• 一旦用户数据库服务器断开连接会话将消失

    Once the user disconnects from the database server, the session disappears.


  • 客户可以连接服务器获取几个文件然后断开连接;客户端也可以一直保持连接,直到重新启动。

    A client can connect to the server to get a few files and then disconnect, or a client can have the connection open until it reboots.


  • 连接POP3服务器方法获取邮件列表的方法,请求某些邮件的方法,删除邮件断开的方法。

    There are methods to connect to a POP3 server, to get a list of available emails, to request some emails, to delete some emails and to disconnect.


  • 作为替代代理服务器可以配置断开保持一定时间HTTP连接

    Alternatively, the proxy server may be configured to disconnect HTTP connections that are kept open for a certain amount of time.


  • 无论是性能下降问题还是任何服务器资源用户连接断开问题,每个任务的具体问题都会记录下来,而且性能结果也会收集起来

    Whether the problems are slow performance or user disconnects to any server or resource, specific errors are recorded for each task and performance results are collected.


  • 如果许多消息邮件客户机移动它们时与IMAP服务器连接断开(在慢速网络链接常常发生这种情况),那么可以使用一能力

    If there are many messages and your mail client loses the connection to the IMAP server while moving them (as happens often over a slow network link), this capability is for you.


  • 瞬时cookie用户断开服务器连接破坏在某一预设的时间内不活动之外,与其它的cookie一样的。

    A transient cookie is like any other with the exception that it is destroyed once the user disconnects from the server or is inactive for some preset time.


  • 发出pauselisteners 命令时z/OS服务器所有入站工作请求HTTPIIOPMDB断开连接

    When you issue pauselisteners, the z/OS server disconnects from all inbound work requests (HTTP, IIOP and MDBs).


  • 断开存储服务器SAN连接从而避免SAN磁盘上安装操作系统这些磁盘会首先找到。

    Disconnect the storage server from the SAN to avoid installation of the operating system on SAN disks, which are discovered first.


  • 发生故障时,例如服务器HADB 1失效,那么连接HADB1所有用户断开数据库连接

    When a failure occurs, for example server HADB1 fails, then all users connected to HADB1 are disconnected from the database.


  • 存储资源离线断开与其管理服务器连接时就会发生可用性丧失

    Loss of availability - a loss of availability occurs when storage resources go offline or are disconnected from their managing servers.


  • 第一次创建服务器连接时,建立了连接一个受信任上下文之间关系并且连接尚未断开期间该关系一直存在。

    The relationship between a connection and a trusted context is established when the connection to the server is first created and remains for the duration of that connection.


  • 如果判断一个服务器为何磁盘故障不能引导通常会做第一件事情是从服务器(除外),断开所有磁盘的映射连接

    If you're trying to determine why a server won't boot after a disk failure, the first thing I often do is to un-map or disconnect all disks from the server except for the root volume group.


  • 只要服务器连接断开这种方法就能良好运行这种情况下很少需要重新建立到服务器连接

    This method works fine as long as the connection to the server is not lost, in which case your connection to the server is rarely re-established.


  • 例如如果所有客户机断开连接服务器不会生成大量垃圾但是并不意味着需要调整服务器

    For example, a server is not going to be generating much garbage if all of its clients are disconnected, but that doesn't mean that the server needs to be tuned.


  • 出差前,用户使用服务器数据库进行复制,从而断开连接之后可以使用最新更改的数据库。

    Before traveling, the user replicates with the server to have the latest changes available while disconnected.


  • 例如31中,g _ twog_three服务器带有图标警报表明它们连接断开

    For example, in Figure 31, the g_two and g_three servers are displayed with icon alerts that indicate they are disconnected.


  • 完全控制服务器状态所以能够测试更新,然后再把它们放在更新服务器,还可以断开服务器与Internet连接

    You have complete control of the server's status, so you are able to test single updates before releasing them on the update server and to disconnect the server from the Internet.


  • 我们重温了JOIN操作服务器端的行为,现在来分析joinrowset如何断开数据库服务器连接客户端执行join操作。

    Now that we have reviewed what our JOIN operation does on the server side, let? S see how the JoinRowSet makes a JOIN possible on the client side while being disconnected from the database server.


  • 如果服务器接收到的命令语法错误比如命令不完整、命令无法识别等,则断开客户端的连接

    In case the server receives any commands that contain grammar mistakes, such as incomplete commands or unidentifiable commands, it shall terminate the connection with the client.


  • 访问中央数据库失败请转拓扑结构视图页面断开服务器场的所有连接

    Fail to access central database, go to the topology view page or disconnect from the farm any way.


  • 如果客户服务器TCP连接断开,那么客户端连接一个服务器

    If the TCP connection to the server breaks, the client will connect to a different server.


  • 服务器回应并且回应完毕后断开连接

    The server then sends the response and disconnects when the response is finished.


  • 服务器断开可能服务器存在网络问题请重试连接

    The server has disconnected. The server may have gone down or there may be a network problem. Try connecting again.


  • 每个服务器维护自己的连接索引广播所有服务器传入连接断开连接

    Each server Maintains Its Own connection Index, Broadcast incoming connections and disconnections to all servers.


  • 而且如果中央服务器死机断开,则所有连接用户失去连接会议会被迫终止

    And if the central server crash or disconnect, all connected users will lose connectivity, and the meeting will end.


  • 限制服务器播放机连接之前等待确认时间()。

    Limits the number of seconds the server will wait for an acknowledgement before disconnecting a unicast player.


  • 网络断开的时候(服务器伺服器关闭,或者客户断开连接),离线场景加载

    When the network is stopped, by stopping the server or host, or by a client disconnecting, the offline scene will be loaded.


  • 网络断开的时候(服务器伺服器关闭,或者客户断开连接),离线场景加载

    When the network is stopped, by stopping the server or host, or by a client disconnecting, the offline scene will be loaded.


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