• 亲自组织反对大西洋倾倒放射性废料示威活动。

    I personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 安全地处理放射性废料需要极其小心

    Safe disposition of radioactive waste requires the greatest care.


  • 俄国最近通过准许进口放射性废料法律

    Russia recently passed a law allowing for the import of radioactive wastes.


  • 对运载着放射性废料卡车的称重是个必要的过程

    Weighting of radwaste machines is a necessary procedure.


  • 核工业所面临最大问题之一就是如何处理产生放射性废料

    One of the biggest problems the nuclear industry faces is what to do with the radioactive waste it produces.


  • 透露报纸文件声称是揭露放射性废料非法倾倒到此地一事。

    Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.


  • 核聚变过程无需放射性原料产生放射性废料,且能效奇高。

    The cold fusion process requires no radioactive materials, creates no radioactive wastes and is extremely energy efficient.


  • 团体声称这项计划未能保证放射性废料生成尽可能的地方受到管理。

    The group says the plan fails to ensure that radioactive waste is managed as close as possible to the site where it was produced.


  • 官员表示,位于华盛顿州的汉福德设施地下六个装有放射性废料容器发生泄漏

    Officials say there are now six tanks leaking radioactive waste at the Hanford nuclear reservation in Washington state.


  • 一些组织反对核电站因为它们会产生放射性废料如果发生事故可能会释放出放射性物质

    Some groups oppose nuclear power stations because they produce radioactive waste and could release radioactive material if there was an accident.


  • 放射性废料危险的,因为穿容器而且放射性强到在它旁边只需几天致命危险

    High-level waste is the most dangerous because it can melt through containers and is so radioactive it would be fatal if someone was near it for a few days.


  • 尽管核能已经投入使用近几十年了,但是没有哪个国家解决如何永久安全地处理放射性废料问题

    Despite decades of nuclear power use, no country has yet solved the problem of how to permanently and securely deal with radioactive waste.


  • 如今放射性废料处理方式水中冷却然后将其混入熔融态的玻璃中,接着倒入铁质容器。

    Today, high-level waste is dealt with by cooling it in water for several years and then mixing it into a molten glass, which is poured into steel containers.


  • 最近核潜艇下沉事件披露前苏联向北极北大西洋大肆倾倒放射性废料以前他们征询过同意?

    Who was consulted before the recently revealed sinking of the nuclear submarine Komsomolets, or the dumping of radioactive wastes by the Soviets in the Arctic and North Atlantic?


  • 其中有一些容器发生渗漏事故使得放射性废料流入环境以前的很时间里,人们相信废料问题已经解决

    For a long time it was believed that the nuclear waste problem had been solved, until some of these tanks leaked, allowing the radioactive waste to seep into the environment.


  • Demkowicz博士现在核反应燃料燃烧为约1%,所以就算燃烧率上提高不多,也减少放射性废料的排放。

    At present, says Dr Demkowicz, reactors burn only around 1% of their fuel, so even a modest increase in fuel burn would leave less radioactive waste.


  • 虽然在本周安全问题推到了头等大事,但许多观察员指出还有一个同等紧急问题,那就是核电站产生放射性废料如何处置。

    While safety concerns are at the forefront this week, many observers point out an equally urgent problem is what to do with the radioactive waste produced by nuclear plants.


  • 刚刚过去的暖冬科学家们有关气候变化灾难性警告使许多民众都相信,二氧化碳排放核电厂事故或者放射性废料危险的多。

    A warm winter, and dire warnings by scientists about climate change, convinced many that carbon emissions might be a bigger danger than nuclear accidents or radioactive waste.


  • 陶瓷材料可以安全地用于放射性废料的收集包装,而且对于有些有害废料采用陶瓷材料对其进行回收,用于无害消费品生产地砖等。

    Ceramics are used to encapsulate radioactive wastes safely, while hazardous wastes are being recycled with ceramic materials to produce harmless consumer products such as floor tile.


  • 放射性废料管理委员会本身只是一连串处理废料问题委员会之一;到底在哪里建立这么一个储藏库呢?这个细微的问题难倒之前的提出所有尝试的人。

    CORWM itself is merely the latest in a string of committees set up to deal with the problem; all previous attempts stumbled on the delicate question of where such a bunker could be built.


  • 但是约有百分之五反应堆废料放射性裂变产物包括其他锕系元素

    But roughly 5 percent of reactor waste is highly radioactive fission products, including plutonium and other actinides.


  • 图片报道俄罗斯河遭受放射性废料污染。

    PHOTOS: Russia's Radioactive river.


  • 燃料储量丰富,过程安全废料尽管放射性,但同裂变产生废料相比有害程度要多。

    The fuel is abundant, the process safe and the waste, though radioactive, is far less noxious than the stuff left over from fission.


  • 美国计划采用一个新的方法,将普通核电站所产生的废料放射性部分隔离快速反应堆中烧毁

    America plans to embrace a new approach in which the most radioactive portion of the waste from conventional nuclear power stations is isolated and burned in "fast" reactors.


  • 如果废料周围建造类似三维深沟地下水便被赋予一条替代路径,不会渗入放射性物质。

    If a cage of water -- sort of like a three-dimensional moat -- isbuilt around the sealed-off nuclear waste, the groundwater is given analternate path.


  • 例如马里兰州马萨诸塞州,有些患者放射性污染过废料投入垃圾堆,从而使运垃圾的卡车倾泻垃圾时响起了警报。

    In Maryland and Massachusetts, for example, patients have put contaminated items in the trash, and the trucks that collected it set off alarms at dumps.


  • 其他大量放射性材料废弃X光废料可能用于制造

    And that larger amounts of other radioactive material, from discarded X-ray machines to spent fuel, might be used to make a dirty bomb.


  • 包括最后制造过程及制造完成用于科学医学农业商业工业用途放射性同位素及其所产生废料

    But not including radioisotopes and the wastes thereof generated in the final process of fabrication and manufactured for scientific medical science agricultural commercial or industrial use.


  • 包括最后制造过程及制造完成用于科学医学农业商业工业用途放射性同位素及其所产生废料

    But not including radioisotopes and the wastes thereof generated in the final process of fabrication and manufactured for scientific medical science agricultural commercial or industrial use.


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