• 吉姆伊恩萨姆共住一房子,还有条狗斯派克

    I share the house with Jim, Ian and Sam, not forgetting Spike, the dog.


  • 首先马丁·柯席好家伙》中演了重要角色随后又斯派克·的《丛林》。

    Her first major role was in Martin Scorsese's "Goodfellas" and she followed this with a part in Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever."


  • 乔丹三世使用幽默广告派克·描绘火星·布莱蒙克而著名。

    The Jordan III have been well-known using the humorous ads depicting Spike Lee as Mars Blackmon.


  • 念过莎士比亚斯派克·台词

    He's spoken the words of Shakespeare and Spike Lee.


  • 告诉斯派克跳舞时候眉头再皱紧一些

    Tell her to frown a little more when Sparks dances.


  • 观察家报》上关于派克·米利根的长篇文章

    There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper.


  • 斯派克不要一直觉得你们宇宙最好的生物之一

    Spike, don't listen to him, I always think you guys are one of the best in Universe!


  • 大黄蜂受欺负角色侦察兵。团队里个子最小提到了斯派克

    Bumblebee - Underdog type character. The scout. Smallest of the gang. (Spike mentioned).


  • 其他人告诉斯派克·是个导演。什么导演,标准更高

    And people tell me Spike Lee is a good director my criteria for that label is a bit higher.


  • 斯派克先生确实努力大选克先生一个电话,将之描述很“”。

    Mr. Specter did manage a phone call to Mr. Sestak on election night, which he described asshort.”Even


  • 或许总是把手机身边,马林派克认为电脑才是真正的个人信息金矿

    Your phone may be the device that lives in your pocket, but Mr. Larson described the computer as the real gold mine for personal information.


  • 电影导演斯派克·拒绝参加今年卡颁奖典礼因为被提名者全部是白种人。

    Film director Spike Lee says he'll boycott this year's Oscars because of the exclusively white list of nominees in the acting categories.


  • 第一次约会时奥巴马米歇尔了一场由黑人导演斯派克拍摄的电影《为所应为》。

    On their first date Barack took her to see 'Do The Right Thing', a Spike Lee movie set in Harlem.


  • 真使惊讶兰·派克说到。他是报社一位医疗专栏记者,同时也是谈判代表之一

    "It took me aback," says Harlan Spector, a medical reporter and one of the negotiators.


  • 斯派克·(黑人导演)多年来一直针对派瑞表现得批评来说已经不算什么了来做出回应

    Spike Lee has gone hard against Perry for years, with Perry responding in a way that shows that the criticism has really gotten to him.


  • 作者查理·考夫曼导演派克·琼兹,这个戏剧讽刺故事讲述苏珊奥尔良特里普扮演记者

    Written by Charlie Kaufman and directed by Spike Jonze, this drama-satire tells the story of Susan Orlean, played by Streep, a journalist for the.


  • 本月初,首先此次颁奖种族问题发声导演斯派克表示组织方回应证明此次抵制活动的正确性。

    Earlier this month, director Spike Lee - who was one of the first figures to speak publicly about the lack of diversity - said the boycott had been vindicated by the response from organisers.


  • 1992年,斯派克·导演了一部关于马尔科姆的超过三个小时的电影,从而掀起了一阵“马尔科姆热潮”。

    In 1992, Spike Lee set off a bout ofMalcolmania,” with his three-hour-plus film.


  • 乔丹三世氧气得到著名使用幽默广告派克·比如火星上描绘电影角色执行总是要。

    The oxygen Jordan III have been also well-known using the humorous ads depicting Spike Lee as Mars Blackmon—the character he executed in his film 'She's Gotta Have It'.


  • 名人新闻包括绝望家庭主妇”的电视游戏外加辛普森一家”的真人导演斯派克·最新作品。

    The latest celebrity news including the Desperate Housewives videogame, plus a live-action version of 'The Simpsons' and Spike Lee's latest.


  • 新西兰格雷茅派克失控的火舌通风呼呼直冒。救援队夜以继日地寻找两次爆炸死难的新西兰矿工的29具遗体。

    A fire rages out of control from a ventilation shaft at the Pike River Mine in Greymouth, New Zealand.


  • 曾执导过《所应为》马尔科姆·x种族题材剧作著名导演——斯派克·一部最新的电影所有人为之一

    Spike Lee, celebrated director of race-issue dramas such as Do The Right Thing and Malcolm X, has surprised everyone with his latest film.


  • 导演纽约尼克队狂斯派克·去年12月带着14岁儿子杰克逊观看纽约麦迪逊广场花园举行尼克俄克拉荷马雷霆之间的比赛

    Director and New York Knicks super fan Spike Lee keeps his son Jackson, 14, on his toes at New York City's Madison Square Garden during the Knicks vs. Oklahoma City Thunder game last December.


  • 研究报告撰写者之一伦敦国王学院蒂姆·派克教授至于其中原因,目前不清楚。说自己原本无名指长度关系竞技能力怀疑态度。

    The reasons for the findings were unclear, said one of the report's authors, Professor Tim Spector from at King's College, who said he was originally sceptical about the link to sporting ability.


  • 当天,九六年杰克逊拍摄了音乐录影带导演斯派克-纽约布鲁克林这位昔日合作过的朋友举行了纪念仪式,另外,洛杉矶偶特里艺术中心MJ的歌迷提供了追忆偶像的活动场合。

    Filmmaker Spike Lee - who directed two of the singer's music videos in 1996 - also led tributes to the star, hosting his second annual free bash to celebrate his late pal in Brooklyn's Prospect Park.


  • 当天,九六年杰克逊拍摄了音乐录影带导演斯派克-纽约布鲁克林这位昔日合作过的朋友举行了纪念仪式,另外,洛杉矶偶特里艺术中心MJ的歌迷提供了追忆偶像的活动场合。

    Filmmaker Spike Lee - who directed two of the singer's music videos in 1996 - also led tributes to the star, hosting his second annual free bash to celebrate his late pal in Brooklyn's Prospect Park.


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