• 只是项目经理必须理解三条关键原则,那样才能充分发挥敏捷力量从而改善项目的交付成果。

    There are, however, three keys that the project manager must use to successfully unlock the power of agile to improve project delivery.


  • 创建敏捷宣言之后:文化驱动力量

    After the Creation of the Agile Manifesto: Cultural-Driven forces.


  • 其他变化比如新的团队动力学team dynamics)以及重新定义业务分析师之类角色显示出采用敏捷背后真正力量

    Other changes, such as new team dynamics and the redefinition of roles such as the business analyst, show the genuine force behind Agile adoption.


  • 创建敏捷宣言之前技术驱动力量

    Prior to the Creation of the Agile Manifesto: Technology-Driven forces.


  • 凭借着宛若超人般的敏捷身手以及令人印象深刻上肢力量这位26岁的小伙子被盛赞为当代优秀的攀岩者。

    With his superhuman agility and impressive upper body strength, the 26-year-old has already been hailed the best climber of his generation.


  • 伟大的事业不是力气速度身体敏捷完成的,而是性格意志知识力量完成的。

    A great cause is not accomplished by speed and agility, but by the power of character and knowledge.


  • 决定职业力量影响战士圣骑士敏捷影响盗贼和猎人。

    It depends on your class. Strength affects Warriors and Paladins, while Agility is for Rogues and Hunters.


  • 意味着盗贼可能希望命中的宝石,可以选择插力量敏捷

    This means Rogues will likely socket for hit, while Druids socket for Strength or Agility.


  • 深入采访17敏捷宣言发起者中的12位为依据,我们将描述技术驱动的力量怎么会使得敏捷方法引起文化变革

    Based on in-depth interviews with twelve of the seventeen originators of the agile Manifesto, we describe how technology-driven forces led to the cultural change introduced by the agile approach.


  • 有趣是,敏捷强大的力量来自于其他准则的协同配合的重要意义

    Arguably, the greatest strength of agile stems from its emphasis on collaboration with other disciplines.


  • 一旦运动犹豫一个黑色标记了,所以速度力量敏捷美术作品的本质

    Once the brush movement hesitates, a black mark is created, so speed, strength and agility is the essence of fine artwork.


  • 除了自然速度敏捷力量可以认为他的方式靠近法院

    In addition to his natural speed, quickness and strength, he could think his way around the court or gridiron.


  • 骑手们在进行艰苦训练时所感受到新鲜敏捷速度充沛力量异常的感觉。

    When riders go into hard workouts feeling fresh and snappy the speeds and power produced and exceptional.


  • 强力神圣攻击造成270 - 288点伤害并且增加团队的勇气,提升力量敏捷体质10%伤害,持续2分钟

    Effect: a powerful divine attack that inflicts 270 to 288 damage and emboldens your party, increasing strength, dexterity, constitution by and damage by 10% for 2 minutes.


  • 强力神圣攻击造成368 - 392点伤害并且增加团队的勇气,提升力量敏捷体质10%伤害,持续2分钟

    Effect: a powerful divine attack that inflicts 368 to 392 damage and emboldens your party, increasing strength, dexterity, constitution by and damage by 10% for 2 minutes.


  • 强力神圣攻击造成475-503点伤害并且增加团队的勇气,提升力量敏捷体质10%伤害,持续2分钟

    Effect:A powerful divine attack that inflicts 475 to 503 damage and emboldens your party, increasing strength, dexterity, constitution by and damage by 10% for 2 minutes.


  • 时刻提醒自己工作不是力气速度身体敏捷完成的,而是性格意志知识力量完成的。

    I always remind myself: work cannot be done with strength, speed or agility but by the strength of characteristics, will and knowledge.


  • 惩戒骑士天赋辩护不再降低目标耐力或者智力可以正确地降低敏捷精神力量

    The Retribution Paladin talent Vindication no longer reduces the targets stamina or intellect but does correctly lower agility, spirit, and strength as mentioned.


  • 柔道运动智慧力量敏捷精神意志为一体的竞技对抗运动

    Judo is a competitive and Confrontational sport, which includes wisdom, strength, agility, competitive spirit and will.


  • 敏捷力量她拥有搜寻隐藏着的无价神器技能她的美貌上流社会的教养使她获得了许多崇拜者

    Her agility and strength give her the skill to collect well-hidden priceless artifacts while her beauty and high-society upbringing gain her many admirers in the tabloids.


  • 有些他们力量,有些给他们敏捷,有些给爪子,有些则给

    To some he gave strength, to some swiftness, to some claws and to some thick skin.


  • 这个可能,盗贼萨满需要敏捷的单手武器,战士和死使用带有力量的单手。

    This is unlikely. Rogues and shaman will want one-handers with Agility, while warriors and death knights will want them with Strength.


  • 不同种类敌人老板巨大各种重型武器一个规模速度敏捷-大的力量和武器系统

    Different kinds of Enemy Boss: gigantic one with all kinds of heavy weaponry to the one that is of your size, as fast and as agile as you are - but with MUCH larger power and weapon system.


  • 训练主要训练目的在于:提高力量耐力敏捷平衡能力,非常有利于提高人体肌肉力量和对改善人体心血管系统显著功效。

    Kettlebell workouts are intended to increase strength, endurance, agility and balance, challenging both the muscular and cardiovascular system with dynamic, total-body movements.


  • 卡伦令人羡慕盖尔敏捷雄厚技术力量创造力已经最新DVD舞蹈风格荟萃现代爵士嘻哈一个开始结束爆炸

    Karen Gayle with her enviable agility, solid technique and creativity, has put together a DVD of the latest in dance styles, a blend of modern jazz and hip hop, that is a blast from start to finish.


  • 卡伦令人羡慕盖尔敏捷雄厚技术力量创造力已经最新DVD舞蹈风格荟萃现代爵士嘻哈一个开始结束爆炸

    Karen Gayle with her enviable agility, solid technique and creativity, has put together a DVD of the latest in dance styles, a blend of modern jazz and hip hop, that is a blast from start to finish.


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