• 温暖情绪敏锐感觉增强记忆,使人心情愉快。

    The moon represents what you need, instincts, moods, and feelings.


  • 的翻译是:敏锐感觉精致妇女带来了观察特别具有异域风情图像色调

    His keen feeling and exquisite observation on women brought special exotic tint to the images.


  • 自信快乐可以仅仅身体敏锐感觉,身体的变化带给个人生活态度变化巨大的

    Change brought to the individual attitude to life by be confident and happy the change in your acute feeling, body to the body of being able to come only is gigantic.


  • 因此带着对武装冲突代价敏锐感觉来到这里的——心中充满有关战争和平关系以及我们和平取代战争而努力难题

    And so I come here with an acute sense of the costs of armed conflictfilled with difficult questions about the relationship between war and peace, and our effort to replace one with the other.


  • 哪个方向?前门可以看到多少野花?如果感觉足够敏锐就能毫不费力地回答这些问题

    Which way is the wind blowing? How many kinds of wildflowers can be seen from your front door? If your awareness is as sharp as it could be, you'll have no trouble answering these questions.


  • 特别是文化人和青年学生感觉敏锐首当其冲

    The most susceptible, and the first to be affected, are the intellectuals and the young students.


  • 我们敏锐意识感觉,在痛苦悲伤我们脸上展现时我们遭受的苦难。

    We are keenly aware of what it feels like to cry, of the suffering we feel in our face after many expressions of agony and sadness.


  • 由于发现张照片,马西亚尔的感觉好像敏锐了。

    As a result of his finding the photograph, Marcial's senses seem to have sharpened.


  • 情绪广度上也不如人类,部分是因为时间感觉敏锐它们几乎只能应付眼前发生的事情。

    Rather, their emotional range is more limited than ours, partly because, with little sense of time, they are trapped almost entirely in the present.


  • 话说,他们会本能地削减解决方案空间而且对于一部分有可能产生结果,他们感觉更加敏锐

    In other words they instinctively pare down the solution space and have a well-developed sense of which parts of it are most likely to yield results.


  • 神经元期刊里,科学家陈述道这个发现解释为什么盲人其他感觉器官更加敏锐他们常人拥有更强的听觉与触觉能力

    Published in the journal Neuron, the scientists say this finding helps explain why the blind have such advanced perception of these sensesabilities that far exceed people who can see, they say.


  • 不过即使感觉敏锐读者也不会为这负担感到承受过多因为即使是相当于整个图书馆容量的电子书重量不会超过一个DNA分子。

    But even the keenest readers are unlikely to suffer too much of a burden, as a full library of e-books weighs no more than a single molecule of DNA.


  • 六月一个典型傍晚大气平衡达到精细的程度,传导性也十分敏锐所以没有生命的东西也似乎有了两三感觉如果说没有五种的话。

    It was a typical summer evening in June, the atmosphere being in such delicate equilibrium and so transmissive that inanimate objects seemed endowed with two or three senses, if not five.


  • 回到座位,你头脑清醒一些,感觉也会更敏锐,这样也能再次面对无聊工作啦。

    When you sit back down, you’ll have the clear head and fresh feeling needed to power through the tough/boring task in front of you.


  • 如果坚持时间日记自己思想感觉更加敏锐——可能也包括弱点

    If you keep a journal regularly over a period of time, you're going to become more aware of your own thoughts and feelings -and perhaps your failings.


  • ——一些事例,说明了一些经历过创伤可以获得更加敏锐感觉,使他们能够具有预知和通灵的能力。

    There are cases going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies.


  • Rosemary观察感觉如此敏锐以至于读者们几乎忽视了不能讲话的事实。

    Rosemary's observations and feelings are so vivid the reader forgets that, by now, she cannot speak.


  • 但是有着非常敏锐感觉就像野生动物一样锋利可以有人靠近时候非常容易发现

    But she had a very keen scent, as wild animal shave, and could easily discover when human beings were near.


  • 警告那些手机用户,他敏锐感觉农村里一个极大障碍

    But he warned of a barrier to mobile phone take-up that is felt keenly in villages.


  • 金牛座五官感觉敏锐的金牛座最喜欢香味蜡烛之类的礼物。

    Taurus: Keenly tuned in to all five senses, Taurus appreciates things like bath salts and scented candles.


  • 因为精力用来试图抑制自己强烈情感了,以至于你的感觉敏锐了——对于真实发生事情注意力减少了。

    So much energy is spent trying to suppress the strong emotions that your sensory acuity is diminished - you are paying less quality attention to what is actually happening.


  • 回忆过去时候,我们变成了敏锐时间旅者,过往的那些情景声音事件感觉——白驹过隙一样。

    Thinking backwards we become sensory time travellers; recalling sights, sounds, events, emotions - all in the blink of an eye.


  • 步行感觉敏锐发觉周围生活丰富多彩。

    Walking stimulates the senses and enables you to enjoy a rich engagement with life around you.


  • 现在应该感觉更有活力,更加敏锐如果发现耳朵某个部位触即或者对触摸敏感,你可能愿意分钟时间针对这个给予温柔循环按摩

    If you notice some areas of your ears are sore or sensitive to touche you may wish to spend a few moments giving this spot a gentle circular massage.


  • 理论性设计师会是感觉敏锐的通才,有点法国哲学家但却并没有挽袖子准备异常激烈的辩论。

    Theoretical designers will be exquisite generalistsa bit like French philosophers, but ready to roll up their sleeves.


  • 野心勃勃的年轻人敏锐感觉到要想银行出人头地,就应为货币政策委员会工作埋头进行通胀预计

    Ambitious youngsters sensed that getting on at the bank meant working on the inflation forecast and serving the MPC.


  • 广告公司敏锐感觉刺激公众喜欢运动员推荐产品

    The AD companies have acute senses to activate the public to like the products the sports players recommend.


  • 视觉敏锐在于我们能够看到多少在于我们内心感觉

    Visual acuity does not lie in how much we can see, but in what we feel inside.


  • 心理医生伊莱恩·阿伦(ElaineAron)的研究证实了盖伊的预感,研究显示孤僻通常有着很高感觉敏锐

    Research by psychotherapist Elaine Aron bears out Guyer's hunch, demonstrating that withdrawn people typically have very high sensory acuity.


  • 他们的感觉非凡敏锐

    Their senses are miraculously acute.


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