• 逻辑数学哲学著作语言

    He wrote philosophical works about logic, mathematics, and language.


  • 数学哲学认为数学是从逻辑推导出来一种论点

    In the philosophy of mathematics, the thesis that all mathematical propositions are expressible as or derivable from the propositions of pure logic.


  • 数学人们数学总的根本的看法,属于数学哲学的范畴。

    The conception of mathematics is defined as how to think about mathematics in all. It belongs to philosophy of mathematics.


  • 数学哲学数学数学教学有机结合,成为当今世界数学教育热点问题。

    The organic synthesis of mathematical philosophy, mathematical history and mathematical teaching has become a hot topic of mathematical education.


  • 数学哲学数学数学教学有机结合,成为当今世界数学教学热点问题。

    The combination of mathematics philosophy and mathematics history with mathematics teaching has become a hot topic of mathematics teaching in the world.


  • 大多自己哲学举例来说,科学哲学数学哲学逻辑哲学法律哲学历史哲学

    Most academic subjects have a philosophy, for example the philosophy of science, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of logic, the philosophy of law, and the philosophy of history.


  • 数学哲学数学教育学心理学等多重视角深入探讨分析研究数学教学模式理论基础

    Discuss, analysis and research the theoretic basis of the mathematics teaching models from the viewpoints of mathematics philosophy, mathematics education and psychology.


  • 一个问题,若是换康德来问,则可能会变成:「(由哲学主导的)数学哲学如何可能?。

    An important problem arises from the subjects itself: How can I —— of anyone who is not a mathematician —— talk about this? What right has a philosopher to talk about mathematics?


  • 其次学校每一教育科目都是系统的,语文数学科学哲学

    Secondly, every subject of education in school is systematic, such as Chinese, mathematics, science and philosophy.


  • 视觉化对象归纳数学规律能力这样的问题一些优秀的诗人哲学都无法解答,又如何能让一个人找到那些问题的答案呢?这一点并不明朗。

    It's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.


  • 人类自由意志似乎是最难以处理哲学课题远非数学证明所能表达

    Human free will might seem like the squishiest of philosophical subjects, way beyond the realm of mathematical demonstration.


  • 世界不是最后定论你们记住哲学问题数学问题,因此没有答案

    The world is not the last word. You remember, it's not like a mathematical problem so there's no solution.


  • 查尼先生穿着流浪汉然而却是个深解人类多种领域学问大师包括科学数学哲学特别是犹太法典《塔木德》他都擅长。

    Chouchani dressed like a vagabond but was a master of vast areas of human knowledge, including science, mathematics, philosophy and especially the Talmud.


  • 这些哲学数学问题成了我们困惑

    These problems of philosophy and mathematics are personal riddles also; was it always just like this, and did we fail to notice?


  • 其他方法——数学证明档案研究哲学推理——切合时,科学精神就推崇那一方法。

    Where other methods - mathematical proof, archival research, philosophical reasoning - are more relevant it calls for them instead.


  • 1713年牛顿进一步阐发其经典代表作自然哲学数学原理”的证据与推理过程的注释里写道

    In the General Scholium (from the 1713 edition) of his masterpiece Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1686), Newton writes.


  • 高德完备定理像是非常有趣的关于逻辑和哲学数学定理,而不是严格意义上的科学但是整体上,这些逻辑和哲学与科学密切相关

    It is not strictly science, but rather a very interesting set of mathematical theorems about logic and the philosophy that is definitely relevant to science as a whole.


  • 领域先驱最早希腊数学哲学劳迪•托勒密(约公元90年~168年),历史托勒密

    At the forefront of the pioneers in the field was the Greek mathematician and philosopher Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. AD 90 ?168), more popularly known to history as Ptolemy.


  • 牛顿的研究成果1687年首次出版《自然哲学数学原理》一书发表。 在这本书里牛顿对以前科学家关心的大部分力学难题做出了解答

    The outcome was the famous "Principia Mathematica", first published in 1687, in which Newton presented solutions to most of the problems of motion that had concerned earlier scientists.


  • 一个哲学笛卡尔思考上帝万能时候觉得如果万能的上帝无法改变数学,那么便不能称为万能。

    And another philosopher, Descartes, in thinking about God's omnipotence, thought that it wouldn't be good enough if God as omnipotent couldn't change the facts of mathematics.


  • 建议比如孩子集合团队问题展开辩论可以他们轻松地掌握数学哲学中的抽象问题。

    He suggests, for example, that children may have an easier time learning abstract topics in mathematics or physics if they are put into a group and allowed to reason through a problem together.


  • 当时狄拉克同行们正在为他们公式哲学内涵争论不休,认为语言靠不住的理论物理上数学有着绝对的优势

    But while his colleagues struggled with the philosophical implications of their equations, Dirac thought words were treacherous and saw merit only in mathematics.


  • 笛卡尔除了哲学之外也是一位杰出的数学对于还记得这点来说以上这种偏见应该并不让人惊讶

    This bias shouldn't surprise those who remember that Descartes was a brilliant mathematician in addition to being a philosopher.


  • 艾萨克·牛顿爵士英国物理学家数学天文学家自然哲学炼金术以及神学家

    Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian.


  • 然而几乎任何学术追求都是如此这个方面哲学物理学文学批评计算机编程地质学数学或者历史不同之处。

    However, the same is true of almost any intellectual pursuit: philosophy is no different in this respect from physics, literary criticism, computer programming, geology, mathematics, or history.


  • 这些专业包括数学物理哲学语言学

    These majors include mathematics, physics, philosophy and linguistics.


  • 然后蒙卡拉马里人教给一代夸润人数学哲学科学其他文明社会基础知识

    The Mon Calamari then taught this new generation of Quarren mathematics, philosophy, science and the other foundations of civilization.


  • 阿基米德毕生从事哲学数学研究对于那个时代希腊人来说,体力劳动丢人的,他们厌恶看不起实验工作。

    Archimedes spent his life in philosophical and mathematical studies. To the Greeks of his day, manual labor was degrading, and they looked down upon experimentation with distaste.


  • 阿基米德毕生从事哲学数学研究对于那个时代希腊人来说,体力劳动丢人的,他们厌恶看不起实验工作。

    Archimedes spent his life in philosophical and mathematical studies. To the Greeks of his day, manual labor was degrading, and they looked down upon experimentation with distaste.


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