• 穿红色球衣著名斯特拉福德足球场当着成千上万欢呼球迷的面踢球得分

    He was a Manchester United supporter and wanted to wear the red shirt and score goals at the famous Old Trafford Stadium in front of thousands of cheering fans.


  • 悉尼科技大学丽莎·斯特拉福德博士研究30个志愿者咨询过程大脑心跳的状况。

    Dr Trisha Stratford, of Sydney's University of Technology, studied the brains and heartbeats of 30 volunteers during counselling sessions.


  • 伦敦南部斯特拉福德一家店主玛塔克发邮件说:“警察跑来告诉我们我们要关门,否则后果自负。”

    And Mustak, who owns a business in Stratford, East London, emails: "the police came and informed us to close the shop." If we leave the shop open it is at our own risk.


  • 大巴观光客,虽然经常顺便看看沃尔·威克城堡布伦海姆一般都不是来看其中有些看到斯特拉福德竟然一家剧院甚至惊讶不已

    The sightseers who come by bus-and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side-dont usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.


  • 斯特拉福德包括导游带领旅行,去探索许多莎士比亚奇观

    Stratford: Includes a guided tour exploring much of the Shakespeare wonder.


  • 享年52岁,在逝世年前退休斯特拉

    He was 52 and had retired to Stratford three years before.


  • 斯特拉尊贵居民认为这座剧院不会他们收入增加了一个子儿

    The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue.


  • 人们普遍认为,伟大英国剧作家诗人威廉·莎士比亚1564年4月23日出埃文河畔的斯特拉

    It is commonly believed that the great English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 23, 1564.


  • 巴士观光客通常会顺便游览华威城堡布伦海姆,但他们通常不会有些发现斯特拉剧院时甚至会感到惊讶

    The sightseers who come by bus—and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side—don't usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.


  • 斯特拉福德参观了莎士比亚有关场所包括出生时房子死后埋葬教堂以及妻子家人居住村舍

    In Stratford, I visited several sites that are associated with Shakespeare, including the house where he was born, the church where he was buried, and the cottage where his wife's family lived.


  • 该画陈列莎士比亚故乡斯特拉以后,亚历克·科布希望不久将来回到爱尔兰展览

    After putting the painting on display in Shakespeare's hometown, Stratford-on-Avon, Alec Cobbe hopes to bring it back to Ireland for exhibition in the near future.


  • 他们会在前往斯特拉福德多种线路中感到便捷其中包括线起点为圣潘克·勒火车站的标枪高速列车恐怕依然难以避免千禧年那样的交通大瘫痪。

    They take some comfort from the variety of routes into Stratford, including the Jubilee Line and the new Javelin train from st Pancras, but will be desperate to avoid a millennium eve style meltdown.


  • 线地铁网络最新增加线路之一,经过改善成为通往斯特拉的主要地铁线。

    The Jubilee line, one of the more recent additions on the network, has been upgraded to suit its role as the main tube route to Stratford.


  • 他们更为复杂精密工具包有名望品牌健康资产负债表普罗米修研究所(一家太阳能倡导集团)的总裁特拉·福德表示。

    They have the most sophisticated kit, respected brands and healthy balance-sheets, notes Travis Bradford, President of the Prometheus Institute, a solar advocacy group.


  • 澳大利亚开发商澳洲地产集团说,没有奥运会斯特拉也许改造完成,在未来的5 -7年内太可能的。

    Stratford City would probably have been built without the games, but not for another five to seven years, according to Westfield, its Australian developer.


  • 今年4月在斯特拉福德举行的展览会所写的名为发现莎士比亚小册子里,莎士比亚出生地基金会提出抒情般的解释

    In a brochure for an exhibition opening in Stratford in April, titled "Shakespeare Found," the birthplace trust offered a lyrical interpretation.


  • 同为福德姆大学媒体传播学教授·斯特拉整个太空旅行事业向来不仅仅科学探索有关

    Lance Strate, also a professor of communications at Fordham, said the whole enterprise of space travel was always about more than just the science.


  • 消息斯特拉哈姆之间的某出现了信号故障,也就是说我们很可能无法到达我们目的地

    The bad news is that there is a points failure somewhere between Stratford and East Ham, which means that we probably won't reach our destination.


  • 朋友蒂龙•古瑟里希望参加第一加拿大斯特拉戏剧节邀请吉尼安大略斯特·斯特·福德小住了一时间

    Invited by his friend Tyrone Guthrie to join in the premier season of the Stratford Festival of Canada, Guinness lived for a brief time in Stratford, Ontario.


  • 镇子位于安大略湖,距美国几个城市100英里左右同伴选择乘飞机多伦多然后再租车高速路,前往斯特拉福德

    Both Ontario towns are about 100 miles or less from several U. s. cities. But my companion and I chose to fly to Toronto, pick up a rental car, and hit the highway for Stratford first.


  • 这部舞台剧起初斯特拉开演然后到了伦敦。它的门票几小时之内售完了。

    Tickets for the stage performances, which opened in Stratford-Upon-Avon and later moved to London, sold out in hours.


  • 这部舞台剧起初斯特拉开演然后到了伦敦。它的门票几小时之内售完了。

    Tickets for the stage performances, which opened in Stratford-Upon-Avon and later moved to London, sold out in hours.


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