• 十一月份塞内加尔招待了内贾德公开承诺支持伊朗拥有核技术——用于和平目地。

    In November he hosted Mr Ahmadinejad in Senegal, publicly assuring him that he endorsed Iran's right to nuclear power-and accepted that this was for peaceful purposes only.


  • 此举支持伊朗长时间进行核投机立场,且以色列可能筹划场轰炸行动抗击伊朗浓缩设施

    The move could bolster Iran's position amid long-running speculation that Israel might stage a bombing raid against Tehran's nuclear enrichment facilities.


  • 哈姆将军这种支持包括武器材料”,但是没有详细叙述伊朗输送什么或者数量有多大

    General Ham says the support involves "weapons and material," but he did not provide details of what Iran sends or how much.


  • 呼吁阿拉伯国家支持脆弱中东和平会谈进程警告伊朗如果问题进行认真谈判,它将会面临持续不断国际压力

    He called on Arab states to support fragile Middle East peace talks and warned Iran that it would face sustained international pressure if it did not negotiate seriously over its nuclear program.


  • 据说伊朗如果相信某种理论总是可以找到大量支持该理论证据

    In Iran, it is said, you can always dredge up plenty of evidence to support any theory you care to believe in.


  • 也许最好结果就是形成僵局,伊朗会因而失去巴西埃及重要新兴国家支持

    Perhaps the best that can be expected is a deadlock in which Iran loses support from Brazil, Egypt and key emerging countries.


  • 第一问题中方一向主张通过对话谈判解决伊朗问题,中方却支持通过对伊实施制裁

    Q: Firstly, China always believes in resolving the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogues and negotiations but supports new sanctions over Iran.


  • 公开指责上周伊朗卫星发射俄罗斯支持强迫德黑兰改变举足轻重。

    He denounced last week's launch of an Iranian satellite and said Russian support was needed to force a change in Tehran.


  • 对“热爱发自内心的:甚至阐述伊朗政策时(他支持严厉制裁),他接了自己农场”打来的电话获知一个马驹流产后他轻轻地埋怨了一声。

    His love of horses is authentic: even as he explains his policy on Iran (he would support tougher sanctions), he takes a call from his farm, and swears softly on learning of a stillborn foal.


  • 这种情况下埃及利益在于提供给哈马斯足够支持阻止受到地区更为激进的国家影响例如伊朗

    In that context, Egypt's interest would be in providing Hamas with enough support to prevent it from coming under the influence of the more radical players in the region, such as Iran.


  • 通过伊朗保持亲密关系并且支持巴勒斯坦人,土耳其已经中东地区获得了影响力

    The country has gained influence in the Middle East by keeping cordial ties with Iran and standing up for the Palestinians.


  • 实施了新的友好政策之后奥巴马上台后的第二得到国际社会,比如说,在伊朗问题上,对其强硬态度的支持

    After a first year spent demonstrating a new comity, Obama has gained the global credibility to get tough - on Iran, for example - in his second year.


  • 看上去无视了伊朗核化威胁并为此饱受攻击之后他很快澄清了支持伊朗制裁以及甚至武力相威胁的做法。

    After seeming todismiss the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran and then taking heat for that, hequickly clarified that he supports sanctions against Iran and even the threatof military action.


  • 顺便说一下,伊朗支持哈马斯可能情况下,使哈马斯以色列之间的谈判更加困难

    Iran, by the by, still eggs Hamas on to make negotiations with Israel difficult if not impossible.


  • 但是一些人认为一旦美军离开伊拉克,伊朗支持组织失去他们号召力势力

    But others say that, once the Americans have left, Iran-backed groups will lose their appeal and clout.


  • 双方表示支持继续通过谈判解决伊朗问题

    Both sides indicated their support for the solution of the Iranian nuclear issue continuously through negotiations.


  • 阿特阿拉伯关注认为伊朗插手也门意在支持北部少数什叶派成员组成的叫Houthis反叛组织。

    Saudi Arabia has also been concerned by what it sees as Iranian meddling in Yemen in support of the rebellion by the Houthis (a Shiite minority in the north).


  • 谈到伊朗由于支持激进什叶派民兵武装而遭到的有力反击。他说德黑兰最好重新考虑自己邻国的作为。

    He spoke of a substantial backlash also against Iran's support of radical Shiite militias, and said Tehran would be well-advised to reconsider its behavior toward its neighbor.


  • 中俄两国过去曾经鼓励伊朗现在他们支持严厉制裁最后机会

    Russia and China have encouraged Iran; this is their last chance to back harsher sanctions.


  • 包括伊朗在内一些国家支持原油日产量减少200万桶或者更多

    Some countries, including Iran, advocate a cut now of two million barrels a day or more.


  • 将会进入那些伊朗圈套,那些人早已挑战者支持描绘成西方阴谋的工具

    That would play into the hands of those Iranians already trying to paint the challenger and his supporters as tools of the conspiratorial West.


  • 我们打击民兵受到伊朗支持因此伊朗准备破坏伊拉克稳定的努力

    The militias that we're fighting are backed by Iran, so this is an effort by Iran to destabilize Iraq.


  • 我们打击民兵受到伊朗支持因此伊朗准备破坏伊拉克稳定的努力

    The militias that we're fighting are backed by Iran, so this is an effort by Iran to destabilize Iraq.


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