

    When you shall be as an oak with the leaves falling off, and as a garden without water.


  • 一类判断很难暗示月球干燥氯元素分析相安

    Such estimates are hard to reconcile with the new chlorine work suggesting a bone-dry moon.


  • 静音压机使用客户提供了油、水的洁净压缩气体

    Mute oil free compressor for using the customers with no oil, without the water clean compressed gas.


  • 结果饭盒材质体积水的条件下均可使用

    Results The bento can be designed on light material, small in size and used in water or waterless condition.


  • 这些,是狂风催逼雾气墨黑的幽暗他们存留。

    These are Wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.


  • 他们泉源狂风所飘飏云雾:为他们所存留的,黑暗幽冥

    These are fountains without water, and clouds tossed with whirlwinds, to whom the mist of darkness is reserved.


  • 至于,凭着立约所用那些被囚的人释放出来。

    As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit.


  • 但王光谦认为,调调沙仅仅是把流量存在库里,积攒起来制造洪峰水的浪费。

    Wang Guangqian refutes this, saying that just a small proportion of the water flow is held back in the reservoirs, where it is stored up to create a flood peak, meaning no water is actually wasted.


  • 为了我们扎营河床地方,老天爷却开了一点玩笑,一直没有动静的天空却霹雳啪啦的下起大雨来。

    In order to swim naked, we camped in the dry part of a brook. But The God made a joke with us. The peaceful sky broke by the rain.


  • 电机驱动下贴紧桥墩,潜舱上的橡胶起止作用,舱内施工人员可以打开工作窗口水的条件下对桥墩进行修补加固施 工。

    The diving chamber is closely attached on the pier driven by a screw pole motor, the rubber water stop tie on the diving chamber plays a roll of stopping water;


  • 它们可以数月数年状态中恢复过来,这取决于具体的物种

    They can recover from months and years without water, depending on the species.


  • 研究了丁醇溶液在条件下羊毛处理

    The treatment of wool under anhydrous conditions with potassium tert-butoxide solution is studied.


  • ECO2公司创造出第一无水回收流程采用一种玉米基的生物可分解溶剂溶解接着被提取出来因此可以重复使用

    ECO2 created the first waterless recycling process, employing a corn-based, biodegradable liquid solvent that dissolves buildup and is then distilled so it can be reused.


  • 经过可怕旷野,那里有火蛇蝎子,干旱之地

    He led you through the vast and dreadful desert, that thirsty and waterless land, with its venomous snakes and scorpions. He brought you water out of hard rock.


  • 不能被Pt F 6氧化无水氟化氢(aHF)溶液中,形成过渡金属离子配合物,而氪不行。

    Krypton is not oxidized by PtF6, and in the solvent anhydrous HF (aHF), forms no complexes with transition-metal ions as xenon does.


  • 果汁看起来很健康减肥佳品纤维素,反倒是调味的蔗糖加了一大堆。

    Juice, for example, seems healthy, but really you’re getting none of the fiber of fruit and all of the calories.


  • 购买无水(电热器)更加节能的做法,电需要时候进行加热不会对保存在箱内加热保温。

    For even greater efficiency consider buying a tankless water heater. Tankless water heaters only heat water when it is needed, instead of keeping a reserve of water at a constant temperature.


  • 没有滔天巨浪,也没有狂风大作;只有龙头干涸厕所冲刷所发出声音

    There was no wall of water, no howling winds; just the sound of taps drying up and toilets ceasing to flush.


  • 是的也是一个一时半会儿没有来,一旦可食,饮的国家

    And yes, it is also a country where the floodwaters have yet to come, and if the land goes underwater, there will be no rice to till, no water to drink.


  • 如果下雨饭店厨师做饭

    If there is no rain, the cooks in restaurants will have no water to cook food.


  • 的神,要切切地寻求你。干旱疲乏之地,我渴想你,我的心切慕你。

    O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.


  • 配置先进工业冷却系统无水自动断电高温报警的保护功能,极大的提高机器稳定性

    Advanced industry water-cooling system, anhydrous automatic power-off and high-temperature alarm makes the machine more stable.


  • 贝克特尔(Bechtel,出租管道设备跨国公司)将价格上涨两倍使得数万力承担的玻利维亚可用。

    Bechtel—the multinational corporation that had leased their pipes and plants—had more than doubled water rates, leaving tens of thousands of Bolivians who couldn't pay without any water whatsoever.


  • 告诉欢呼支持者,“有1200万仍然处于电,饥寒交迫生存环境中时,我们不可以说这个国家进步。”

    “It’s not possible to say thatthe country is progressing when 12m people are living in miserable conditionswithout electricity or running water,” he told cheering supporters.


  • 近年来,随着Purell这种清洁产品流行,越来越多的人开始使用方便无水洗手液。

    In recent years, with proliferation of products such as Purell, instant hand sanitizers have become popular.


  • 鬼离人身,无水之地过来过去寻求安歇不着,便:‘回到出来屋里去。’

    When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.'


  • 鬼离人身,无水之地过来过去寻求安歇不着,便:‘回到出来屋里去。’

    When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.'


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