• 费尔斯坦教授提到次级抵押贷款危机金融市场造成的损害

    Prof Feldstein also noted the damage done to the financial markets by the crisis in subprime lending.


  • 然后爱因斯坦教授然而,身形间仍然洋溢着善意亲切

    Then Professor Einstein, his whole figure still conveying good will and amiability, drifted away out of sight.


  • 那个时候爱因斯坦教授还不英文知道德文几个单词。

    But Professor Einstein knew no English at that time and I knew only two words of German.


  • 我们肩并肩站大约分钟然后爱因斯坦教授飘然而,身形间仍然洋溢着善意亲切

    For perhaps another five minutes we stood side by side. Then Professor Einstein, his whole figure still conveying good will and amiability, drifted away out of sight.


  • 安德烈·芬克尔斯坦教授认为外星人可能人类长的非常相像只胳膊、两条腿一个脑袋

    He said the aliens would most likely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head.


  • 以为自己已经对此有所了解,贵校还是为我关于爱因斯坦教授访问新加坡全面介绍

    I thought I had done some research, but I came just now, I was given a comprehensive presentation on Professor Einstein's visit to Singapore.


  • 一个有意思的细节,在访问新加坡的一周爱因斯坦教授接获了斯德哥尔摩通知,告诉他获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。

    And the other significant fact is that a week after his visit to Singapore, Professor Einstein got a call from Stockholm, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.


  • 从未公开照片来自于一组名叫爱因斯坦教授航海之旅》,拍摄1919年爱因斯坦位于柏林附近夏季度假屋。

    This never before published image is from an album named "Sailing Trip with Professor Einstein" taken at the physicist's summer home near Berlin in 1919.


  • 似乎触怒了斯坦教授。“敷衍了,”吼道

    This seemed to annoy Professor Steiner. "Don't play games with me," he thundered.


  • 接受斯坦大学研究教授职位

    He has accepted a research professorship at Stanford University.


  • 斯坦大学科学史教授朗达·希宾格,该文相当惊人

    Londa Schiebinger, a professor of the history of science at Stanford University, called this passage rather astonishing.


  • 我们并不是说全球变暖造成了不平等现象。”该项研究的作者——来自斯坦福大学研究气候变化的诺亚·迪芬巴夫教授称。

    "We're not saying that global warming created inequality," says Noah S. Diffenbaugh, the writer of the study and a professor at Stanford University who studies climate change.


  • 最终1996年离开斯坦福大学的讲座教授职位,圣达菲研究所专注复杂性理论经济

    He ultimately left an endowed chair at Stanford in 1996 to focus on complexity theory and the economy at the Santa Fe Institute.


  • 如果看看所讲第一列出一些发达国家的名单-,根据其他一些人分析得出的,如姆森,马什斯坦教授,在他们2002年出版的书中都过。

    If you look at his book, again in the first chapter, he gives a list of countriesit's based on an analysis that some others — that Professors Dimson, Marsh, and Stanton used in their 2002 book.


  • 巴格达斯坦西里大学医学院教授院长

    He was Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Mustansiriya University, Baghdad.


  • 芝加哥伊利诺伊大学精神病学助理教授斯坦斯基你需要事先评估工作场所对同性恋的抵触态度。

    'Assess anti-gay sentiment at your workplace beforehand,' says Dr. Mustanski, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


  • 文章的主要作者詹姆斯·弗莱斯教授,也是斯坦医学院名誉教授,“这项研究传达了一强烈的推崇锻炼的信息。”

    Lead author professor James Fries, emeritus professor of medicine at Stanford, said: "The study has a very pro-exercise message."


  • 这位纽约大学教授不是巴基斯坦气候变化或伊朗问题任何一方面专家

    Pakistan, climate change, Iran: the New York University professor is no expert on any of these.


  • 为了解释其中理由先回答斯坦大学教授约翰·泰勒最近华尔街日报》发表的文章提出反问

    To explain why, let me answer a rhetorical question posed by Professor John Taylor of Stanford University in a recent op-ed article in The Wall Street Journal.


  • 高血压方面的专家并且纽约阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院教授

    He is a high blood pressure expert and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.


  • 斯坦大学客座教授唐纳德·莱特所做最新研究指出即使面临价格管制欧洲医药企业创新性也高于美国企业。

    The new study, written by Donald Light, a visiting professor at Stanford University, claims that European drug firms are more innovative than American ones, in spite of price controls.


  • 位于阿伯·里斯·威思威尔士大学的现代史教授威廉·鲁宾斯坦肯定,这种财富增长史无前例的

    William Rubinstein, professor of modern history at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, confirmed that the growth in wealth was unprecedented.


  • 斯坦大学教授利率制定泰勒法则”的创造者约翰·泰勒指出美联储长的时间维持过低的利率,此举大错特错。

    John Taylor, a Stanford University professor and author of the "Taylor Rule" for setting interest rates, argued that the Fed had erred by keeping rates too low for too long.


  • 斯坦大学教授利率制定泰勒法则”的创造者约翰·泰勒指出美联储长的时间维持过低的利率,此举大错特错。

    John Taylor, a Stanford University professor and author of the "Taylor Rule" for setting interest rates, argued that the Fed had erred by keeping rates too low for too long.


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