• 需要几个是因为生产疫苗过程涉及许多连续步骤并且每个步骤都需要一定时间完成

    These months are needed because the process of producing a new vaccine involves many sequential steps, and each of these steps requires a certain amount of time to complete.


  • 关键资金缺口存在免疫联盟以及全球脊髓灰质炎麻疹项目同时生产疫苗研发需要更多支持

    Critical funding gaps exist at GAVI and in the global polio and measles programs, and more support is needed for the research and development necessary to produce new vaccines.


  • 这些研究结果抵抗传染性疾病全球流行病有很大帮助尤其对于疫苗开发方面贡献突出

    The findings by Danish researchers could help the fight against infectious diseases and global epidemics, they say, and could be particularly useful in the search for new vaccines.


  • 由于自然感染轮状病毒并不会造成套叠,因此他们认为疫苗不会增加这种并发症风险

    Because natural rotavirus infection was not associated with intussusception, they reasoned their vaccine would similarly not increase the risk of this complication.


  • 上周一些志愿者接受了肺结核疫苗注射,他们看上去任何其他参加临床试验的人一样。

    The volunteers who were injected last week with a new vaccine for tuberculosis appeared like any other group taking part in a clinical trial of a new medicine.


  • 对于严重影响非洲一些疾病非常需要更好药物疫苗然而鼓励研究开发的措施却倒能够生利的市场

    For some diseases that disproportionately affect Africa, better drugs and new vaccines are badly needed, yet incentives for research and development are biased towards markets that can pay.


  • 研究发现注射疫苗相比,此种疫苗注射部位反应(包括发红肿胀瘙痒)更为常见

    Reactions around the injection site, including redness, swelling and itching, were more common with the new vaccine than with an intramuscular vaccine, company research found.


  • H5N1,尽管过去几年里开发了有助于降低人和鸟类致病风险疫苗有些地方缺乏预防接种能力

    In the case of H5N1, new vaccines developed in the last few years for both humans and birds may help to reduce risks, but local capabilities to vaccinate people are often lacking.


  • 由于这些疫苗可能流感大流行开始之后能够获得,因而要评估它们安全性效力就很可能非常困难。

    Evaluation of safety and efficacy of new vaccines is likely to be especially challenging since the vaccines might not be available until after the pandemic had started.


  • 2005年6月15日|巴西萨尔瓦多·巴西亚-很多可能拯救数百万生命疫苗正在研究之中在下个十年问世

    June 2005 | Salvador da Bahia, Brazil - Many new vaccines that have the potential to save millions of lives are in the research pipeline and will become available over the next decade.


  • 如果疫苗季节流感疫苗同样加工过程制造的,并且同一制造厂制造的,非常迅速(1 -2)。

    If the vaccine is made with the same processes as the seasonal influenza vaccine, and in the same manufacturing plant, this can be very rapid (one to two days).


  • 如果人类免疫系统疫苗的反应机制就像科动物那样的话药物成瘾的人获得疫苗非外界辱骂一天来临近了。

    And if human immune systems react in the same way to the new vaccines as murine ones do, the day when a drug addict might be offered vaccination rather than opprobrium will have come a little closer.


  • 疫苗药物在手,福田还是很乐观的。就算天花爆发也应该能够被相对迅速地抑制。他承认不排除有拉响全球警报情况出现。

    With the new vaccines and drugs, Fukuda was optimistic any smallpox outbreak would be stamped out relatively quickly though acknowledged any new cases might spark global alarm.


  • 我们正迈入2015年后的时代有幸拥有一系列倡议文书干预措施包括疫苗以及载有有时限目标精确战略

    We enter the post-2015 era blessed with a host of new initiatives, instruments, interventions, including new vaccines, and precise strategies with time-bound goals.


  • 彼得·霍特兹正着手开发疫苗诊断试剂盒同时致力于提高公众意识人们了解这种疾病不仅存在,还严重威胁着美国贫困人口的生存。

    Peter Hotez is working on developing vaccines and new diagnostic kits, and raising awareness that these diseases exist and disproportionately hit America’s poorest.


  • 然而,但疲软的猪市场使许多农场主精打细算不给猪使用疫苗,这样就爆发严重疫情产生巨大损失,所以说服他们花钱购买疫苗

    A soft hog market, however, has many farmers pinching pennies, so it could take severe outbreaks, or ones close to home, to persuade them to spend money on a new vaccine.


  • 非洲人民应当得到更好保障,去年12月他们终于如愿以偿:一种非常有效的疫苗众所皆知非洲脑膜炎地带预防疾病的流行。

    The people of Africa deserve better, and in December of last year they got it: a powerful new vaccine that can prevent epidemics in Africa's notorious meningitis belt.


  • 全球疫苗免疫联盟,在从今年到2015年间,共需要疫苗投入37美元,主要是为了预防肺炎腹泻这两个儿童最大两个杀手

    GAVI said it needed $3.7 billion between now and 2015 for new vaccines, mainly to prevent pneumonia and diarrhoea, the biggest killers of young children.


  • 疫苗作为研究成果发表本周五PLoSPathogens杂志上,该杂志是公共科学图书馆(PLoS)一种国际性杂志。

    The research results of the new vaccine was published on Friday's edition of the PLoS Pathogens, an international journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS).


  • 比尔盖茨如果我们现在疫苗,卫生保健,生殖保健服务方面非常,我们也许能够减少10-15%的人口” 时,那么他的意思是什么?

    So what does it mean when Bill Gates says "if we do a really great job on new vaccines... we could lower [world population] by 10 or 15 percent?"


  • 彼得·霍特兹正着手开发疫苗诊断试剂盒同时致力于提高公众意识人们了解这种疾病不仅存在,还严重威胁着美国贫困人口的生存。

    Peter Hotez is working on developing vaccines and new diagnostic kits, and raising awareness that these diseases exist and disproportionately hit America's poorest.


  • 一种流感疫苗无痛喷剂接种,儿童有效

    A new influenza vaccine, administered painlessly in a nasal spray, is effective for children.


  • 即使感染时候感冒病毒也会发生变异而且病毒毒株经常出现,以至于制药商研制出针对其中一种变异疫苗血清已经过时了

    Colds mutate even while they're infecting you, and new strains pop up so often that by the time drug-makers create a vaccine against one variation, the serum is already out of date.


  • 想知道李华是否会去医院接种疫苗

    I wonder if Li Hua will go to the hospital to receive COVID-19 vaccinations.


  • 便问一下,你接种疫苗了吗?

    By the way, have you got vaccinated against COVID-19?


  • 过去的几个月里,中国的疫苗运达许多国家。

    Over the past few months, Chinese COVID vaccines have arrived in many other countries.


  • 过去的几个月里,中国的疫苗运达许多国家。

    Over the past few months, Chinese COVID vaccines have arrived in many other countries.


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