• 长颈鹿面对面地站着,令人无比惊骇的姿势将脖子缠绕到了一起

    Facing each other, the giraffes entwine their necks in the most astonishing manner.


  • 看到女儿一起无比的高兴,我开始一点点的理解她了,仿佛看到曾经一起样子

    I loved watching her with my baby and began to understand her, and to see that once she had been like that with me.


  • 纯净天空洁白云彩搭配一起构成了一美丽无比画卷偶尔飞过的一两只燕子,使画卷展现出了动态

    Pure sky and white clouds collocation are together, constitute a beautiful picture scroll, occasionally passing one or two swallows, make this picture shows dynamic beauty.


  • 爱上无比幸福无比的痛苦你在一起就像拥有整个世界可是不敢一旦失去你我还拥有什么

    Falling in love with you, I am extremely happy but also very painful, with you, I like the whole world, but I do not dare to think what would I have lost you.


  • 今天想你,只是我们不能一起。我回忆共度的无数昨日快乐无比

    I missed you today; we couldn't be together, and I passed the time remembering happy yesterday spent with you.


  • 今天大家欢聚一起,此时此刻我们心情无比激动,我们用歌声唱出我们节日

    Today, we gather here and now, we feel very excited, let us sing our holiday songs!


  • 还有就是微软一样得以一些无比能干充满激情全心投入人们一起工作应对那些长期存在严峻挑战寻找解决方案

    Is also the same as in Microsoft, I was able to and some very competent, passionate, dedicated people to work together to respond to those challenges exist for a long time looking for the solution.


  • 认识之前所有美好记忆已经变得黯然无色,取而代之的是我们一起无比快乐的时光

    All the pictures that hang in my memory before I knew you have faded and given place to our radiant moments together.


  • 如果香皂泡沫以及蜡烛营造出良好的气氛,那么一起绝对一次浪漫无比体验

    Bathing together can to be a totally romantic experience if you set the mood with bubbles and candles.


  • 妻子美丽的房子里,杰克母亲呢,在生命剩下日子里,和他们一起过上了无比幸福生活。

    He and his wife had a beautiful home, and Jack's mother lived with them in great happiness for the rest of her days.


  • 今天我们将在一起共同感受创意带给我们的感动瞬间创意闪过虽然稍纵即逝但又美妙无比的瞬间…

    It's a day to celebrate ideas … and that wonderful and elusive Creative Moment when ideas just flow.


  • 我们一起度过时光无比珍贵——一起穿针引线聊天感受祖孙之间深情

    Our time spent together is precious—time to thread a needle, talk, and feel the love between generations.


  • 我们一起分享开业喜悦分享我们产品带来无比尊贵

    We share the joy of grand opening and also inimitableness dignity that our products bring you.


  • 自然孩子尽管许多莫名痛苦,但与一起,他快乐无比

    Nature says, he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me.


  • 然而你们地球母亲一起提升了,所有一切都会留在身后因为你们将喜悦于更高维度美丽奇妙无比

    However when you ascend with Mother Earth, all of that will be left behind as you enjoy the beauty and wonders of the higher dimensions.


  • 我们怀着梦想而来,我们共同爱好凝聚一起,我们以独特的创意无比的热情诠释未来

    We dream, because of our common interests and condense together with the unique creative, our passion and clinking interpretation future!


  • 衷心的祝贺良好祝愿一起献给你的生、活永远美好无比

    Sincere congratulations and BEST of wishes, too. May all the finest things in life keep happening to you!


  • 天早晨牧师,一位医生一个工程师一起打高尔夫,在他们前面的那拨人,打得无比

    A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers.


  • 年前收到爷爷来信沙湾来看我们非常兴奋,我希望一天赶快到来那时我们一起无比快乐

    One year ago, we got a letter from my grandfather. He said he would come to Shawan to see us. I am very excited. I hope that day can come soon. At that time, we will be very happy together.


  • 只野兽死去晚上,卡洛克狂怒无比煽动了所有的动物一起反叛并且它们的笼子打开,在宫廷广场上大开杀戒

    On the night the beast died, a rage came over the boy. He incited the animals of the court to rebel and threw open their cages to set them amok on the palace grounds.


  • 只要你们个人一起就算下海打渔觉得浪漫无比

    As long as you two are together, even go to fishing on the sea, you will also feel so romantic.


  • 两个数字组合在一起尊贵调和无比吉祥实在帝王最恰当象征

    The two Numbers together, neither noble and harmonic and auspicious, it is the symbol of the emperor.


  • 但是它们一定次序放在一起创造一句力量无比强大的话,激励数百万采取行动——采取行动改写法律,改变观念改善生活

    But when you put them together in a certain order, they create a phrase that has been powerful enough to move millions of people to take action - action that changed laws, perceptions, and lives.


  • 羽毛没长好的3周里这些鸟儿几十一起忍受着痛苦显得无比坚韧

    Standing about in groups of a few dozen, the birds looked Stoic as they endured their three weeks of bad-feather days.


  • 羽毛没长好的3周里这些鸟儿几十一起忍受着痛苦显得无比坚韧

    Standing about in groups of a few dozen, the birds looked Stoic as they endured their three weeks of bad-feather days.


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