• 只有医疗保健公共事业联邦政府这些行业工资

    The only industries swelling their payrolls are health care, utilities and the federal government.


  • 如果不能兑现这些改革承诺,他将使政府处于危险境地

    He puts his administration at risk if he doesn't come through on these promises for reform.


  • 政府这些变化描述成重大改革。

    The government has presented these changes as major reforms.


  • 农民获得政府授权开发这些农场

    Farmers were granted concessions from the government to develop the farms.


  • 这些住房项目得到政府的补贴。

    The housing projects are subsidized by the government.


  • 政府及其反对者们竞相利用这些动乱取得利益

    The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage.


  • 政府努力推动,要选举前促成这些变革

    The government is pushing the changes through before the election.


  • 政府发表声明谴责这些凶杀事件

    The government issued a statement condemning the killings.


  • 政府宣称每月花费1.7亿美元维持这些矿井的运转。

    The government says it's no longer willing to spend $170 million a month to keep the pits open.


  • 政府至少道义上有责任回应这些问题

    Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions.


  • 其次我们需要强调政府这些问题发挥领导作用的必要性。

    Secondly, we need to underline the need for the government to take leadership on these issues.


  • 这些政府准备向交通系统投入大量资金维持运转

    You see, those governments are preparing to pour money into the transport system to keep it going.


  • 这些旨在降低政府成本措施切实可行的。

    These measures aimed at reducing government cost are practical.


  • 政府机构私营部门长期利用这些个人发展计划,雇员组织实现具体目标

    IDPs have long been used by government agencies and the private sector to achieve specific goals for the employee and the organization.


  • 但是回到伦敦观点没有得到一些英国政府成员的赞同,他们拒绝支持这些武器禁令

    But, back in London, her views were not shared by some members of the British government, which refused to support a ban on these weapons.


  • 教育部领导如果旅行教学大纲一部分,学校可以收取食宿费用而且接受政府资助学生需要支付这些费用

    The Department for Education's guidance says schools can charge only for board and lodging if the trip is part of the syllabus, and that students receiving government aid are exempt from these costs.


  • 这些趋势及其引起政治紧张局势的综合影响表明政府社会崩溃。

    The combined effects of those trends and the political tensions they generate point to the breakdown of governments and societies.


  • 如果许多人一样认为财富不平等根本上不好那么这些税收在改善社会的同时,充实了政府金库

    If you believe, as many do, that wealth inequality is inherently bad, then these taxes improve society while also swelling government coffers.


  • 话说,支持反对政府艺术提供资金争论如同拥有这些艺术品的艺术家个人风格一样纷繁复杂,且具有多样性。

    In other words, the arguments both for and against government funding of the arts are as many and, and as varied as the individual styles of the artists who hold them.


  • 奥巴马政府一个明确目标恢复大量就业岗位以及许多这些工作岗位所需众多技能

    A stated goal of the Obama administration is to restore a big chunk of this employment, along with the multitude of skills that many of the jobs required.


  • 政府投资这些书呆子不起作用吗?

    Wouldn't it work to have the government invest the nerds?


  • 政府投资这些痴迷研究的人难道不管用吗?

    Wouldn't it work to have the government invest in the nerds?


  • 为了缓解这些问题政府取消一些商品出口关税包括大米大豆以及其他一些动物产品

    Thein Sein said that to ease the problems, the government has removed export taxes on some items including rice, beans and other animal products.


  • 政府机构中的进行运作这些人中国家官员地方当局都是教育工作者不是商人政客

    The people in the government agencies running them, from national officials to local authorities, are educators rather than business people or politicians.


  • 在这里政府似乎是有意鼓励人们旅行、去使用这些飞机使用了大量石油

    Here the government seems quite deliberately to be encouraging people to, to travel, to use, and these jets use a heck of a lot of oil.


  • 希腊立法者没有批准这些条款,其中包括更多削减开支,增加税收政府资产私有化。

    Greek lawmakers have yet to ratify the terms—which include more spending cuts, tax hikes and theprivatization of government assets.


  • 这些学者认为即使十九世纪后期随着政府经济中的作用大大减弱自由放任政策也没有完全取得胜利

    These scholars argue that even in the late nineteenth century, with the government's role in the economy considerably diminished, laissez-faire had not triumphed completely.


  • 纵观历史各国政府出于各种各样原因保护促进森林扩张这些原因既有制造木制军舰需求,也有促进郊区房屋建设意愿

    Throughout history, governments have protected and promoted forests for diverse reasons, ranging from the need for wooden warships to a desire to promote suburban house building.


  • 事实上科学家已经掌握了评估生物控制蕨类植物影响需要大量信息但是这些信息在许多个人组织政府机构传播开来。

    In fact, scientists already have much of the information needed to assess the impact of biological control of bracken, but it is spread among many individuals, organizations, and government bodies.


  • 事实上科学家已经掌握了评估生物控制蕨类植物影响需要大量信息但是这些信息在许多个人组织政府机构传播开来。

    In fact, scientists already have much of the information needed to assess the impact of biological control of bracken, but it is spread among many individuals, organizations, and government bodies.


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