• 可以保存应用程序每次执行性能数据比较各次执行的性能结果

    You can save the performance data set for each execution and compare performance results between executions of your application.


  • 结果保存into子句指定数据结构中。

    The results are saved in the data structure that is specified in the INTO clause.


  • 比如最初曾经尝试XML数据保存关系数据varchar2字段然后简单地增加一个XQuery引擎结果查询性能很差

    For example, early attempts at storing XML data in varchar2 fields of a relational database resulted in poor query performance when an XQuery engine was simply layered on top.


  • 可以代码覆盖率结果数据汇编报告之中RationalApplication Developer中查看它们或者将它们保存文件系统以便未来的分析

    You can compile the code coverage results into reports and view them in Rational Application Developer, or save them to the file system for future analysis.


  • 然后可以忽略或者是返回一个有意义的结果但是保存数据库里

    Then, you can either ignore the post or return a positive result, but not saving the post to the database.


  • 数据结构需要能够保存问卷调查的结果然后允许存储数据进行查询报告

    The database structure needs to hold the survey results and then enable you to query and report on the data that has been stored.


  • 如果核心数据执行操作的话,那它必须再另一个数据保存结果

    If a core performs an operation on data stored in a chunk, it must create a new chunk to store the results.


  • 缓存这些视图过程结果保存中间存储中,以文件关系型数据的形式。

    Caching stores the results from these views or procedures in an intermediate storage that could be either a file or a relational database.


  • RAM按照原样保存数据返回结果

    It stores the result sets returned by the database in RAM, as is.


  • 使用 REQUIRES_NEW属性可以确保不管初始事务结果如何审计数据都会被保存

    Using the REQUIRES_NEW attribute guarantees that the audit data is saved regardless of the initial transaction's outcome.


  • 缓存存储可以自动的,结果将存文件中可以由用户指定,这样终端用户可以选择支持数据保存缓存结果

    The storage for the cache can be either automatic, which stores the results to a file, or user-specified, in which case the end user can choose a supported database to store the cache results.


  • 添加修改文档数据要做更多工作保存处理的结果然后使用结果进行闪电般的查询

    The database does more work when it adds or modifies a document, stores the result of that work, and then uses the results to run lightning-fast queries.


  • 这个示例指示板需要数据才能完成特定的功能,所以接受使用doc()函数data.xq生成聚合数据,并将结果保存在 $data变量内

    The example dashboard needs data to do anything, so it brings in aggregated data generated by data.xq using the doc() function, saving the results into a $data variable


  • 结果保存数据表中,并且 Cognos报告使用这些结果信息传播广泛的受众

    The results are stored in the database and are consumed by the Cognos report to propagate the information to a wider audience.


  • 数据运行db2getdbcfgfor dbname保存结果

    Run db2 get db cfg for dbname for the database(s) and save the result.


  • 数据运行db2listtablespaces showdetail db2 listpackages forallshow detail保存结果

    Run db2 list tablespaces show detail and db2 list packages for all show detail for the database(s) and save the results.


  • 不同组件数据读取文档分析文档寻找提到人名以及结果保存一个数据库(ExtractedInformationDatabase,EIDB)中。

    Different components read documents from the source database, analyze the text to find mentions of names, and store the results in a new database, the Extracted Information database or EIDB.


  • 现在它们服务器获取英雄数据然后让用户添加编辑删除英雄并且这些修改结果保存服务器。

    Now they want to get the hero data from a server, let users add, edit, and delete heroes, and save these changes back to the server.


  • 系统的功能模块包括评价类型选取模块、评价模块评价结果分析模块、数据保存恢复模块4个功能模块。

    And there are 4 functional modules in this system, including choosing evaluation type module, appraising module, interpretation of results module, keeping and renewing the Data module.


  • 数据分析结果前端展现统计报表形式输出能够打印BMP格式保存

    And results of data analysis can be presented in forms of statistical charts or be saved as a BMP chart and printed.


  • 为了方便进行数据定量评估建议降解产物杂质结果至少保存小数

    To facilitate the quantitative evaluation of the data, it is suggested that degradation product and impurity results be available to at least two decimal places.


  • 测试期间实时显示测量结果动态地完美曲线数据可以永久保存、调阅打印输出

    During the test display the measurement results in real time and dynamically draw a perfect curve, data can be stored permanently, read and print output.


  • 实验结果表明系统完成采集信号形象显示自动保存以及历史数据查询报表打印功能

    The test result shows: this system can accomplish the functions of the visual displaying and autosave for collection signal, inquire about historical data and report print etc.


  • 静态测试方法通过分析程序文件,采用数据保存分析结果,并UM L关系图显示出来。

    The static testing displays UML class diagram by analyzing source code file and storing the results in database.


  • 传统处理方式中,采用集中处理方式,实时保存清分结果数据极大地增加了系统I/O负载处理所需时间

    In traditional way, we use concentrate treatment to store all data into the database and then to deal with them, this method increases I/O load and need time to manage data.


  • 没有用数据而是直接程序结果保存文件

    No use database, but directly to the results of the proceedings to preserve documents.


  • 测试结果数据图形形式保存数据中,可以所有的测试记录进行查询检索打印等操作。

    The test result is saved in the database by data and graph, which could carry out inquiry, retrieval and print for all test records.


  • 所有程序录制张磁卡片上,输入数据及计算结果打印在纸带上,使用简便易于保存

    A11 the programs have been recorded on three cards. , Calculation results can be printed On a piece of paper. This set of programs is very easy and convenient to use.


  • 概述SDOS全文电子期刊数据,介绍了其检索技术、检索方法检索结果保存方式

    This paper introduces the characteristics of full-text electronic periodicals database SDOS. The retrieval skills, methods and how to save the search results are discussed.


  • 现在我们可以调用这个过程来返回结果,并数据保存集合中,然后FORALL语句使用这个集合来达成目的。

    I can now call this procedure, return a result set, move that data into a collection, and then use the collection in a FORALL statement, as shown in Listing 3.


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