• 霍金就是因为如果说很多宇宙其中之一具有我们宇宙那那样物理规律——那么这样宇宙里,有些东西不仅可以而且必须无中生有

    That's because if there are many universes, one will have laws of physics like oursand in such a universe, something not only can, but must, arise from nothing, Hawking says.


  • 开玩笑地把描述成直线员时,完全一脸困惑,好像无中生有新创了类别似的。

    When I jokingly described him as one of the "linear people", he looked utterly bewildered, as if I'd created a category out of thin air.


  • 坚持一个基于事实辩论不是无中生有并不就是站在了奥巴马那边

    Insisting on a debate that begins with facts rather than myths isn't to take Obama's side.


  • 所谓财富原罪并非完全无中生有富人来说,让自己的财富停止增长通常比较困难

    The so—called "original sin of wealth" is not totally without foundation, and it is often difficult for the rich to stop enriching themselves.


  • 这种事发生的时候,好像无中生有地变了一似的,差不多一直屋子里上窜下跳

    When that happens we pretty well prance around the house like we've somehow magically manufactured a day out of thin air.


  • 清楚地展示衍生品合成证券如何用来无中生有创造价值

    This is a clear demonstration of how derivatives and synthetic securities have been used to create imaginary value out of thin air.


  • 导演艾默里克一个虚假的天文事件毁灭了地球(2012年不会出现行星的现象的),他还无中生有从未观测到太阳系互动行为

    So Emmerich found a way to kill the Earth using a faux astronomical event (there is no planetary alignment in the year 2012) and by inventing a solar interaction that has never been observed.


  • 我们纠结这种情况了,这个方程告诉如果磁场时间变化无中生有产生电场

    But let's not bother.Again, what this equation tells you is that if the magnetic field changes over time then it creates, just out of nowhere, and electric field.


  • 他们看到那些他们打击,实际上眼中真正珠宝,与此同时他们无中生有捏造授权神圣指示历史也是没有根据的。

    They will see that those they have castigated are the true jewels in the Father's eyes whilst their trumped up, created empowerment has no bases in history of Divine dictates.


  • 应该发脾气这些指控根本就是无中生有

    I shouldn't have lost my temper, but the charges were plainly baseless.


  • 的那一只不过无中生有,胡说八道。

    Don't be fooled by his babbling. He was only making much ado about nothing.


  • 现在很多流言揣测有些就是喜欢无中生有,对此也无能为力

    There has been lots of speculation and people like to create something that's not there but that is out of my control.


  • 所谓罗泉会议”纯系子虚乌有,历史意义亦属无中生有

    The so-called Zizhou Luoquanjing Meeting does not exist in history, not to speak of its historical significance.


  • 男人讨厌女人总是想太多故意无中生有、莫名忧愁

    Men hate the fact that women read too much into things and deliberately create complications even when there is nothing to worry about.


  • 作为传送图象的媒介,权力无中生有地变出他们上。

    In a medium meant to convey images, his power was in conjuring them out of thin air.


  • 我们纠结这种情况这个方程告诉如果磁场时间变化无中生有产生电场

    But let's not bother. Again, what this equation tells you is that if the magnetic field changes over time then it creates, just out of nowhere, and electric field.


  • 我会平易浅白的文字讲述原理法则,让你知道,每个都可以这个目前已知的法则,无中生有培养出信心

    In language which any normal human being can understand, we will describe all that is known about the principle through which FAITH may be developed, where it does not already exist.


  • 是否因为邓布利多希望哈利傻事,害怕哈利自己插手去管假装说哈利怀疑的事情无中生有

    Was it because Dumbledore did not want Harry to do anything foolish, to take matters into his own hands, that he had pretended there was nothing in Harry's suspicions?


  • 我们没办法无中生有,让劳工报酬长期高出其创造价值。

    We cannot distribute more wealth than is created. We cannot in the long run pay labor as a whole more than it produces.


  • 不是普通面试马丁并不介意简历无中生有莎拉继续坚持下去。

    It's no ordinary interview, Martin doesn't mind the creativity on her CV, Sara presses on.


  • 库比·:“可以负责地,那些我和贝拉米之间有不和的报道纯粹无中生有。”

    Curbishley said: "I can only say that reports I've had a bust-up with Craig are absolute nonsense."


  • 无中生有王劼音个展华府艺术空间中国上海

    Something from Nothing-Wang Jieyin's art works, HuaFu Art Space, Shanghai, china;


  • 这里坏情绪,是指那种无中生有鸡毛蒜皮的小事大光其火,硬要好端端的一天搞砸。

    I'm talking about the kind of mood that throws a spanner in the works, has you fuming at every little thing and threatens to ruin a perfectly good day.


  • 玛格丽特,”玛丽安气冲冲地说道,“知道无中生有实际上并不存在这么个人。”

    "Margaret, " said Marianne with great warmth, "you know that all this is an invention of your own, and that there is no such person in existence.


  • 研究结果发现,中国基层领导干部对于创造力理解更侧重于于解决实际问题无中生有”。

    The research showed that Chinese junior civil servants focused creativity on problem solving but not to make something out of nothing.


  • 研究结果发现,中国基层领导干部对于创造力理解更侧重于于解决实际问题无中生有”。

    The research showed that Chinese junior civil servants focused creativity on problem solving but not to make something out of nothing.


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