• 塞拉·斯蒂尔一个8岁美国女孩

    Sierra Stiles is an 8-year-old girl in America.


  • 导演兼编剧布尔·斯蒂尔斯曾强调说,《伊》与其说塞林格致敬,不如说是一部自传

    Screenwriter and director Burr Steers maintains Igby is more of an autobiography than a nod to Salinger.


  • 斯蒂尔先生因出版本描写杰西·詹姆(Jesse James)——一个活跃于美国南部联邦的火车强盗传记而闻名。

    Mr Stiles made his name with a biography of the Confederate train robber, Jesse James.


  • 次,把目标转向纽约大亨范德比尔特——“铁轨一种形式强盗斯蒂尔斯的传记处理社会冲突之后又加进了经济分歧的内容。

    With Vanderbilt, a New York robber baron on the other side of the tracks, he tackles the economic divisions in America as well as the social ones.


  • 桑迪·威尔上世纪90年代整合了花旗集团在此过程中帮助废除格拉-蒂格尔法案》。

    Sandy Weill was the man who stitched Citigroup together in the 1990s and in the process helped bury the GlassSteagall act.


  • 桑迪·威尔20世纪90年代整合了花旗集团在此过程中帮助废除格拉-蒂格尔法案》。

    Sandy Weill was the man who stitched Citigroup together in the 1990s and in the process helped bury the Glass-Steagall act.


  • 美国军人丹尼尔·法教练乔治·斯蒂尔南卡罗来纳州在一起,在地面降落的过程中,后者突然停止了说话

    The US soldier Daniel Pharr was tied to skydiving veteran George Steele when the instructor stopped talking as the pair hurtled towards the ground over Chester County in South Carolina.


  • 汉密尔顿斯蒂尔测量三大冰川整个格陵兰冰盖流量五分之一。

    The three glaciers that Hamilton and Stearns measured account for about a fifth of the discharge from the entire Greenland ice sheet.


  • 年前,特·基什内尔因突发心脏病过世,这对于克里蒂娜·费尔南德来说,失去貌似只是丈夫(也是她的政坛伙伴),还有权力掌控兴趣

    A YEAR ago, when Nestor Kirchner died suddenly of a heart attack, Cristina fernandez seemed to have lost not just her husband and political partner but also her grip on power and appetite for it.


  • 大学毕业夫妇到了丹佛他们最终决定回到哈蒂皮尔当地奶场工作。

    After college, the couple moved to Denver, but eventually decided to return to Hattiesburg, where Mr. Peeples works at a local dairy.


  • 年前特·基什内尔因突发心脏病过世,这对于克里蒂娜·费尔南德来说,失去貌似只是丈夫(也是她的政坛伙伴),还有权力掌控兴趣

    YEAR ago, when Nestor Kirchner died suddenly of a heart attack, Cristina fernandez seemed to have lost not just her husband and political partner but also her grip on power and appetite for it.


  • 挽回巴塞尔新资本协议》失去机会恢复《格拉-蒂格尔法案》都太晚了。

    Too late, then, to remedy the missed opportunity of Basle II or to reinstate Glass-Steagall.


  • 会议中,人们讨论诸如格拉·蒂格尔法案,行动计划需要联系政客之类的问题。

    In the meetings, people discuss things like Glass-Steagall, plans of actions and politicians to reach out to.


  • 来自荷兰夫妇马蒂尔德·于森·古贝尔参加旅游团,巧遇只正在沙滩筑巢的的

    Matilda Yoosen and Jos Gubbels, a married couple from Holland, were among a tourist group that came upon an olive ridley turtle nesting in the sand.


  • 他们争论这样金融体系潜在性极度脆弱需要有象格拉斯-蒂格尔法案这样的法规

    They also argued that the financial system was potentially exceedingly fragile and required regulations such as the Glass Steagall Act.


  • 成立于1980年,美国另类摇滚乐团。 乐团最初的成员有可尔·佩(主唱)、彼得·巴克(吉他手)、迈可·米尔(贝司手)比尔·贝里(鼓手)。

    R.E.M. was an American rock band formed in Athens, Georgia, in 1980 by singer Michael Stipe, guitarist Peter Buck, bassist Mike Mills and drummer Bill Berry.


  • 《人物》杂志证实菲尔普开始约会真人秀演员布兰特妮-加内奥,出名得于老爸全国橄榄球联盟球员马克-加蒂内奥。

    People confirms that Phelps has begun dating Brittny Gastineau, a reality-television personality whose claim to fame is that she's the daughter of former NFL player Mark Gastineau.


  • 发射名宇航员执行亚特兰蒂号的此次历史性任务指挥官克里-弗格森驾驶员道格-赫利,宇航专家桑迪-马格纳瑞克-沃尔海姆。

    Whenever it launches, four astronauts will make the historic ride to orbit in Atlantis: commander Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley, and mission specialists Sandy Magnus and Rex Walheim.


  • 即便如此,规定撤销以及华尔街剧烈重组意味着格拉斯-蒂格尔法案的最终废除。

    Even so the suspension, and the dramatic reshaping of Wall Street, represents the final repeal of Glass-Steagall.


  • 英格兰银行行长呼吁美国现已不复存在格拉蒂格尔法案基础上进行银行业分工国内外许多人都存在分歧

    In arguing for an updated version of America's now-defunct Glass-Steagall divisions, the governor diverges from many at home and abroad.


  • 重要问题在于,专家组是否推荐商业贷款赌场般的交易之间进行格拉蒂格尔法案般的划分

    One critical question will be whether the panel recommends a Glass-Steagall-like division between commercial lending and casino-style trading.


  • 亚拉巴马州理查德·谢尔比、华盛顿州的德·戈顿、阿拉加州特德·史蒂文田纳西州弗雷德·汤普森弗吉尼亚州的约翰·了作伪证罪的反对票。

    Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Slade Gorton of Washington, ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia voted no on the perjury count.


  • 无论是调整银行家们的综合工资还是出台新的格拉——蒂格尔法》,施行(这)其他解决方案不得不需要麻烦复杂的规章调整措施。

    Other solutions would require cumbersome regulation, whether they involve adjusting bankers' pay packages or bringing back a new version of Glass-Steagall.


  • 阿什莉·蒂达尔饰演的角色蓓·伊万毕业闪亮的粉色长袍来弥补在毕业舞会没有舞伴的事情(弟弟可能合适)。

    Ashley Tisdale's character, Sharpay Evans, makes up for not having a PROM date (bringing her brother might not be appropriate) by buying a pink sparkly gown for graduation.


  • 第一次探险之前汉密尔顿及其同事堪萨大学·斯蒂尔·(Leigh Stearns)利用卫星数据设定在冰川上降落准确位置

    Before their first expedition, Hamilton and his colleague Leigh Stearns, from the University of Kansas, used satellite data to plan exactly where they would land on a glacier.


  • 舍格特尔(Segeratrale)先生本身芬兰人,而游鱼一名创始人塞巴蒂安.阿勒代(SebastiendeHalleux来自比利时。

    Mr Segerstrale is Finnish; the other founder, Sebastien de Halleux, is Belgian.


  • 拉姆西大人让闭了嘴,他斯蒂尔·山克手中抽过长矛一把扎了卢顿的胸膛

    Lord Ramsay silenced him, yanking a spear from one of Steelshanks's men and driving it down through Luton's chest.


  • 拉姆西大人让闭了嘴,他斯蒂尔·山克手中抽过长矛一把扎了卢顿的胸膛

    Lord Ramsay silenced him, yanking a spear from one of Steelshanks's men and driving it down through Luton's chest.


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