• 率性放手一搏反而取得了好的成绩

    He just fought without any further consideration, and got very good marks, contrary to all expectations.


  • 害怕失败而不敢放手一搏永远不会成功

    If you cannot put yourself in the battle of heights just because of the fear of defeat, you will never get success.


  • 没有粮草他们放手一搏,更可能直接退兵

    There is no food grass, they will give it a gamble and extra probably directly paint back troops.


  • 甚至失去要比得到的时候,她们倾向放手一搏

    Even when the amount they could lose outweighed the amount they could win, they chose to gamble.


  • 年长欧洲不如年轻人那样乐于放手一搏不过差距并不太大

    Older Europeans are less keen than the young on going it alone, but not by much.


  • 拥有罗兰德,先锋国际就可以农业的高科技市场放手一搏了。

    Owning Norand also allowed Pioneer to explore high-technology markets outside agriculture.


  • 与其去签署花大量时间谈论担心项目,不如自己放手一搏

    Instead of signing up to help with that new project you waste most of your time talking or worrying about is, and you get stuck in the "What ifs".


  • 拥有罗兰德,先锋国际就可以农业的高科技市场放手一搏了。罜。

    Owning Norand also allowed Pioneer to explore high-technology markets outside agriculture.


  • 拥有罗兰德,先锋国际就可以农业的高科技市场放手一搏了。羗。

    Owning Norand also allowed Pioneer to explore high-technology markets outside agriculture.


  • 除非愿意放手一搏害怕难堪地失败,不吝啬再一次尝试,你永远不会成功

    Unless you’re willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won’t happen.” ~Phillip Adams


  • 那么放手一搏还是等到年华老去,心中充满遗憾,孤独地迈向黄泉路?

    So, do you want to try, or wait to grow old, filled with regret, towards a funeral alone?


  • 朋友提醒留意这个广告,他们认识疯得可以而且愿放手一搏唯一

    A friend alerted me to the advert for Castaway, saying I'd be the only person they knew mad enough to give it a go.


  • 那么愿意放手一搏还是要等到年华去,心中充满遗憾孤单地迈向黄泉路?

    So do you want to take a leap of faith… or become an old man, filled with regret… waiting to die alone?


  • 如今我们又看到阵容完整米兰现在我们需要赛季欧洲冠军联赛席位放手一搏

    Today we saw a great Milan which could compete with everyone and now we must reach the objective of the fourth place to have a place in the next Champions League.


  • 比赛重要表现球队在比赛只有10分钟时仍能对教练放手一搏决定作出有效回应。

    The most important aspect of the game was that my team assumed its coach's risks with ten minutes left on the clock.


  • 无论高低贵贱,那些准备放手一搏白手起家、发家致富改变世界梦想家们依然其视为片热土

    And it's still a magnet for dice-rolling dreamers who want to start anew, make money and change the world, with or without pants.


  • 之后读到了一本书,讲的是父母留意自己不乱发脾气,当时我已经很绝望了,于是决定放手一搏

    Then I read about parents using mindfulness to keep from losing their temper and decided I was just desperate enough to give it a try.


  • 是不是觉得在做蠢事的时候,会想想说不定有机会逃脱干系,然后显得超酷,于是放手一搏了?

    Is it more like you think you're doing something really stupid, and then you weigh you chances of getting away with it and if they're better than ten percent, you go for it.


  • 杜兰出局铁板订订不过上月一场公开一队二对抗赛抢下22分恐怕让他还有放手一搏机会

    Durant is going to have to be mighty impressive to stay out of the final three cuts, but his 22-point performance in the team's public scrimmage last month has given him at least a fighting chance.


  • 随着20集团峰会举行的临近这些抗议者请求全球领导人跟随他们,“放手一搏”——做出冒险正确决定

    As the G20 summit approached, these protesters were calling on global leaders to follow their lead in 'taking a plunge' - and making risky, but right decisions.


  • 是因为2009年一季度里,持币幅度40%,股市持续疯狂时候没有随着主要指数顺势放手一搏

    That's because by being 40% or so in cash in the first quarter of 2009, I didn't take nearly as big a hit as the major indexes did when the market continued its swoon.


  • 但是,这时由于已经损失积蓄决定放手一搏项目投入更多,企图这些富余的资金扭转你的生意

    However, due to the sunk costs of your life savings, you feel committed to the business and invest even more money into the project hoping that the additional cash will turn the business around.


  • 然而如果B计划充满激情你同时又感觉大多数人更好能以之谋生的话为什么放手一搏呢?

    However, if your Plan B is something you’re passionate about and you feel you can do it better than most and make a living at it, why not give it all you’ve got?


  • 要想获得放手一搏机会一份精彩的简历必不可少,秘诀在于:摒弃陈词滥调取而代之罗伯•麦戈文所提倡的“成就型语言”。

    The secret to a CV that will give you a fighting chance: Learn to replace tired old words and phrases with what Rob McGovern calls "accomplishment-speak."


  • 因为最终无论追寻什么梦想什么目标,都花上一生的时间,为什么愿穷尽一生,放手一搏呢?不是场比赛,这一趟旅程旅途愉快。

    Because ultimately for any dream, for any goal, it takes a lifetime. And why wouldn't you wanna give it that? It's not a race, it's a journey, and enjoy the journey.


  • 因为最终无论追寻什么梦想什么目标,都花上一生的时间,为什么愿穷尽一生,放手一搏呢?不是场比赛,这一趟旅程旅途愉快。

    Because ultimately for any dream, for any goal, it takes a lifetime. And why wouldn't you wanna give it that? It's not a race, it's a journey, and enjoy the journey.


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