• 波兰人民勤劳勇敢智慧历史文化底蕴深厚

    The Polish people are diligent, intelligent and courageous, and the country has a proud history and brilliant culture.


  • 高淳历史悠久文化底蕴深厚文物遗存较多。

    Gaochun has long history, deep cultural connotation and many heritage sites.


  • 孟村回族自治县建县历史悠久文化底蕴深厚

    Mengcun Hui Autonomous County, although the construction of late, but a long history and rich cultural content.


  • 历史文化底蕴深厚的古城,具有独特旅游资源

    Aihui is an old city with rich history and culture conception, and it has the unique tourist resources.


  • 这里风景秀丽物产丰富,历史文化底蕴深厚自古就是风景旅游胜地

    The scenery here is beautiful and resources are rich. It has profound historical and cultural background and it has been a scenic tourist resort since ancient times.


  • 北大不仅拥有历史悠久文化底蕴深厚实力雄厚校园也是美丽风情的。

    Peking University not only has a long history and rich cultural heritage, strong, and its campus is beautiful and has style.


  • 走进庄园游客发现建筑装饰风格欧洲反映文化底蕴深厚

    Entering the manor, tourists will find lamps, iron chairs, buildings and decorations of European style, all reflecting the profound culture of wine.


  • 中国希腊同为世界文明古国历史文化底蕴深厚作为一个中国人感到十分自豪

    China and Greece are both the ancient countries of the greatest civilizations in the world, having long history and deep culture. So as a Chinese I am very proud.


  • 怪诞历史悠久文化底蕴深厚日常生活文艺作品中都普遍存在美学范畴

    Strangeness ", having long history and deep cultural inside information, is a kind of aesthetics category which exists widely in everyday life and literary and artistic works."


  • 这里名胜古迹众多文化底蕴深厚选手们全新方式那些古老传说演绎得淋漓尽致

    In a place filled with many cultural relics and profound cultural deposit, contestants fully interpreted the old legends in new ways.


  • 景德镇制瓷历史悠久文化底蕴深厚,具有良好精细陶瓷生产环境氛围使本厂受益匪浅

    Porcelain in Jingdezhen has a long history and a solid cultural foundation, and production environment and atmosphere of good fine ceramic, which benefits the factory a great deal.


  • 苏州香雪海古典家具有限公司坐落风景优美,人文荟萃,历史文化底蕴深厚苏州木古镇

    Redwood Furniture Co. , Xiangxuehai China's Jiangsu Province is located in the beautiful scenery , rich cultural history of Suzhou Mudu town.


  • 合肥市第四十五中是隶属安徽省合肥市庐阳区初级中学具有70的校史,文化底蕴深厚

    Hefei No. 45 Middle School which attached to a junior high school in Hefei, Anhui has a history of more than 70 years with rich culture heritage.


  • 中国古代建筑历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚精美造型特征独特结构技术堪称世界建筑史上的奇葩。

    Chinese ancient architecture has long history and profound culture connotations, whose elegant mould characteristics and special structure technology are famous in the world architecture history.


  • 中华饮食文化素以历史渊源悠远,流传地域广阔,食用人口众多烹饪工艺卓绝文化底蕴深厚而享誉世界

    Chinese dish culture is famous around the world for its long history, going round wide area, large population, transcendence of cook and deep culture details.


  • 而且这里文化底蕴深厚,食物美味气候温暖,处处可见咖啡馆,既拥有大城市一切便利舒适,又拥有闲散轻松的生活氛围

    There's also a ton of culture, great food, warm weather, a great coffee scene and all of the comforts of a big city while having a laid back, easygoing vibe.


  • 金林水乡,位于德庆官圩镇,拥一千七百多年历史一个文化底蕴深厚古色古香自然景观丰富充满神话色彩村落

    Jinlin Shuixiang, about thousand seven hundred years of history, is a rich cultural heritage, antique, rich in natural landscape, full of mythological ancient village.


  • 并不意味着人们已经抛弃了中国食品所代表深厚文化底蕴

    This is not to say that people have given up the deep richness in culture that Chinese food represents.


  • 无论安娜设计灵感源于维多利亚时代牛仔沃霍尔超级明星还是芬兰纺织品印花鲜明地展现出深厚文化底蕴

    Whether Anna's inspiration is Victorian cowboys, Warhol superstars or Finnish textile prints, her depth of cultural knowledge is always apparent.


  • 南京这座有着深厚文化底蕴雄奇自然景观古城,让人们仿佛徘徊历史和现代之间,所到之处,落叶和白云轻盈地飘过头顶

    Nanjing, this city so rich in culture and nature that one will find themselves alternating between ancient and modern with every step with a canopy of cooling foliage overhead.


  • 绘画艺术具有民族性本身就蕴涵深厚民族文化底蕴离开了民族文化绘画失去了艺术灵魂艺术价值

    Painting the national character, which itself implies a profound cultural heritage, left the nation's culture, drawing on the lost art of soul and artistic value.


  • 羽毛球运动具有深厚文化底蕴高雅属性适应人们追求时尚关注健康需求的运动项目。

    The badminton sports is an item that has deep cultural inside story, the lofty attribute and ADAPTS the people to pursue fashion, pays attention to healthy demand.


  • 演员高贵奢华服饰光彩夺目表演深厚文化底蕴赢得海内外游客的交口称赞。

    The actors and actress's luxurious apparel, marvelous performances and deep-rooted culture have won the appreciation of both overseas and domestic visitors.


  • 因为品牌文化现象,品牌中蕴含丰富的文化内涵优秀的品牌深厚文化底蕴

    Brand is a kind of cultural phenomenon with abundant culture implications. Excellent brands contain profound cultural connotation.


  • 石家庄市所辖区域人类文明开发较早文化底蕴十分深厚地区。

    The administrative region of the city is a place where human civilization was developed earlier and cultural deposits are rich.


  • 汉字独特视觉形式深厚文化底蕴决定了的巨大生命力

    The unique visual form and deep culture inside of Chinese ideograph have determined its enormous vitality.


  • 研究目的与意义:网球运动历史悠久,具有深厚文化底蕴,通过网球运动文化传承的研究,使人们加深对网球运动了解,从根本上认识网球,体会网球运动的魅力。

    The research on the cultural inheritance of tennis sport makes us have a deep understanding of tennis sport, recognize the essentials of tennis, and know the charm of tennis sports.


  • 研究目的与意义:网球运动历史悠久,具有深厚文化底蕴,通过网球运动文化传承的研究,使人们加深对网球运动了解,从根本上认识网球,体会网球运动的魅力。

    The research on the cultural inheritance of tennis sport makes us have a deep understanding of tennis sport, recognize the essentials of tennis, and know the charm of tennis sports.


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