• 来自其他欧盟国家劳工可说并无偏见

    There is little prejudice against workers from other EU states.


  • 首先如若它们基于无偏见样本那么它们就很可靠

    For one thing, they're reliable insofar as they're based on unbiased samples.


  • 是个客观的、偏见观点但是这个观点爱因斯坦私下争吵中受挫事实没有任何关系。

    It was an objective and unbiased opinion and surely had nothing to do with the fact that he had hurt feelings from a personal falling-out with Einstein.


  • 然而,BP坚持认为自己没错任何偏见法庭都会做出有利的裁决。

    BP, meanwhile, insists it has done nothing wrong, and that any unbiased court will find in its favour.


  • 是什么神秘力量驱使我们投入怀抱我们任何偏见旁观者看来恰恰是相配的身边推开呢?

    What mysterious force drives us into the arms of one person, while pushing us away from another who might appear equally desirable to any unbiased observer?


  • 再三重复‘偏见讯息’,说明欧洲中央银行下一步行动表示这次明确地到,‘降息选择’。”

    He "could this time explicitly mention the 'rate cut option' when repeating his' no bias' message, to suggest that the likely next ECB move is down," Moec said.


  • 我们必须诚实并且偏见地来分析

    We must be honest and unprejudiced as we attempt to analyze it.


  • 他说:“如果发生了舞弊一定会进行调查必须是公正偏见的调查。”

    "Fraud - if it is committed - it has to be investigated, but investigated fairly and without prejudice," Karzai said.


  • 决策基础应当是偏见科学证据而不是烟草业的说词。

    Base decisions on impartial scientific evidence, not on the claims of the tobacco industry.


  • 正式讲,我们必须接触欢迎记录宇宙片区域中所有智慧生物混合生物的信息,偏见,不带好恶

    Officially, we are required to contact, welcome and log in any and all sentient races or multibeings in this quadrant of the Universe, without prejudice, fear or favor.


  • 论是过去还是将来或是现在新闻博物馆不再报道那些无偏见观点地方

    Entertaining though it is, the Newseum is not the place to go for unbiased reporting on the past, present and future of the press.


  • 甲骨文网泰信息存储公司同意偏见地撤销这起诉讼案。

    Oracle and NetApp agreed to seek to have the lawsuits dismissed without prejudice.


  • 各种偏见用户测试内容以确保对于广泛受众来说舒适的。

    Test your content with a variety of un-biased users to ensure it is comfortable to a broader audience.


  • 叙述者故事讲述的是一无偏见怎样改变我们这个山谷的。

    Narrator: This is a tale about an unprejudiced heart, and how it changed our valley forever.


  • 偏见,她能十分清楚看到问题方面,她发现他们两人之间很难叫人进行选择

    She had an impartial mind, and saw the two sides of a question clearly enough to find little to choose between them.


  • 没有全面的,毫无偏见调查研究生活意识的每一件事更能开拓你视野。

    Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under your observation in life.


  • 代表支持智利关于进行偏见影响研究提案,即根据个别国家国情以及各国认可标准评价知识产权适当标准。

    The Representative supported Chile's proposal for a "without prejudice" impact study, to assess the appropriate levels of IP, with regard to individual countries and endorsed the suggested criteria.


  • 这样都不好的。为了仲裁结果公平无偏见偏袒认为设在第三国是最好

    Neither is good. In order to make the arbitration results fair, unbiased and impartiality, I consider it is the best to set it in the third country.


  • 一般无偏见英国绅士更加公然地宣称他讨厌诗人的言之冗词赘语咬文嚼字

    He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse.


  • 通过这些原始偏见星际尘埃样品人们真正找出究竟我们的太阳系同银河中的其它星球是否元素差异以及相差多少

    With a pristine and unbiased sample of interstellar dust they can truly find out if and by how much the elements of our own world differ from others throughout the galaxy.


  • 四分之三参与网络调查都认为因特网能让人变聪明,因为它能无偏地传播知识,还能提高读写能力。

    An online survey showed that more than three-quarters of people who undertook the survey believe that the Internet makes people smart.


  • 不管什么时候,如果有人问起我们如何看待中国的,我们都会告诉他们我们所遇到每个如何积极地影响着我们,我们会向他们提供对中国最真实的、无偏见看法

    Whenever someone asks us what we think about China, we will be able to relate to them how each person that we met positively affected us and provide them with an honest, unbiased view of China.


  • 西科学价值中立主张概括为无偏见性、中立性和自主性三个相关论题

    Hugh Lacey believes that Value neutrality of Science can be divided into three related theses: the thesis of impartiality, the thesis of neutrality and the thesis of autonomy.


  • 西科学价值中立主张概括为无偏见性、中立性和自主性三个相关论题

    Hugh Lacey believes that Value neutrality of Science can be divided into three related theses: the thesis of impartiality, the thesis of neutrality and the thesis of autonomy.


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